Synonyms and Lexical Unites Used as Synonyms in Communicative Blocks of Patent Specification
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Синонимы и лексика, используемая в качестве синонимов, в различных коммуникативных блоках патентного описания

Синонимические ряды частотной патентной лексики.

Изобретение                                                       недостаток

1. application                                                       1. default

2. contribution to the art                                     2. defect

3. concept                                                           3. deficiency

4. current


6. discussion

7. disclosure                                                        4. detriment

8.. discovery                                                        5. Disadvantage

 9. invention                                                       6. drawback

10. inventive teaching                                         7. fault

11. novel                                                             8. failure

12. teaching                                                         9. nuisance

13. object                                                            10. weakness

14. specification

15. subject


Цель                                                                   иметь цель, ставить целью

1. aim                                                                 1. to aim

2. concept                                                          2. to be concerned

3. concern                                                          3. to be directed

4. essence                                                           4. to be intended

5. motive                                                            5. to comprise

6. need                                                               6. to propose

7. object                                                             7. to provide

8. objective                                                        8. to relate

9. principle                                                         9. to seek  

10. purpose

11. subject


Повысить КПД                                                

1. to aid                                                                 

2. to belte                                                             

3. to enhance                                                         

4. to improve                                                         

5. to increase                                                       

6. to raise

Частично устранить недостаток                  устранить недостаток

1. to alleviate                                                     1. to cure

2. to improve                                                     2. to deal with

3. to lessen                                                         3. to do away with eliminate

4. to mitigate                                                      4. to get rid of

5. to overcome                                                   5. to improve

6. to reduce                                                        6. to meet

7. to relieve                                                        7. to obviate 

                                                                           8. to overcome

                                                                           9. to remedy

                                                                          10. to remove

                                                                          11. to solve

                                                                          12. to surmount


Сущность изобретения                                   объем изобретения

1. character                                                       1. ambit

2. contemplation                                                2. breadth to

3. essence                                                          3. extend

4. genus                                                             4. limits

5. gist                                                                5. precepts 

6. intendment                                                     6. preview

7. nature                                                            7. range

8. spirit                                                              8. realm

9. substance                                                      9. scope

10. tend                                                            10. sphere


пример осуществления                                специалист


1. adaptation                                                    1. an engineer

2. alternation                                                    2. a person active in that field

3. arrangement                                                 3. a reader

4. change                                                          4. a skilled person

5. construction                                                  5. a worker in this field

6. development                                                 6. one acquainted with the art

                                                                             to which this invention pertains

7. equivalent                                                     7. one conversant with the art

8. embodiment                                                  8. one familiar with the art

9. form                                                              9. one having ordinary skill in the art

10. modification                                              10. one skilled in the art

11. ramification                                               11. one versed in the art

12. revision


14. variant

15. variation


Родственная заявка                                       по пункту

1. cognate                                                         1. as claimed in claim

2. concurrent                                                    2. as defined in (by) claim

3. companion                                                   3. as described in claim

4. copending                                                    4. as recited in claim

5. pending                                                        5. as set forth in claim

6. related                                                          6. in accordance with claim

                                                                         7. in claim

                                                                         8. of claim


"относиться" – синонимы к слову to relate

1. to appertain to                                              8. to deal with

2. to be                                                             9. to be directed to

3. to be for                                                       10. to be related to

4. to be concerned with                                   11. to be relevance to

5. to comprise                                                 12. to pertain

6. to concern                                                   13. to provide

7. to consist in                                                 14. to refer to





MODULE № 1 (Great Britain)

Variant I

Task 1. Answer the questions

1. What symbols of Britain do you know?

2. Who use slang terms for the English (“Sassenachs”, “Les Rosbifs”, “Limeys”)?

3. What links England to Europe?

4. What are the most famous English schools and when were they founded?


Task 2. Decide whether the given statements are true or false.

1. Boxing Day is the second day of Christmas.

2. The House of Lancaster and the House of York were symbolized by a white rose and a red rose respectively.


Task 3. Explain the given terms

Hastings, Greenwich, Big Ben, Mumbles


Task 4. Match the events in the first column to the dates in the second column.

1. The Romans led by Julius Caesar landed in Great Britain.                              1839-1902

2. The Victorian Era.                                                                                             1491-1547

3. The Elizabethan era.                                                                                          1750

4. The beginning of the Industrial Revolution.                                                     1533-1603

5. The rule of Henry VIII                                                                                       55-54 BC           



MODULE № 1 (Great Britain)

Variant II

Task 1. Answer the questions

1. What islands does not Great Britain include?

2. What is the population of England?

3. What traces of the Romans’ presence in Great Britain do you know?

4. What important event marking a new era happened in the 11th c?


Task 2. Decide whether the given statements are true or false.

1. William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, and Ben Johnson all wrote during the Victorian Era.

2. Bank Holidays do not include Easter Monday.


Task 3. Explain the given terms

The Picts, the Welsh Dragon, Lions of Anjou, Boudicca.


Task 4. Match the events in the first column to the dates in the second column.

