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You are going to give a talk about your school I would like to tell you a few words about the Internet PART II. CONFERENCE PRESENTATION SUMMARIZING OF ENGLISH SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Chronological, Process, or Sequence Text 3. Composition of the text Unit 2. Guide: Writing Abstract Text 2. Abstracts in Scientific Literature Sample of an Abstract in Scientific Literature Samples of Structured Abstract Sample of Descriptive (Indicative) Abstract Text 5 . How to write a scientific abstract in six easy steps Precise – you use precise to emphasize that you are referring to an exact thing, rather than something vague Sample Summary: Detailed Summary Do not use personal pronouns (I, you, us, we, our, your, my) Informative/explanatory texts Task 1. Read the following definitions of computer terms; give their Russian equivalents Read the above text and fulfill the tasks Unit 5. Sample processing of Scientific Article Summary Research model and hypothesis Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) Skim the article you are going to summarize and divide it into sections. Focus on any heading and subheadings Supporting the hypotheses generated IV. Writing the Detailed Summary of the article “ How to make them use it? Citizens acceptance of M-government” The results of this research Why It Is Important for You to Present Your Data at Scientific Conferences Answer the questions in the quiz about body language. Sometimes more than one answer is possible In pairs, discuss the following questions Exercise 2.6. Complete the following sentences with the preposition in the box What do you think the effective ways of problem solving might be? Exercise 4.1. Now, read the text about visual aids Now, present the following sentences using approximations Exercise 4.9. Describe the following graphs using the words in Exercise 4.6 Exercise 6.1. Here is a text about how to deal with questions during the presentation. Read it and complete the sentences below Exercise 6.8. Here are extracts from different presentations. Choose the best response for each of the following questions. Explain why this response is the best one Exercise 7.2. Read the following advice about organizing your poster and label the paragraphs with the headings below Avoid white or light colored text and dark backgrounds The Main Elements of the Letter UNIT 2. Writing Style; Academic Titles and University Positions Comparison of Review Articles Published in Peer-Reviewed and Throwaway Journals How the Rules Work in Practice UNIT 5. RECOMMENDATION LETTER UNIT 1. Contract General Information UNIT 2. INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT UNIT 3. Activities After Reading The Agreement UNIT 4. Extension Activities THE WORK WITH ENGLISH PATENT SPECIFICATIONS Answer the following questions: II. Complete Description of Invention Related U.S. Application Data BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Work with Lexical and Stylistic Exercises DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS UNIT1. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF GREAT BRITAIN Common Geographical Characteristics of the Country (General Survey) Division into the Regions. Place-names of the British Isles Major Religions in the World UNIT 5. ECONOMY OF GREAT BRITAIN General Characteristics of Cultural Life and Leisure in the United Kingdom Country, State, Flag, Population Common Geographical Characteristics of the Country: UNIT 3. HISTORY OF THE USA IN BRIEF UNIT 4. RELIGIONS IN THE USA UNIT 7. LANGUAGES IN THE USA PART I. SUMMARIZING OF ENGLISH SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Academic vocabulary and academic word lists (Awl) II. Topic Introduction (Topic, Subject, Matter) IV. Theoretical Basis (Study, research, theory, hypothesis, approach )                                                                                                                VII. Reasoning (Arguing, Discussing) Electronic health records and computer-based clinical decision support: are we there yet? Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System VIRTUAL REALITY APPLICATION IN MEDICINE Abstract Similarity Analysis Cybercrime against individuals New RoboBee flies, dives, swims and explodes out the of water Useful Words and Phrases of Scientific Communication at a scientific meeting, conference, round-table discussion, symposium, colloquium, seminar, session, congress, etc EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT GLOSSARY Коды ИНИД основных элементов библиографических данных патентных описаний Synonyms and Lexical Unites Used as Synonyms in Communicative Blocks of Patent Specification Обзор существующих моделей параллельного программирования AIMS - Automated Instrumentation and Monitoring System Pablo Performance Analysis Toolkit Software Основные характеристики производительности Методика отладки эффективности