Stages of a meeting | Phrases |
1 Chairman | |
Opening a meeting | I declare the meeting open. Right, can we start? Ladies and Gentlmen, are we ready to begin? OK then, perhaps we could make a start? |
Introducing a speaker | I have a great pleasure to introduce Dr. (Prof.)…, an expert in... Our first speaker, Dr Pronin, will speak on... |
Interrupting a speaker | May I draw your attention to the fact that this point will be discussed later? |
Opening a discussion | And now I'd like to open the discussion on the presentation given by Dr…. Are there anv questions to Dr…? |
Ending a discussion | May I propose that we stop there? |
Thanking | I,m sure I'm speaking for everyone when I say how grateful we are to Dr …for his informative (excellent) presentation, (talk, speech, lecture). I'd like to thank everybody here. |
Ending a meeting | I declare the meeting closed. |
2 Speaker | |
Introducing the report | Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a great honour to address this meeting(conference). I'd like to talk in my report about... First… |
While reporting | Now, let us turn to the point... The second point is ... Moving to point three ... And finally... So much about... I'd like to attract your attention to... Allow me to call your attention to... I should like to note (emphasize) ... |
If you look at this diagram ... Have a look at... | |
If you remember, I mentioned ... As I've already mentioned ... | |
Do you see what I mean ... Do you follow me... As far as I know ... Sorry, I got lost... | |
Ending the report | In conclusion I'd like to stress the importance… Thank you for your attention. |
3 A panel of experts | |
Introducing oneself | My name is... I am from Sevastopol State University. I'm very impressed with Dr. …'s complete (interesting) presentation. I'd like to give you my view on this subject... |
Expressing opinion | To my mind the presentation is… From my point of view… It seems to me that… I would like to express my own opinion on the problem… I would like to clarify… I would like to tell something else… I would like to add… An example of this would be… For example… The point is that… |
Asking questions | My question is as follows ... I have a question to ask ... One question is… The second question is... I'd like to ask a question in this connection… There is a practical question which ... I'd like to ask a question concerning ... May I address a question to Dr. ...? Is it possible to describe simply, how... |
Expressing Agreement / Disagreement. Making remarks / Contribution to the Discussion
Agreement with the speaker | I think you are entirely right speaking about. I'd like to express agreement with the speaker. I do share the speaker’s opinion that… I agree with your point of view that… You are defenitely right that… I find this presentation interesting / important. There is no doubt that… It goes without saying… |
Disagreement | But I am not sure you are right. I am very sorry to have to say that I don't agree with Dr. B. Unfortunately, I cannot agree with your final statement. I wish I could agree with you but... We are not yet certain.... I disagree with the position of the author. I do not share the author’s point of view. I have just the opposite idea. I can’t agree with the author’s opinion. |
Making remarks | This is an interesting work but it has a lack... It is surprising... It is unbelievable... I'm not surprised that it is possible... I find it hard to believe... I'd like to make a comment of general nature... I'd like to make two more remarks... I have a few points to make... I have just a small point, but it may make things more clear a bit. Excuse me, but I'd just like to point out... I am not quite sure that… It seems to me doubtless because… I agree to the point but… I suppose you are right but… I would like to mention that… |
Making contribution to the discussion | I'd like to add in connection with... In addition I'd like to mention... Let me put some more questions. I would like to ask a question… Could you tell me more about… Do you know anything else about… Can you confirm the fact..? I would like to ask you to tell your opinion about… |
Appendix 4
Texts for Listening
Exercise 2.3.
Presentation 1
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. First of all, let me thank you all for coming here today.
Let me introduce myself. I’m Victor Brown, PhD candidate at Sevastopol State University.
The subject of my presentation is non-cooperative interaction in fullerene-colorant system.
My talk is particularly relevant to those of us who are studying the most effective ways of modeling complexes of low-toxic biocompatible nano-molecules for common diseases treatment.
Presentation 2
Hello, everybody. It’s a pleasure to welcome you today.
