Reveal significance of psychology as a science.
Psychology - the science of man, his spiritual essence and psyche in their development and in all the variety of forms.
General psychology is a fundamental discipline that studies the general laws of cognitive processes and conditions and the general mental properties of an individual.
The path of development of psychological science was more difficult than the development of other sciences, such as physics or chemistry. Understanding the reasons for this difference is not difficult. Indeed, as is well known, the objects of physics, chemistry, and other natural sciences are somehow visible, tangible, material. Psychology deals with a substance, which, although it constantly reveals itself, nevertheless acts as a special reality of a higher level and differs from material reality by its invisibility, intangibility, and non-materiality.
It was this distinction, which created the difficulties of fixing psychological phenomena, and from the very beginning it complicated the development of psychological knowledge, its transformation into an independent science, since its object itself for a long time seemed elusive, mysterious.
Describe scientific problems of modern psychology.
American psychologist Stephen Pinker notes that psychologists often ignore the content of emotions and do not take into account the ability of the mind to handle different categories of the latter differently. So, according to Pinker, theories of memory and thinking do not distinguish considerations about people from considerations about stones or buildings; theories of emotions do not see the difference between fear and anger, jealousy and love; social relations theories make no distinction between family, friends, enemies, and strangers. Pinker points out that topics such as love, hate, food, sex, status, power, envy, friendship, religion, etc., are practically not covered in psychology textbooks [19].
One of the most prominent and authoritative critics of psychology was a Russian physiologist, Nobel Prize winner Ivan Pavlov [source not specified 328 days]. Studying the work of the nervous system, Ivan Pavlov always sought to study it with the strict methods of natural science, as he himself repeatedly expressed, namely “strictly objectively”. Academician criticized psychology as a science due to the lack of methods, clear categories and concepts [source not specified 328 days]. For example, in one of his lectures, I. P. Pavlov wrote about obstacles related to psychological science [20]:
Allocate specific branches of psychology.
Psychology is a science that studies the patterns of the origin, development and functioning of the psyche and mental activity of a person and groups of people. Unites in itself humanitarian and natural-science approaches
Modern psychology is a multi-disciplinary science. Branches of psychology are relatively independent developing directions. They are conventionally divided into fundamental (general) and applied (special).
Applied are called branches of psychology that are of practical importance. Such industries include, for example, educational psychology, developmental psychology, differential psychology, social psychology, political psychology, clinical psychology, legal psychology, economic psychology, military psychology, art psychology, creative psychology, sports psychology, and many others.
The essence of the principle - the consciousness is formed in the process of activity and is the inner side of the activity that performs regulatory functions. Therefore, consciousness and activity are inseparable and represent a single act of interaction with the environment.
The principle of determinism was formulated by Rubinstein and is a reaction to mechanical (Laplace) determinism: knowing the movement of all points in the universe, one can determine the location of a certain point.
The essence of the principle:
external influences, before determining the behavior of a person, are refracted through his psyche and only after that the influence becomes the cause of human behavior
the psyche is formed under the influence of influences.
formed by the influence of the psyche can choose the forces that will affect it
Reveal significance of psychology as a science.
Psychology - the science of man, his spiritual essence and psyche in their development and in all the variety of forms.
General psychology is a fundamental discipline that studies the general laws of cognitive processes and conditions and the general mental properties of an individual.
The path of development of psychological science was more difficult than the development of other sciences, such as physics or chemistry. Understanding the reasons for this difference is not difficult. Indeed, as is well known, the objects of physics, chemistry, and other natural sciences are somehow visible, tangible, material. Psychology deals with a substance, which, although it constantly reveals itself, nevertheless acts as a special reality of a higher level and differs from material reality by its invisibility, intangibility, and non-materiality.
It was this distinction, which created the difficulties of fixing psychological phenomena, and from the very beginning it complicated the development of psychological knowledge, its transformation into an independent science, since its object itself for a long time seemed elusive, mysterious.
Дата: 2019-05-29, просмотров: 248.