This article uses a standard format and has nine major sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Research model and hypothesis, Research method, Data analysis, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.
Briefly look at each section to identify:
• general information about the study (motivation of the study, general purpose, objective, main points (sometimes a thesis) ( stated in the Abstract and Introduction)
• the hypothesis (–es) or research questions (in the Introduction, in the Research model and hypothesis)
• the test of the hypothesis, including the sample, variables and operational definitions, and the procedures used (in the Research method)
• the findings (in the Data analysis, in the Results, including tables and figures)
• how the findings were interpreted (in the Discussion)
• the inferences and pragmatic implications ( in the Conclusion).
II. Reading for depth
1. Read the Abstract and try to highlight some of the key points of the article. Underline the topic sentences and put the key words in bold. Define the rhetorical status of the text fragments.
Sections of Article | Aspects of Rhetorical Status |
Abstract With the evolution of mobile technologies and its applications, more and more government agencies are putting forth a huge effort to encourage citizens to use mobile government services. Hence, the citizens’ opinion is important to enhance the services and improve their engagement in the government services. Hence, this study has critically reviewed and explored the existing technology acceptance models and theories in order to develop an evaluation framework. The proposed framework is empirically tested by structural equation modeling using data collected from a structured questionnaire. Furthermore, the validated research model contains important variables to ensure the acceptance of mobile services. We hope that the implications of this study will help the public organizations and governments to gain more understanding about what drives the development and acceptance of mobile government services. | Introduction to the topic of the article Aim of the study Validation of research model Conclusion |
2. Skip to the conclusion to find out where the proposed research ends up and identify the main argument or position of the article. Underline the topic sentences and put the key words in bold. Compare the key points of this section with those in the Abstract.
6. Conclusion This study has critically reviewed and explored the existing technology acceptance models and theories. The related important factors of the existing technology acceptance models are discussed in view of developing mobile government services and then integrated into the proposed research model in order to measure the user’s acceptance of mobile government services. The proposed model attempts to measure the acceptance of mobile government among citizens using SEM AMOS18 to test the research hypotheses. The results of this research show that independent variables (perceived usefulness, social influence, cost of service, perceived ease of use and perceived trust) has significant direct effect on the citizens’ behavioral intention to use mobile government and indirect effect on the actual use behavior. Among all those affects, social influence has the strongest effect on the user’s intention to use mobile government. These implications indicate that perceived trust in technology is the key for gaining the social intention to use mobile government services. Furthermore, we hope that the implications of this study will help the public organizations and governments to gain more understanding about what drives the development and acceptance of mobile government services. Since this research is limited to a few factors, we believe that measuring the effect of perceived risk in the user acceptance of mobile services will bring valid result for the future research. | Aim of the study The results of this research Conclusions |
3. Scan the argument. Continue reading through the various segments of the journal article, highlighting main points discussed by the authors. Focus on key concepts and ideas that have been proposed, trying to connect them back to that main idea the authors have put forward in the beginning of the article. Underline key sentences or write the key point of each paragraph in the margin. Remember to focus on the parts of the article that are most relevant
Introduction Through the rapid growth of information technology and the demand for effective and efficient government services, the governments have adopted e-governments to provide online services and more information to citizens, businesses, government agencies and others [1,2]. Thus, one of the most popular technology is the mobile technology which is significantly changing communication, learning activities and most importantly changing human–computer interaction [3] . Mobile government is an important case for the citizens because it has the potential to facilitate the citizens life; by making the government services available on the mobile phone instead of them using the traditional way of visiting the government agency and offices to fill the forms, request information or apply for a service which requires a lot of efforts and more time to be wasted traveling to the agency location. Making the government services available on phone and accessible anywhere and anytime, saves effort of traveling physically to the government agency. It's just the future of every service in our daily life. Mobile government helps to enhance the citizen’saccessibility to online services and facilitates the traditional ways of tasks performing by the government agencies. For instance, citizens using mobile government can respond first to instant information about traffic accidents. Police or agency inspectors can use Smartphone or PDA to submit report or data back to home offices while they are still in the accident’s location [4]. In addition, governments can use the mobile services to provide emergency-related information (about homeland security, wildfires, natural disasters) to citizens [1]. One of the critical success factors of mobile government is the user acceptance [8]. This study aims to measure the users' acceptance of mobile governments by investigating the important factors that play a main role in the citizen’s perspective. | Background of the study 1. Literature review 2. Motivation of the research a) Saving the physical efforts b) Enhancing the citizen’s accessibility to online services Aim of the study |
