The results of this research show that independent variables (perceived usefulness, social influence, cost of service, perceived ease of use and perceived trust) has significant direct effect on the citizens’ behavioral intention to use mobile government and indirect effect on the actual use behavior. Among all those affects, social influence has the strongest effect on the user’s intention to use mobile government.
A. Wider implications.
This study will help the public organizations and governments to gain more understanding about what drives the development and acceptance of mobile government services.
b) Contribution to the previous studies.
This study contributes to the previous studies by analyzing the effect of social influence, perceived usefulness, cost of service, perceived trust and perceived ease of use on behavioral intention to use mobile government.
c) The perspectives of study.
In our future research, we are going to study the mediated factors that might affect the citizens' acceptance of mobile government.
Pick out from the previous thesis plan the relevant information for the detailed summary and write it down.
Almarashdeh, I., . Alsmadi, M. K. (2017). How to make them use it? Citizens acceptance of M-government. Applied Computing and Informatics , 13(2), 194-199. Retrieved from
With the evolution of mobile technologies and its applications, more and more government agencies encourage citizens to use mobile government services, which have potential to facilitate the citizens life by saving the physical efforts and enhancing the citizen’s accessibility to online services. Since the user acceptance is one of the critical success factors of mobile government this study aims to measure it by investigating the important factors that play a main role in the citizen’s perspective. On the basis of existing technology acceptance models and theories (TAM and UTAUT) is developed an evaluation framework which includes such causal-related model factors as: social influence, cost of services, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, behavioral intention.
An evaluation framework is developed on the basis of existing technology acceptance models and theories (TAM and UTAUT). It includes such model factors as: social influence, cost of services, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, behavioral intention. Then the researcher conducts reliability tests for each construct to assess the goodness of measure, and indicate accuracy in measurement. The total reliability test of the 28 items (the questionnaire items available in the Appendix) used in this study is 0.902 which shows well-structured data. For analyzing the validation of the structured two models were used: measurement model and the structural model (SEM AMOS 18), the later is the best for analyzing the strength of casual relationship of the constructs. The paths analysis shows that all model hypotheses are supported and have significant affect at the 0.01 level. Thus the proposed framework is empirically tested by structural equation modeling using data collected from a structured questionnaire.
The results of this research show that independent variables (perceived usefulness, social influence, cost of service, perceived ease of use and perceived trust) has significant direct effect on the citizens’ behavioral intention to use mobile government and indirect effect on the actual use behavior. Among all those affects, social influence has the strongest effect on the user’s intention to use mobile government.
The authors consider that this study will help the public organizations and governments to gain more understanding about what drives the development and acceptance of mobile government services and they are going in their future research to study the mediated factors that might affect the citizens' acceptance of mobile government.
V. Tasks
Task 1. Make up your own summary to the above article. Compare it with the previous one and give your explanation.
Task 2. Give your variants of compressed summary, what information can be omitted while making the more general summary.
Task 3. Make up informative and indicative abstracts of this article. Compare them with the Abstract for this article.
Task 4. Take the English journal article in your field of study and make up the summary of it.
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4. Chernyiy A.I. Podgotovka baz dannyih i informatsionnyih izdaniy po estestvennyim i tehnicheskim naukam: sovremennyiy vzglyad i perspektivyi / A.I. Chernyiy // po inform. – 2000. – # 2. – S. 3–12.
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19. Kolodyazhnaya, Zh.A. Osnovnyie ponyatiya ob annotirovanii i referirovanii nauchnyih dokumentov / Zh.A. Kolodyazhnaya // Istochniki nauch.-tehn. Informatsii i ih analitiko-sinteticheskaya obrabotka. – m., 2002. – S. 25-45.
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21. Leonov V.P. Referirovanie i annotirovanie nauchno-tehnicheskoy
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22. Markushevskaya L.P. Annotirovanie i referirovanie: metodicheskie rekomendatsii dlya samostoyatelnoy rabotyi studentov / L.P. Markushevskaya, Yu.A. Tsapaeva. – SPb. : SPb GU ITMO, 2008. – 51 s.
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27. OsnovnI metodi avtomatizovanogo referuvannya [Elektronniy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu :
28. Osnovyi informatsionno-bibliograficheskoy kulturyi [Elektronniy resurs] // Tsentr informatsionno-bibliotechnogo obespecheniya uchebno-nauchnoy deyatelnosti NIYaU MIFI, distantsionnyiy kurs NIYaU MIFI. – Rezhim dostupu:
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30. Simonsen, S. (1996). Identifying and Teaching Text Structures in Content Area Classrooms. In D. Lapp, J. Flood, & N. Farnan (Eds.), Content Area reading and Learning: Instructional Strategies (2nd ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
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UNIT 1. Giving a Scientific Presentation at a Conference
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