Exercise 10. Look at the English film terms and make your own examples with them
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


blockbuster   a movie that is popular and makes a lot of money “Titanic” is one of the most successful blockbusters that has ever been made.
bomb a movie that is not popular and makes little money That movie is a bomb. It isn’t worth seeing. Even though the studio spent $50 million on that movie, it was a bomb.
coming attraction   the advertisement for a new movie that tries to make people interested in seeing it A: I really like watching the coming attractions, to get an idea of which movies I want to see. B: Really? I hate those!
screen adaptation   a movie based on a book The screen adaptations of the Harry Potter books have been excellent. The worst type of movies are screen adaptations, because they are never as good as the books.
flick   a movie Do you want to catch a flick tonight? Have you seen any good flicks lately?
give something two thumbs up   show that you thought a movie was excellent A: Did you enjoy the movie “Inception”? B: For sure! I give it two thumbs up. A: Okay, maybe I’ll go and see it then.
gripping   very interesting The last book I read was so gripping that I couldn’t put it down. I thought the movie “Inception” was really gripping. I couldn’t stop watching it!
hype   a lot of positive publicity A: Have you seen “Titanic”? B: No, I usually avoid movies that have too much hype. Should I see it? A: No.
live up to expectations   be as good as someone thought something would be I thought the movie was going to be better than that. It totally didn’t live up to my expectations.
mind-blowing   overwhelmingly amazing or impressive The Niagara Falls are mind-blowing. They are definitely the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
plug something   advertise something Beer companies always plug their products during sports events.
sold out have no more tickets available The show last night was sold out, so I couldn’t go.
upcoming soon to happen The upcoming Olympics will be exciting.
write-up   a review of a product, movie, restaurant or other kind of entertainment A: Do you want to go to that new movie, “The Devil Wears Black Pants”? B: No, not really. A: Why not? B: I’ve read the write-up. It got terrible reviews.

Exercise 11. Fill in the missing prepositions where necessary. 

1. We are looking … new sources … revenue.

2. You will benefit … his good example.

3. In “The Virgin Spring” the father takes revenge … his daughter’s killers.

4. “I’m not in this world to live … … your expectations and you’re not in this world to live … … mine.” (Bruce Lee)

5. There isn’t much interest … the news programmes     … the part … younger people.

6. The euro dropped … value … the foreign exchange markets … last Tuesday.

7. How is that relevant … our discussion?

8. The prize was a reward … all his hard work.

9. As a writer you always have to be very careful not to sacrifice … character to the needs … plot.

10. Contrary … popular belief, Shakespeare’s plays are full … prose.


Exercise 12. Match the synonyms.

1. bomb                              A. advertise

2. endureB.  profit

3. contraryC. failure

4. plugD.   wonderful

5. write-up E.  exciting

6. grippingF.  hug

7. liveuptoexpectationsG. wish

8. benefitH. publicity

9. particularlyI. survive

10. embraceJ.  satisfy

11. hypeK.  catastrophe

12. mind-blowingL.  especially

13. enhanceM. opposite

14. disasterN.  review

15. desireO.  intensify




I. Для того, чтобы поставить глагол в PresentPerfectContinuous, требуется вспомогательный глаголtobe в PresentPerfect и действительное причастие (форма V-ing) смыслового глагола.

To be в Present Perfect имеетдвеформы:

· Havebeen – 1 и 2 лицо ед. ч. и все формы мн. ч.

· Has been – 3 лицоед. ч.

Действительное причастие (ParticipleI) можно получить, прибавив к начальной форме значимого глагола - ing:jump – jumping, live – living.


I have been playing We have been playing
You have been playing You have been playing
He / she / it has been playing They have been playing

Вопросительные предложения:

Have I been playing? Have we been playing?
(How long) Have you been playing? Have you been playing?
Has he / she / it been playing? (What game) Have they been playing?

Отрицательные предложения:

I have not been playing We have not been playing
You have not been playing You have not been playing
He / she / it has not been playing They have not been playing

II. PresentPerfectContinuous указывает на действие, которое началось в прошлом, продолжалось в течение некоторого времени и либо закончилось непосредственно перед разговором, либо всё ещё продолжается в момент разговора.

· Действие, которое началось в прошлом, продолжалось в течение некоторого времени и всё ещё происходит в момент разговора:

Theworkershavebeentryingtomoveourwardrobe for half an hour, go help them. –
Рабочиевотужеполчасапытаютсясдвинутьнашшкафсместа, помогиим.

· Действие, которое началось в прошлом, продолжалось в течение некоторого времени и закончилось непосредственно перед разговором:

Do you like this cake? I have been baking it since morning. –Тебенравитсяэтотпирог? Я


                                                                                                 пекла его с самого утра.


Exercise 13. Enjoy!

                                                In the Shadows

lyrics by “The Rasmus”


No sleep,
No sleep until I am done with finding the answer.
Won’t stop,
Won’t stop before I find a cure for this cancer.
I feel like going down and so disconnected.
I know that I am haunted to be wanted.


I’ve been watching,
I’ve been waiting
In the shadows for my time.
I’ve been searching,
I’ve been living
For tomorrows all my life.

In the shadows
In the shadows

They say
That I must learn to kill before I can feel safe.
But I
I’d rather kill myself than turn into their slave.
I feel that I should go and play with the thunder.
I just don’t wanna stay and wait for a wonder.

I’ve been watching,
I’ve been waiting
In the shadows for my time.
I’ve been searching,
I’ve been living
For tomorrows all my life

Lately I’ve been walking walking in circles, watching, waiting for something.
Feel me, touch me, heal me, come take me higher.

I’ve been watching,
I’ve been waiting
In the shadows all my time.
I’ve been searching,
I’ve been living
For tomorrows all my life.
I’ve been watching
I’ve been waiting

I’ve been searching …





Exercise 14. Make sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous using for / since

If necessary.

1. I / study English/ two years.

2. You/ read that novel / months.

3. You/ wait/ a long time?

4. How long / she/ live there?

5. How long / she/ stay in that hotel?

6. I/ rent this flat / about three years.

7. How long/ they/ go out together?

8. The lift / not work/ 10 pm.

9. She / not teach aesthetics / a long time.


Exercise 15. Use the verbs in brackets inPresent Perfect Continuous.

  1. I’m tired. I ......................(work) on the shooting schedule all afternoon.
  2. The owners..........................(restore) the old house since last year.
  3. I think Maggie and Max are dating. They...........................(go) out together a lot recently.
  4. We know a perfect place to have a rest and we .......................(go) there a lot for some years now.
  5. What ...............................(you / do) for such a long time?
  6. Sue .........................(not / feel) too well lately.
  7. Where have you been? I..................................(wait) for ages.
  8. He...................................(write) his essay since early morning.

Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 263.