Let me just start by introducing myself. My name is Andrew Wilson. I’m an undergraduate student of Sevastopol State University.
In my presentation I would like to report on characteristics of sound field in the waveguide under the influence of bottom loss.
My topic will be very important for us because the solution of the problem of two-layer waveguide with constant speed including loss factor may be useful for the sound signals features analysis in the Black Sea.
Presentation 3
Hi, everyone. It’s good to see you all here.
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Dima Snegur. I’m a graduate student of Sevastopol State University.
Today I’m going to talk about the rotary antenna measuring device.
By the end of this talk you will be familiar with a control device that allows to measure the directivity of the UNF antennas using microcontroller.
Exercise 3.4.
(1)_____ Have you ever wondered what the best way to solve problems is? Today’s topic is (2)_____ of particular interest to those of you who are trying to find the most effective ways of problem solving.
Imagine you have to find an answer to or a way of dealing with a problem, question, difficulty, etc. What would be your first step? (3)_____ The aim of this presentation is to determine one of the ways to solve problems.
In my presentation (4)_____ I’ll focus on three major strategies to problem solving. It will take about 15 minutes to cover these points.
In this part of my presentation, (5)_____ I’d like to talk about our study that was done to see if geniuses shared any characteristics or habits. Was there something they had in common with each other that wasn't common in the general population?
One of the things we found was that geniuses all used a methodical, orderly approach when they tried to solve a problem. The following method is just such an orderly approach to problem solving.(6)_____ Let’s now take a look at three major strategies.
First of all, we need to define the problem properly. Come up lots of possible ways to define it and then select and refine the best one. The defining of the problem should take up a good portion of time. This task should be done on paper. Mind you, do all your thinking on paper. This (7)_____ leads directly to the next strategy.
Coming up with possible solutions. The task of thinking consists of asking a good question, writing it at the top of a piece of paper and then sitting there trying to think of answers to that question, and every time you think of another answer, write it down and keep thinking.
Now, (8)_____ let me briefly summarize the main issues.
Force yourself to come up with possible solutions. Thinking is hard work. Most people don’t do much thinking, but that is the most-needed work right now. Don’t think of problem-solving as something you’ll do in a half-hour. One of the best ways to get great ideas is to stick with the same problem for many weeks. Keep turning your mind to the task and you’ll find new sources of genius within yourself.
After the discipline of sitting and trying to come up with solutions, your mind starts getting accustomed to the purpose and starts working on the problem on its own. Ideas will come to you in the night, while idly daydreaming, while taking a shower, while driving, because you have continued asking your mind for possible solutions.
OK, let me now turn to (9)_____ the issue of selecting the best ideas. Putting them in order from the very best one down to the worst one allows you to analyze and reflect new combinations coming to mind. Add those to your list and keep arranging their order. Take your very best ones and put them into action. Or share the ideas with people who can utilize them.
(10)____ As I mentioned before, to put an idea into action, you need a plan. Go through the same sequence to make a plan of action: what do you need to do?
Now, (11)_____ I’d like to sum up the main points.
If you want to master the best way of thinking and solving problems, (12)_____ first of all, you should make a list of all the tasks that need to be done to bring your idea into existence.
(13)_____ Secondly put those tasks in order: what needs to be done first, what would be second, and so on. (14)_____ Then start in on the first item on your list.
(15)_____ And finally, get into action.
What conclusion can we draw from this?
(16)_____ Based on the facts we have, I’m quite certain that using this method, your action is not chosen by chance or desperate. It is planned, methodical, and effective.
(17)_____ That’s everything I wanted to say about one of the ways of problem solving.
And now I’ll be happy (18)_____ to answer any questions you may have.
Exercise 6.4.
1. Well, I think that goes beyond the scope of my presentation.
2. It depends.
3. I’d prefer to answer your question in the course of my presentation.
4. To be honest, I think that raises a different issue.
5. On the whole, yes.
6. That’s not really my field.
7. Perhaps we can get back to that point later.
8. To some extent.
9. I’m afraid I don’t see the connection.
Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 285.