Thinking is a process of the cognitive activity of an individual, characterized by a generalized and mediated reflection of reality. The following types of thinking are distinguished: verbal-logical, visual-figurative, visual-effective. There are also theoretical and practical thinking, theoretical and empirical, logical (analytical) and intuitive, realistic and autistic (associated with escape from reality into internal experiences), productive and reproductive, involuntary and arbitrary. Consider some of these types of thinking.
Visual and effective thinking
Thinking is visual-effective - one of the types of thinking, characterized by the fact that the solution of the problem is carried out with the help of a real, physical transformation of the situation, testing the properties of objects. The elementary forms of the thinking of n. -D, observed in higher animals, were studied by I.P. Pavlov, V. Köhler, N.N. Ladigina-Kots and other scientists. In a child Thinking n. forms the first stage of development of thinking. In an adult person Thinking n. coexists with visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking.
Visual and imaginative thinking
Thinking visual-figurative - one of the types of thinking. Associated with the presentation of situations and changes in them. With the help of Thinking n. most fully recreated the diversity of the various actual characteristics of the object. In the image can be fixed at the same time the vision of the object from several points of view. An important feature of Thinking n. is the establishment of unusual, "incredible" combinations of objects and their properties. In this capacity, Thinking n. almost indistinguishable from the imagination. Thinking n. - one of the stages of ontogenetic development of thinking.
Verbal-logical thinking
Verbal-logical thinking is one of the types of thinking characterized by the use of concepts, logical constructions. Thinking s.-l. It functions on the basis of language means and represents the latest stage of historical and ontogenetic development of thinking. In the structure of Thinking s.-l. various types of generalizations are formed and function.
Theoretical thinking
Theoretical thinking is a type of thinking based on isolating and analyzing the basic initial contradiction of the situation or problem being solved. The search for a means of resolving a contradiction leads to the formation of a method of action, the latter allows solving entire classes of problems. Thinking t. Is based on the analysis of the internal characteristics of the studied phenomena, allows you to mentally change the object of study and thereby most fully study it, revealing the internal characteristics and relationships. Thinking t. Differs from empirical thinking, based on the synthesis of sensually perceived visually given properties and relationships. Thinking t. Characteristic of scientific activity.
Practical thinking
Practical thinking is one of the types of thinking, which is usually compared with theoretical thinking. The thinking of a company is connected with the setting of goals, the development of plans, projects and often takes place in the conditions of time shortage, which sometimes makes it even more complicated than theoretical thinking.
Creative thinking
Creative thinking is one of the types of thinking, characterized by the creation of a subjectively new product and new growths in the very cognitive activity of its creation. These tumors relate to motivation, goals, ratings, meanings. Thinking is different from the processes of applying ready-made knowledge and skills, called reproductive thinking.
Pragmatic thinking
Prological thinking - the early stage of development of thinking, in which the formation of its basic logical laws has not yet been completed: the existence of causal relationships has already been realized, but their essence appears in a mystified form (introduced by L. Levy-Bruhl). Phenomena correlate on the basis of a cause — a consequence, and then, when they simply coincide in time. The partisation (participation) of events, contiguous in time and space, serves in Mind as the basis for explaining most of the events taking place in the outside world. At the same time, a person appears closely connected with nature, especially with the animal world. When thinking, natural and social situations are perceived as processes occurring under the auspices of and in opposition to invisible forces. The generation of Myshlegia p. Is magic as a common attempt in primitive society to influence the world around, based on the ownership of phenomena.
Дата: 2019-05-29, просмотров: 277.