2. Research model and hypothesis Measuring user acceptance is one of the most known approaches that have been used to discover the suitability of the provided system or application. In the field of user behavior, there are two models that have been used popularly namely: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) [9] and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) [10]. 2.1. Social Influence (SI) The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) indicate that social influence (SI) is an important factor that determines technology usage and acceptance. Consequently, the following hypotheses are proposed: H1a: Social influence will have a positive effect on behavioral intention to use mobile government services; H1b: Social influence will have a positive effect on usage behavior of mobile government services. 2.2. Cost of Service (CS) The cost of service might affect user’s access to the government services and information either positively or negatively. Also, the cost of services must reflect the value of the specific services. H1a: Cost of services will have a negative effect on behavioural intention to use mobile government services. 2.3. Perceived Trust in Technology (PTT) PTT plays a vital role in reducing perceived risks of using new technologies, especially for transactions involving uncertainty. Since the adoption of mobile government is still in the early stage in some countries, the users are not clear about the technical capability of their service provider to provide m-service and about the security and reliability of the provided services [16]. H3: Perceived trust in technology will have a positive effect on behavioral intention to use mobile government services. 2.4. Perceived Usefulness (PU) PU focused on the importance of the provided information. Its concerns are on how meaningful, informative, relevant, important, significant and helpful is the information or services for user’s decision [18,19]. H4: Perceived usefulness will have a positive effect on behavioral intention to use mobile government services. 2.5. Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) PEOU is common factor employed widely in the investigation of the acceptance of new proposed technology [20]. In past studies’ results, PEOU has an indirect effect on behavioural intention to use new technologies and a direct effect on attitude toward using technology [19–21]. H5: Perceived ease of use will have a positive effect on perceived usefulness of mobile government services. 2.6. Behavioral Intention (BI) BI is a major factor aims to predict the user intention to using the new technology again. This predictor assumes that behavioural intention will have a positive effect on attitude toward using the proposed technology [22]. A user’s intention to use the mobile government service is related to real usage of the services [14,23]. The user’s intention commonly is represent the user’s loyalty which is depends on several factors such as social influence, perceived trust and ease of use. H6: Behavioral intention will have significant effects on the usage behavior of using mobile government services. | Models used to measure user acceptance Hypothesis generated H1a/1b. Social influence effect on behavioral intention to use mobile government services and on usage behavior of mobile government services H 2. Cost of service influence effect on behavioural intention to use mobile government services H3. Perceived trust in technology influence effect on behavioural intention to use mobile government services H4. Perceived usefulness influence effect on behavioural intention to use mobile government services H5. Perceived ease of use influence effect on perceived usefulness of mobile government services H6. Behavioral intention influence effect on the usage behavior of using mobile government services |
3. Research method The research method explains a few aspects about the data collected for this study and the sample profile. 3.1. Data collection Young citizens are the important target of this study due to their familiarity with the new technology of mobile devices and wireless technology. This study adopted a set of questionnaire raised by past research and studies, as well as concerns mentioned in the literature related to this study [14,24–26]. The survey items are measured using 5 point-Likert-scales ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The data were collected randomly from 468 citizens who have used, or have interest in using, mobile government. The researcher then conducted reliability tests for each construct to assess the goodness of measure, and indicate accuracy in measurement.The questionnaire consisted of 7 sections. The first section collected the demographic data while the next sections elicited information about the factors used in the research model (Questionnaire items are provided in the appendix). | Young citizens as the important target of this study Aspects of the questionnaire |
4. Data analysis AMOS is the most widely used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to validate the structured data. AMOS version 18.0 was used in this study to analyze the hypotheses generated. We conducted 2 types of analysis; the first was the analysis of the measurement model while the second was the analysis on the structural model as recommended by the literature [27]. 4.1. Measurement model The total reliability test of the 28 items (the questionnaire items available in the appendix) used in this study is 0.902. According to Hair et al. (2010), the reliability of 0.70 or above is considered to be acceptable data structured [28]. Hence, as can be seen from Table 2, the reliability test shows values above 0.70 for all constructs which shows well-structured data. Table 2 shows the mean value and the reliability test for all items and constructs (every construct contains 3 items minimum) used in this study. 4.2. The structural model Using the SEM analysis technique provides the researchers with different methods of analysis such as confirmatory factor analysis, latent variable analysis, path analysis, linear structural relation analysis and covariance structure analysis [27]. Therefore, SEM is the best for analyzing the strength of casual relationship of the constructs. Table 3 below summarizes the fit indices used to observe the structural model as recommended by the previous studies [29].The result in Table 3 shows that all measures are above the recommended values which indicate a good model fit. The paths analysis shows that all model hypotheses are supported and have significant affect at the 0.01 level. |
Two types of analysis for
Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 286.