Характеристики выполнения программы на каждом процессоре Findet die kleine Eule eine neue Heimat? ( Даша А .) Kann HIV ganz geheilt werden? ( Денис ) Silicon Valley - what is that? The HP Way - an example of corporate culture for a whole industry Importance of military funding First products - Moore's Law Cooperation with IBM in the 1980s The emergence of the PC industry Turbulences in the early 1980s Кафедра эксплуатации и обслуживания информационных систем УГС:09.00.00 Информатика и вычислительная техника Принцип работы ЖК – монитора Диагностика и устранение неисправностей Монитор не включается. Индикатор питания не светится Кафедра эксплуатации и обслуживания информационных систем УГС:09.00.00 Информатика и вычислительная техника Принцип работы ЖК – монитора Диагностика и устранение неисправностей Монитор не включается. Индикатор питания не светится Кнопки панели управления не функционируют You are going to give a talk about travelling Современные процессоры Intel и AMD Функции и строение процессора Особенности и различия процессоров Intel и AMD Новые разработки компаний Intel и AMD Intel Pentium 4 Extreme Edition How businesses are classified? Self-service stores came to Britain after the Second World War, and Jack Cohen opened the first Tesco self-service store in St Albans in 1948 Closer to home, in 1997 Tesco purchased 109 stores in Ireland, which gave the company a market leadership both north and south of the border What is the comment Tesco has to its customers? Figure 1.5: Developing a human resources plan Function 1.7: Line authority in a production department Figure 1.8: Types of business culture Staff                                     Subordinates                                Staff Opened and restricted channel of communications Figure 2.0: Example of vertical and lateral communication within Tesco Product Evaluation and Quality Assurance within Tesco plc Turnover, profits and market share of Tesco in 1999-2000 Purpose of the distribution department The impact of ICT on internal and external communications Radio frequency communications are also used in the checking in of goods Over 10 million customers, over 60,000 products and 586 stores The ProgreSS system runs on an RS6000 machine Многозадачный режим работы «Пользователя» Чтобы выполнить статистические вычисления Рисование произвольной линии Поиск определенных символов или слов BIOS: Базовая система ввода-вывода CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor - Дополнительные пpедустановки Дополнительные опции CHIPSET Auto Interleave - автоопpеделение чеpедования сектоpов Блок центрального процессора Назначение выводов БИС КР580ВК28 Назначение выводов БИС КА573РФ1 Назначение выводов БИС КР580ВИ53 Что такое администрирование системы в процессоре 386? Обслуживание, администрирование и сопровождение Создание файловой системы s5 Повреждение файловой системы Этап 1: Контроль блоков и размеров Этап 2: Контроль полных имен файлов Этап 4: Проверка контрольного счета Этап 5: Проверка списка свободной памяти Использование команды fsck для проверки файловой системы ufs Этап 1: Контроль блоков и размеров Этап 2: Проверка полного имени пути Этап 4: Проверка подсчета ссылок Командные файлы конфигурации мониторов порта Управляющий файл монитора порта Текстовый редактор (тр) MS Word . Основные приемы, применяемые при создании текста. Создание и печать текста Изменение стиля начертания символов Слово «документ» происходит от латинского dokumentum –свидетельство. «Словарь русского языка» так объясняет значение этого слова: Общая характеристика установки Состав лабораторного макета и его функциональная схема Внимание. Волокно с адаптером требует бережного обращения. Запрещается поднимать адаптер за волокно ВСЕ ПЕРЕКЛЮЧЕНИЯ СВЕТОВОДОВ ПРОИЗВОДЯТСЯ ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЕМ Внимание. Волокно с адаптером требует бережного обращения. Запрещается поднимать адаптер за волокно При измерении числовой апертуры световодов микрообъектив телекамеры должен быть обязательно снят Пункты 1 и 2 выполняются преподавателем FURTHER EDUCATION AND                       CAREER PROSPECTS How do you adapt a novel into a script? Exercise 8. Look through the helpful hints given by prominent filmmakers to beginners. Which of them correspond exactly to what you feel? Comment on them, give your own arguments Peter Debruge, Chief International Film Critic Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps to have collocations from the article Film, TV and Digital Media Programs and Degrees What You Can Become. Career Prospects Exercise 17. What do these acronyms stand for? Browse through the article again to find their full version and translate them into Russian Exercise 25. Familiarise yourself with the rules of SoP writing INTERNET: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Exercise 7. Translate into English Exercise 1 3 . Translate into English Exercise 21. Translate into English using the proper form of Complex Object Exercise 31. Write out the advantages and disadvantages of Internet from Exercise 22 Exercise 37. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your arguments Exercise 42. Match the words from the two columns to make collocations Create a website that best represents your short film Exercise 47. Translate into Russian Film Industry Is Affected by Digital Media Exercise 2. a ) Before reading the article brainstorm ideas on what makes a movie a commercial hit Exercise 10. Look at the English film terms and make your own examples with them Exercise 16.Complete with a verb from the list in Present Perfect Continuous What Makes a Successful Movie? Exercise 25. Answer the following questions. Discuss the answers Exercise 31. Choose the correct option Instead of the infinitives in brackets Exercise 39. Match the synonyms While skimming, count paragraphs to grasp the text organization. Does the number of paragraphs correspond to the number of plan points? TYPES OF THE SOCIO-CULTURAL FORMATIONS Ability to generate complicated internal structure of own socio-cultural space, as a response to demands from the outside (existence of an internal buffer zones) Ability to conduct wide-scale economic actions of sabotage aimed against socio-cultural competitors PERIODS OF THE SOCIO-CULTURAL SYSTEMS' EVOLUTION APPENDIX 4. PERIODS AND SUBPERIODS IN THE SOCIO-CULTURAL SYSTEMS’ EVOLUTION NUMERICAL SYMBOLS: THE MOST IMPORTANT RIVERS Romanian - Bulgarian - Moldavian region Коммуникативное пространство Составляющие внешности специалиста по PR Динамика внешности – жесты, стиль, мимика, Verwirrung um die Pille - ein Faktencheck ( Маша ) Kann HIV ganz geheilt werden? ( Лиза ) Hartes Training ist noch keine Computerspielsucht ( Алина ) Geistig fitter im Sommer ( Аня ) Описание используемых элементов Генератор тактовых импульсов КР580ГФ24 Контроллер прерываний КР580ВН59 Микросхема дешифратора К155ИД3 Построение схем дешифрации адресов памяти Организация и применение микропроцессорных систем обработки данных и управления Логическая структура микропроцессорной системы Логическая структура универсального программируемого контроллера Логическая структура развитой микропроцессорной системы Схемы и принцип работы контроллера последовательно-параллельного интерфейса Прием-передача последовательных информационных сигналов Логическая структура микропроцессорной системы на основе комплекта БИС секционного микропроцессора Комплект БИС для построения электронной системы Области применения микропроцессорных вычислительных средств Кафедра: Программное обеспечение ЭВМ и информационные технологии Классификация драйверов Windows XP Процедуры обработки пакетов IRP Функция обработки пакетов IRP MJ READ Обработка остальных пактов IRP Установка драйвера в системе Программа для установки драйвера Интерфейс управляющего приложения Describe pedagogical sciences Describe the Cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Identify its levels Describe the main provisions of behaviorism. Explain its influence on teaching at the HEI Compare teacher-centered approach and student-centered approach to teaching and learning at HEIs Justify the use of lecture at HEIs Explain why constructivism is considered as foundation for student-centered approach to teaching and learning Explain the importance of the Cognitive Domain of Bloom's Taxonomy for teaching in higher education institutions Reveal significance of psychology as a science Allocate specific branches of psychology Contribution of I.P. Pavlov's physiological achievements to psychology's scientific bases Describe specifics of gestalt-psychology Discuss a principle of determinism in psychology Discuss an issue of psyches origin in the process of evolution Describe basic functions of human consciousness (purposive, combination of knowledge, stating relations, self-establishing) Denote regulative phenomena in the functional system of psyches Differentiate various reasons of classifying types of thinking Explain significance of intercourse (communication) issue in psychology and its basic phenomena Discuss an issue of individuality and personality in modern psychology Describe origin and development of temperament theory (Hippocratus, Galhen, I.P. Pavlov) Reveal psychological nature of character and its development Denote natural pre-conditions and psychological nature of abilities and gifts formation and development Reveal significance of psychology as a science Allocate specific branches of psychology Contribution of I.P. Pavlov's physiological achievements to psychology's scientific bases Describe specifics of gestalt-psychology Discuss a principle of determinism in psychology Discuss an issue of psyches origin in the process of evolution Differentiate various reasons of classifying types of thinking Explain significance of intercourse (communication) issue in psychology and its basic phenomena
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