Sample of Descriptive (Indicative) Abstract
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Sample 1

 Adhikari, A., Bourgade,T. &  Asundi, A. (2016). Residual stress measurement for injection molded components. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters , 6(4), 152-156.


Background.  Residual stress induced during manufacturing of injection molded components such as polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) affects the mechanical and optical properties of these components. These residual stresses can be visualized and quantified by measuring their birefringence.

Method. In this paper, a low birefringence polariscope (LBP) is used to measure the whole-field residual stress distribution of these injection molded specimens. Detailed analytical and experimental study is conducted to quantify the residual stress measurement in these materials. A commercial birefringence measurement system was used to validate the results obtained to our measurement system.

Wider implication. This study can help in material diagnosis for quality and manufacturing purpose and be useful for understanding of residual stress in imaging or other applications.


Photoelasticity; Birefringence; Residual stress; Polymethyl methacrylate

Sample 2


Vincent D Blondel, Guillaume, J. L. & Lambiotte R. (2008, October 9). Fast unfolding of communities in large networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment . Retrieved December 1, 2017 from



We propose a simple method to extract the community structure of large networks. Our method is a heuristic method that is based on modularity optimization. It is shown to outperform all other known community detection methods in terms of computation time. Moreover, the quality of the communities detected is very good, as measured by the so-called modularity. This is shown first by identifying language communities in a Belgian mobile phone network of 2 million customers and by analysing a web graph of 118 million nodes and more than one billion links. The accuracy of our algorithm is also verified on ad hoc modular networks.


Random graphs; Networks new applications of statistical mechanics.


Sample 3


Froidevaux, D. & Mitsou, V. A. (2009). Experimental prospects at the Large Hadron Collider. Journal of Physics:Conference Series ,171(1). Retrieved December 1, 2017 from


Abstract .

This review focuses on the expected performance of the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), together with some of the highlights of the global commissioning work done in 2008 with basically fully operational detectors. A selection of early physics measurements, expected to be performed with the data taken in 2009/2010 is included for completion, together with a brief reminder of the ultimate physics potential of the LHC.


Informative abstract

An informative abstract provides detail about the substance of a piece of writing because readers will sometimes rely on the abstract alone for information. Informative abstracts are generally used for science, engineering or psychology reports. Most informative abstracts also have key parts in common. Each of these parts might consist of 1-2 sentences. The parts include:

• Identifying information (bibliographic citation or other identification of the document)

• Concise restatement of the main point, including the initial problem, or other background

• Aim or purpose of research

• Methodology (for experimental work)

• Key finding / results

• Major conclusions


These elements should be brief so that the reader does not get lost. For example:


Cheng, H.,   Vepachedu V. (2016). Recent development of transient electronics. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters , 6 (1), 21-31.


Background.  Transient electronics are an emerging class of electronics with the unique characteristic to completely dissolve within a programmed period of time. Since no harmful byproducts are released, these electronics can be used in the human body as a diagnostic tool, for instance, or they can be used as environmentally friendly alternatives to existing electronics which disintegrate when exposed to water.

Results. In the past, only partial dissolution of transient electronics was possible, however, total dissolution has been achieved with a recent discovery that silicon nanomembrane undergoes hydrolysis. The use of single- and multi-layered structures has also been explored as a way to extend the lifetime of the electronics.

Method. Analytical models have been developed to study the dissolution of various functional materials as well as the devices constructed from this set of functional materials and these models prove to be useful in the design of the transient electronics.


Transient electronics; Model of reactive diffusion; Encapsulation strategy; Multilayer structures


Documents should be created for explicit purposes or goals that both the writer and the reader would readily agree on. Although there are many explicit purposes for creating a scientific or technical document, there are four general categories: to provide information, to give instructions, to persuade the reader, and to enact (or prohibit) something.

Make the explicit purpose clear at the beginning of your document in an abstract, an executive summary, an introduction, or all of these. Sometimes a formal statement of objective is called for. You may also need to identify the person, the agency, or the contract requiring or authorizing the document or research.

The first portion of the abstract will discuss the main aspects of the topic you are studying. This would include the perspective from which you are handling the topic and the specific features of the topic which is included in your research. The subject area of your research should also be mentioned. If you have any background information on the topic that is relevant to your research, that should be included in the abstract as well. The scope of the topic would be another point which should be mentioned in your abstract.

Your thesis should be stated in the abstract clearly. The methodology of your research and the sources you have used for your research should also be included in your informative abstract. Do not elaborate on any of the points as you are expected to keep it within 250 words. The key words which would define your subject area and topic should be a part of the abstract, as we live in an era where almost all information is stored and retrieved electronically. Do not mention any point which is not a part of your research paper, in the abstract. Remember that it is a summary of the final draft of your research paper.

An informative abstract is allowed to be around 250 words, in normal circumstances. There are certain cases where longer abstracts are permitted. It usually happens when the research paper document is too long to be summarized into 250 words. But it is never shorter than 250 words as this type of abstracts are expected to be highly informative of the document. Just because the maximum limit is all that is specified, do not take it for granted that it can be as short as you want. Your abstract should not be less than 200 words, ideally. If the abstract is too short, you should understand that it must contain less information than what it is expected to contain.


Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 330.