Psychology is a science that studies the patterns of the origin, development and functioning of the psyche and mental activity of a person and groups of people. Unites in itself humanitarian and natural-science approaches
Modern psychology is a multi-disciplinary science. Branches of psychology are relatively independent developing directions. They are conventionally divided into fundamental (general) and applied (special).
Applied are called branches of psychology that are of practical importance. Such industries include, for example, educational psychology, developmental psychology, differential psychology, social psychology, political psychology, clinical psychology, legal psychology, economic psychology, military psychology, art psychology, creative psychology, sports psychology, and many others.
Define research subject of psychology.
Subject of psychology. The subject of psychology is understood differently in the course of history and from the perspective of various areas of psychology. For modern psychology, the search for the subject of psychology is still relevant.
1.Soul (all researchers before the beginning of the XVIII century)
2. Phenomena of consciousness
3. Direct experience of the subject (structuralism - Wilhelm Wundt)
4. Adaptability (functionalism - William James)
5.The origin of mental activities (psychophysiology - Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov)
6. Behavior (Behaviorism - John Watson)
7. Unconscious
8. The processes of perception, formation and processing of images and the results of these processes
9. Problems of human existence (humanistic psychology)
10. Information processing processes by the information system “brain”, human cognitive abilities.
11. According to V. Mazilov, it is advisable to consider the inner world of a person to be the subject of scientific psychology.
Distinguish research object and subject sphere of modern psychology.
Psychology is a science that studies the patterns of the origin, development and functioning of the psyche and mental activity of a person and groups of people. Unites in itself humanitarian and natural-science approaches
The subject of psychology is understood differently in the course of history and from the perspective of various areas of psychology. For modern psychology, the search for the subject of psychology is still relevant.
The object of psychology is a combination of various carriers of psychic phenomena, the main of which are behavior, activity, and relationships among people in large and small social groups.
Define links between psychology and other sciences.
Psychology has a connection with both the natural and the humanities. The link between psychology and the natural sciences is based on the biological nature of man. However, the peculiarity of a person is that he is a social being, whose mental phenomena are largely socially determined. For this reason, psychology is usually attributed to the humanities [7]. A distinctive feature of psychology is the coincidence of the object and subject of cognition, that is, the need to use reflection as a tool for the study.
Interrelation of psychology and modern sciences.
Philosophy Edit
Questions of psychology have long been considered in the framework of philosophy. Only in the middle of the XIX century, psychology became an independent science. But separated from philosophy, she continues to maintain a close relationship with her. Currently, there are scientific problems that are studied both by psychology and philosophy. These problems include the concepts of personal meaning, goals of life, worldview, political views, moral values, and more.
Дата: 2019-05-29, просмотров: 229.