Unit 5. Sample processing of Scientific Article Summary
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

I. Pre-riding activity

II. Reading for depth

III. thesis plan of the article “ How to make them use it? Citizens acceptance of M-government”

IV. Writing the Detailed Summary of the article “ How to make them use it? Citizens acceptance of M-government”

V. Tasks

Almarashdeh, I., . Alsmadi, M. K. (2017). How to make them use it? Citizens acceptance of M-government. Applied Computing and Informatics , 13(2), 194-199. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aci.2017.04.001


With the evolution of mobile technologies and its applications, more and more government agencies are putting forth a huge effort to encourage citizens to use mobile government services. Hence, the citizens’ opinion is important to enhance the services and improve their engagement in the government services. Hence, this study has critically reviewed and explored the existing technology acceptance models and theories in order to develop an evaluation framework. The proposed framework is empirically tested by structural equation modeling using data collected from a structured questionnaire. Furthermore, the validated research model contains important variables to ensure the acceptance of mobile services. We hope that the implications of this study will help the public organizations and governments to gain more understanding about what drives the development and acceptance of mobile government services.

Keywords: Mobile government services; Behavioral intention to use; Social influence; Perceived trust


Through the rapid growth of information technology and the demand for effective and efficient government services, the governments have adopted e-governments to provide online services and more information to citizens, businesses, government agencies and others [1,2]. Thus, one of the most popular technology is the mobile technology which is significantly changing communication, learning activities and most importantly changing human–computer interaction [3]. Mobile government is an important case for the citizens because it has the potential to facilitate the citizens life; by making the government services available on the mobile phone instead of them using the traditional way of visiting the government agency and offices to fill the forms, request information or apply for a service which requires a lot of efforts and more time to be wasted traveling to the agency location. Making the government services available on phone and accessible anywhere and anytime, saves effort of traveling physically to the government agency. It's just the future of every service in our daily life.

Mobile government helps to enhance the citizen’s accessibility to online services and facilitates the traditional ways of tasks performing by the government agencies. For instance, citizens using mobile government can respond first to instant information about traffic accidents. Police or agency inspectors can use Smartphone or PDA to submit report or data back to home offices while they are still in the accident’s location [4]. In addition, governments can use the mobile services to provide emergency-related information (about homeland security, wildfires, natural disasters) to citizens [1].

The use of mobile technology is rapidly increasing in our life nowadays. In 2015, the number of mobile users increased rapidly in the working places. For example, nowadays 64% of the employees are using Smartphone's in their work [5]. Mobile government can make the government services available and accessible anywhere and anytime, and almost to anyone. Further, aside from the new technology evolution that takes a place to facilitate mobile government, several cultural and organizational changes are also needed [6]. This requires willingness and flexibility to change the governmental field accordingly [7]. One of the critical success factors of mobile government is the user acceptance [8]. This study aims to measure the users' acceptance of mobile governments by investigating the important factors that play a main role in the citizen’s perspective.


Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 303.