UNIT 1. Contract General Information
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

In modern civil law contracts (agreements) are supposed to be the variety of a transaction. Any contract is a legally assigned agreement; a result of an offer to conclude a transaction and its acceptance. However, for the agreement to have its legal force, it should meet a number of other requirements. These requirements imply the following: the parties shall express their intention to enter into legal relationships; the parties shall be capable to conclude the contract (i.e. they shall have the authority to be liable, shall be of the full legal age, be mentally healthy and sober at the moment of making a contract); an agreement shall meet all formal legal requirements; an agreement shall be legal.

In writing an agreement has a rigid structure. It consists of a number of clauses (статья, оговорка) that contain all information concerning the entitlements and obligations of the parties.

The language of the business contract is very formal. A great variety of formal words which are rarely used in general English is used here. The function of these words is to increase precision and avoid ambiguity. Some of them are given below:


Informal Style Formal Style


indicate                                             begin                                                 use explain advantage perform end relevant ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® set forth commence employ construe preponderance implement terminate applicable


                 Compose your own sentences using the formal words from the given above.

Besides, the English of business contracts is full of archaic words. They make the language of the contract rather concise and accurate. Here are some examples of such words and word-combinations:

Hereto - to this - к настоящему документу
Whereas - taking into account - принимая во внимание

Herein – this; in this document – настоящий; в настоящем документе

Hereinafter  - in the following part of the document - ниже; в дальнейшем

Hereinafter referred to as – named further in the text – именуемый в дальнейшем

Thereby - by that - посредством которого; в связи с этим
Whereof - of which - из чего; откуда

IN WITNESS WHEREOF (always in capital letters) - testifying as a witness – в удостоверение чего


                 Memorize the archaic words. Translate the following sentences.

1. The subject of the herein Agreement deals with the execution of due papers required for services supply.

2. The Parties hereto agree that the Agent shall act as a representative of the Tour Operator.

3. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.

4. This contract is made between Frontier Oil Corporation (London), hereinafter referred to as Sellers and Ales Groupe (Paris) hereinafter referred to as Buyers, whereby it is agreed as follows… .

5. The Parties shall not be liable for the non-performance of their obligations hereunder or under any Contract.

In legal English two synonyms can be used together. It is especially an outstanding characteristic of contracts, for by using it, ambiguity can be avoided or reduced. It can be seen in the following sentence: The Company agrees that any such document already in existence shall be null and void.

                 Find synonymous pairs that are frequently used in the text of the contracts.

term true power identify complete valid altered modification agree have hold define full authority effective condition covenant amended correct alteration

The text of contracts contains a number of set phrases and word-combinations, in Russian “стандартные формы”, which invoke difficulties in translation. Here are some of them: for good ( valuable ) consideration * – в целях надлежащего (ценного) встречного предоставления, in good faith – добросовестно, to act in good faith – действовать добросовестно (с благими намерениями), good-faith negotiations – добросовестные переговоры, promises and mutual covenants – исходные предпосылки и взаимные обязательства, subject to – с соблюдением.


* "предоставление" - по российскому праву; "удовлетворение" - по англо-американскому праву.

  Доктрина встречного удовлетворения является одной из наиболее характерных особенностей англо-американского права. Согласно этому принципу, обещание выполнить обязательство считается безвозмездным и ничтожным, если не предполагает ответной услуги (встречного удовлетворения) со стороны лица, которому было дано данное обещание. Лицо, получившее обещание об исполнении в свою пользу обязательства, должно, со своей стороны, в ответ взять на себя все риски, связанные с материальным или правовым ущербом.


               Fill in the blanks with the phrases given above .


1. The Parties shall enter into ___________.

2. The Company can agree that chemicals may be used __________ the following principles.

 3. ________, the Company shall sell Goods on the following terms and conditions.

4. The Parties of the herein Contract agree that they have a common interest in working together _________.

5. In consideration of _________ contained herein the Parties hereto agree as follows.

  A distinctive feature of texts of contracts is the use of Latin words, which are employed frequently in legal documents. Quite often they are given in italics. Here is a list of Latin expressions you may come across; try to memorize them:


Table 1. Latin Expressions

Expression Meaning Translation
a priori ad hoc ab initio ad infinitum de facto in loco inter alia per se post factum pro rata reasoning that precedes for this special object from the beginning forever existing by fact instead of in particular smth considered alone smth that has happened   in proportion априори; заранее на данный случай с самого начала до бесконечности фактически вместо в частности само по себе постфактум; задним числом пропорционально



              Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Latin words. 1. The Agreement requires the Company, inter alia, to employ the seafarers on the terms and conditions of an ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) approved agreement.

2. When a seafarer is landed at any port because of sickness or injury, a pro rata payment of the basic wage shall continue.

3. The Agreement that is unlawful is void ab initio.

Besides, the text of legal documents contains a number of Latin abbreviations. They can be as follows:

  Abbreviation cf. e.g. etc. ib./ibid. i.e./ie N.B./NB v.s./vs./vs viz.   Full Form confer exempli gratia et cetera ibidem id est nota bene versus Videlicet Meaning compare for example and so on in the same place that is note well against namely Translation сравни например и так далее там же то есть обратите вниманиe против а именно

                 Complete the sentences choosing the appropriate Latin abbreviation from the chart below:

1. The term of force majeure circumstances shall imply any natural disaster, war conflict, embargo, acts of any governmental authorities, …

2. If the Agent is declared a bankrupt, … its assets get under the management of a receiver, then, notwithstanding the normal payment procedure stipulated herein, all money amounts shall be paid to the Tour Operator immediately.

3. Should any circumstances arise, which prevent the complete or partial fulfillment by any of the Parties of their respective obligations under this agreement, …: fire, ice conditions, military operations of any character, the time stipulated for the fulfillment of the obligations shall be extended for a period equal to that during which such circumstances last.

4. Payment for the goods sold under the present Contract is to be effected out of the confirmed Letter of Credit. … The Letter of Credit is to be opened not later than 15 days before the agreed time of shipment of each lot of the goods.


viz.           etc.          N.B.                  i.e.               cf.                    v.s.        




Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 283.