Staff                                     Subordinates                                Staff
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

relationships                                                                          relationships

                  Figure 1.9: Communication network



Communication channels and methods

The communication channel refers to the means by which information is communicated. The actual choice of communication channel depends upon a combination of:

· the need for an immediate feedback or response

· costs

· speed and urgency

· the number and location of the people who need the information

· the degree of confidentiality and security required

· the desired degree of formality

· convenience

· the complexity and amount of detail to be conveyed

· the type of information to be communicated

· the need to keep a record of the communication.

Business information can be communicated in many ways. Methods include:

· written reports

· instruction manuals

· letters, circulars and memoranda

· material posted on notice board

· in-house magazines and newspapers

· sheets of figures

· information on standard forms

· graphs, charts, drawings and photographed

· video, television and other audio-visual techniques

· meetings and interviews

· public address announcements

· electronic mail

· network messaging

· fax

· telephone and voice mail

· pager device

· video conferencing

Whatever communication method is used, the information sent should be relevant and avoid superfluous comments and unnecessary detail. The information communicated to a supervisor on a factory may have to include an exact description of the operations to be carried out. In contrast, much broader information is supplied to middle and senior management. Senior managers may only require general indicators and a broad description of the developments that need to be considered when assessing the organisation’s performance, setting objectives and deciding upon strategies.


Exception reporting

To ensure tht the information provided to management is relevant, clear and concise and makes effective use of managers’ time, some organisations stipulate that managers are only provided with dada relating to exceptional developments. Middle management, for example, may only receive information connected with performance measurements that deviate by more than an agreed percentage from their targets. The information dealing with exceptional performance should also be supported by brief statements of the internal and/or external factors that may have contributed to any exceptional performance. Exception reporting makes more effective use of the time and skills that middle management devotes to decision making and to initiating and controlling actions.



Downward information flows

A downward information flow describes the provision of information by a superior to an immediate subordinate. It is, therefore, concerned with internal communications as part of a formal communications channels. A downward information flow can cover:

· issuing instructions on the tasks that have to be carried out by a subordinate and setting objectives, such as the target data for completing the work

· requesting information concerning the area of work for which subordinates are responsible

· communicating the organisation’s procedures, working methods and practices and the rules and regulations

· given feedback on subordinate’s performance in relation to his or her objectives and targets

· motivating people and encouraging attitudes that raise productivity and improve quality.

Some information will not come from an employee’s immediate superior but from other parts of the organisations. For example, when employees first start work they receive general information about the structure and goals of the organisation from the personnel department. However, for information that relates to work undertaken by the subordinate, the communication channel should be from superior to immediate subordinate.


Upward information flows

An upward information flow along a vertical information channel is from a subordinate to a superior. This might be feedback from a downward flow or the communication may originate directly from subordinates. An upward information flow can cover:

· responding to a superior’s request for information on some aspect of work for which the subordinate is responsible

· informing managers about the subordinate’s own performance, problems or their personal ambitions in relation, for example, to promotion or opportunities for developing new skills. 

· passing on information about other employees in the subordinate’s section and relations with sections with which there is a direct link

· submitting ideas on improving working methods and solving work problems.


In the interests of effective working relations. Most organisations expect subordinates to report formally through their immediate supervisor or manager. However, they are likely to communicate in formally with managers higher up the hierarchy and in some situations, such as grievance procedure, may go directly to a more senior manager than their immediate superior.



Horizontal information flow

In addition to upward and downward flows, there are also horizontal information flows between people of the same status. Because many operations within an organisation must work very closely together, there must be formal arrangements for the exchange of information between sections and departments. The production department, for example, must have close contact with the purchasing department when it is considering changes to materials and components or introducing advanced machinery and equipment. Production staff also has to exchange information with employees in requirement, training, marketing and transport. 



The quality of information.

The essential characteristics of an efficient information system are that the right people receive the right information at the right time. The information communicated should be:

· internally relevant to the needs of the recipient

· accurate and concise

· comprehensive, avoiding a time-consuming request for extra information

· clear – it must be presented and communicated without ambiguity or possible misunderstanding.

The person receiving the information must have confidence in the ability of the sender and, therefore have the confidence to take decisions based on the contents of the communication. The person sending the information must be confident that the receiver has the ability to understand, use and take effective decisions based upon the information supplied.

This information system, the communication media and the kind of information provided should be review on a regular basis. The information system should be adjusted to take into account any developments within the organisation such as changes in its organisational structure or management style. This review should also take into account external factors such as advances in information technology.


Informal communications

Vertical and horizontal information flows should be clearly defined. If individual are not sure about from whom the y should receive information and instructors, this can lead to the growth of information flows which are not part of the formal system. If there are two information flows running at the same time, there can be confusion and a fall in productivity. These informal systems can generate alternative sources of information and create a situation where the different levels of management receive inconsistent, inaccurate or even conflicting information.

Many businesses, however, accept that some tasks would not get completed if they only used formal channels of communications and chains of command. It may be necessary to short cut the formal system if a matter is very argent or a clash of a personalities is creating communications problems. Some informal channels may be tolerated if groups of workers have formed good working and personal relationship outside of the formal channels. Informal channels may even be the most effective way of communicating some kinds of information.

All organisations have a grapevine, which communicates information informally through personal contact between employees both vertically and horizontally throughout the organisation. The grapevine can be a quick way of communicating information to the workforce as a whole as it tends to operate by word of mouth. It can be used to pass on important information before an official announcement and, depending upon the feedback generated, the company may modify its intentions before the formal announcement.

The problem with using the grapevine is that information can get distorted or exaggerated as it is passed on. Proposal to cut a workforce, through 10% natural wastage and 5% redundancies, may soon get changed to 15% compulsory redundancies as it spreads through the grapevine. This may be useful as the actual announcement may prove to be much more acceptable than the distorted version on the grapevine.


External communications

Efficient internal communications are important, but an organisation’s external communications are vital. Its business prospects will be seriously threatened if it neglects its external communications. An organisation needs to communicate externally with:

· customers and clients

· suppliers of materials, parts, machinery, other physical inputs and business services

· local, national and European authorities that deal with matters such as taxation, planning permission, environmental protection, competition law, investment grants, trading standards, and health and safety  

· pressure groups concerned with issues such as consumer protection, animal welfare, environmental matters and the welfare of law paid workers

· the media and the general public on matters that can either damage or enhance the company’s public image.

Organisation must ensure that the quality of their external communications is as high as possible and select the most effective media for communicating information. It is obviously important that organisations maintain effective communications with their customers, and most businesses invest heavily in market research promotion to attract and keep customers.

Many companies now recognise the importance of providing a communication channel which allows customers easy access to the company. Some companies advertise a customer care telephone number or an E-mail address on their packaging or promotional literature. The customer care section will be stuffed by people trained in the kinds of communications skills needed to deal with customers making complains. Larger companies may employ specialists press officers and public relations officers to handle dealings with the media, pressure groups and the general public.

Organisations relying on other companies for materials and components can find themselves in financial difficulties of their external communications lets them down and orders are not placed at the right time. This may led to shortages of parts and materials, and production may be held up. Relations with suppliers may also be affected by poor verbal communications skills which can cause confusion of the exact nature and delivery of an order. It is for this reason that any changes to an order made verbally should be supported by some form of written or electronic confirmation.       


Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 289.