1. The uprising of Celts against the Romans led by Boudicca.                              1485

2. Christianity arrived in Britain.                                                                            1096

3. The foundation of Oxford University                                                                 1-2 nd c.AD

4. The first English Parliament                                                                               1265

5. The end of the Wars of Roses                                                                             61-62 AD



MODULE № 1 (Great Britain)

Variant III

Task 1. Answer the questions

1. What is the difference between two names of the UK flag?

2. What are the principal geographic characteristics of England?

3. What were the most ancient tribes on English Territory?

4. What were the reasons for the Civil War in 1642 in England?


Task 2. Decide whether the given statements are true or false.

1. Hadrian’s Wall defended the southern British provinces and marked the boundary between England and Scotland.

2. Elizabeth I was the first monarch to use the title Empress of India.


Task 3. Explain the given terms

Druids, Albion, Claudius, the Iceni


Task 4. Match the events in the first column to the dates in the second column.

1. Winston Churchill was made war leader                                                            1066

2. The English Civil War                                                                                        1707

3. The Battle of Hastings                                                                                        1660

4. The restoration of monarchy                                                                               1940

5. The Union Flag was adopted                                                                              1642


MODULE № 1 (Great Britain)

Variant IV

Task 1. Answer the questions

1. What alternative names for England do you know?

2. What climate is in Great Britain?

3. Who were the invaders after the Romans?

4. Who are the most famous monarchs of the Tudor dynasty and what are they famous for?


Task 2. Decide whether the given statements are true or false.

1. The Pope as the head of the church separated from Rome during the reign of King Henry VII.

3. The Presbyterian Church is the official state church in England.


Task 3. Explain the given terms

Presbitarianism, the counties, Limeys, the Blitz


Task 4. Match the events in the first column to the dates in the second column.

1. The beginning of undivided Saxon rule in England                                                 793

2. The Roman Occupation began                                                                                   829

3. BBC was established by a Royal Charter                                                                 1534

4. The Viking raid on the monastery at Lindisfarne                                                      43AD

5. Separation of the English Christian Church from Rome                                           1927



MODULE № 2 (The USA)

Variant I

Task 1. Answer the questions

5. What is the name of the USA?

6. How did the European colonization of the Americas change the lives and cultures of the Native Americans?

7. What Americans icons can you name?


Task 2. Decide whether the given statements are true or false.

3. The USA is the largest country in the world.

4. Eastern American pronunciation resembles the South England people’s speech.


Task 3. Explain the given terms

Boston Tea Party, Old Glory, the Ivy League, Stars and Stripes.


Task 4. Match the events in the first column to the dates in the second column.

1. First English Settlement at Jamestown                                                             1776

2. The Constitution of the US was written                                                            1801

3. The American Congress declared independence                                               1876

4. Battle of Little Bighorn                                                                                     1787

5. The Louisiana Purchase                                                                                     1607     

MODULE № 2 (The USA)

Variant II

Task 1. Answer the questions

5. What types of landscapes are there in the USA?

6. Who were the first European settlers of America and when did they arrive on the American coast?

7. What are the main parties and governmental institutions of the USA?


Task 2. Decide whether the given statements are true or false.

3. Broadway is a major shopping street in New York City.

4. American English is an English dialect.


Task 3. Explain the given terms

The Trial of Tears, the Founding Fathers of the US, the Big Apple, Turkey Day.


Task 4. Match the events in the first column to the dates in the second column.

1. Columbus discovered America                                                                             1830

2. The Indian Removal Act                                                                                       1861

3. The beginning of the Civil War                                                                            1492

4. Thomas Jefferson became the 3-rd president                                                        1848

5. A “gold rush” began in California                                                                         1801

MODULE № 2 (The USA)

Variant III

Task 1. Answer the questions

5. What types of climates are there in the USA?

6. What did Europeans bring to America for the Native Americans?

7. What world famous American personalities can you name?


Task 2. Decide whether the given statements are true or false.

4. Columbus was the first European to reach America.

5. The Mormon religion is in Utah.


Task 3. Explain the given terms

 The Testaments, the Louisiana Purchase, Abolitionists, a melting – pot


Task 4. Match the events in the first column to the dates in the second column.

1. First voyage to the New World by Amerigo Vespucci                                                         1901    

2. Arrival of the Pilgrims on board of Mayflower                                                                   1497

3. The American Revolution began                                                                                             1620

4. Abe Lincoln became the president of the US                                                                       1775

5. Theodor Roosevelt became President                                                                                   1860

MODULE № 2 (The USA)

Variant IV

Task 1. Answer the questions

5. What is the population of the USA?

6. What was the main purpose of the American Revolution?

7. What are the holidays celebrated only in the USA or originated from them?


Task 2. Decide whether the given statements are true or false.

1. American English is a separate language.

5. There are no national holidays in the US.


Task 3. Explain the given terms

The Monroe Doctrine, the Pilgrims, the Navy Jack, King James Version


Task 4. Match the events in the first column to the dates in the second column.

1. The Gadsdan Purchase (from Mexico)                                                              1957

2. The Bill of Rights became a law                                                                        1773

3. The Boston Tea Party                                                                                         1853

4. The Korean War                                                                                                 1791

5. The Vietnam War                                                                                               1950



Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 321.