Exercise 7.2. Read the following advice about organizing your poster and label the paragraphs with the headings below
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

§ References

§ Acknowledgements

§ Materials and Methods

§ Title

§ Literature review

§ Author Name(s) and Affiliation(s)

§ Discussion

§ Introduction

§ Results

1 _____Describe the research project briefly and concisely using a short phrase that forecasts what the research study is about. The title should be no more than two lines.

2 _____Include the name of each author on the line underneath the title. Include each author’s institutional or organizational affiliation on the next line. If more than one author has the same affiliation, you only need to list the institution or organization once.

3 _____Introduce the specific research question, explain why the question is important, state the purpose of the study.

4 In the _____ of a research report you should discuss the published, peer-reviewed studies that other researchers have already conducted related to your research question or topic. Then explain how your project addresses what is still not known about the research question or topic. You will need to carefully select and discuss the most relevant sources to frame your project.

5 _____ section should explain:

o What you did to conduct your research project, and

o How you did.

Researchers in your field want to know detailed information about your materials and methods to ensure that your research approach is sound. In a research report, you would need to provide enough detail that your readers could repeat the study. In your poster, however, you won’t have the space to provide this level of detail. Much like in the Introduction, you’ll need to decide what your audience most needs to know about your methods, and then streamline that information. Use visuals, if possible, to show key features of your methodology.

6 _____Show the results/major findings of your research project using visuals—charts, graphs, maps, drawings, photographs. The Results is usually the longest section of a scientific poster.

7 _____explain and interpret the results/major findings. Forecast the next steps for research in the field. What should future research on this topic focus on?

8 _____ many science and engineering research projects receive grant funding. List any organizations that provided funding for the project and include the grant number. This section can also be used to acknowledge other project contributors and/or advisors. Students often use this section to acknowledge their faculty advisor here.

9 _____ include full citation information for all of your sources. Cite references in the citation style used in your field. APA (American Psychological Association) is commonly used in the social sciences, and CSE (Council of Science Editors) is commonly used in scientific disciplines. Check with your professor, advisor, or another professional working in your field to determine the correct style.

Read & Reflect

Useful Information Before creating your poster, carefully analyze: Ø What do your readers already know about the topic or research question? Ø What do they not know? Ø What do you want your readers to know or think or believe about your research project after reading your poster? Ø What information do you need to provide to ensure that you achieve your purpose? The purpose of scientific posters is to: inform your readers about your research study, and persuade your readers that your research question and findings are important and interesting (you’ll also want to persuade expert readers that your study fits in with existing research in the field, addresses a gap in scientific knowledge, your methodology is sound, the results are valid and important to the field, and finally, that future research should take a specific direction).

Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 393.