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a) Measurement model

b) The structural model


Measuring user acceptance of the provided services is not a question that we can easily answer but it's a variable that plays an important role in the user decision which needs to be examined. These variables could be money or social or it could be the service itself, e.g. the service is not important, not useful, not easy to understand or use. Social Influence (SI) commonly plays an important role in influencing the individual’s behavior of accepting new technologies. SI is one of the important variables that have a large share among technology adoption studies. Social factors or culture reflections heavily influence individuals who may or may not accept the new technology based on their beliefs and social background [30].

The result from the path analysis shows that among all independent variables, social influence has the strongest effect on citizen’s intention to use mobile government (C.R = 0.34). It also affects the actual use behavior of the mobile government with regression value of 0.28. Those results give the social influence factor the first priority among the factors that might affect user acceptance of mobile government.The second priority is given to perceived trust in technology, which affects user intention significantly in regression value of 0.30.In contrast, the cost of services is negatively affecting the citizen’s intention to use mobile government. The value of −0.18 indicates that, if the cost of services decreases that means the citizens intention will increase.

According to the results, perceived usefulness has a significant influence on user intention to use mobile governments (C.R = 0.17).Also, the findings confirmed that perceived ease of use has significant effect on behavioral intention (C.R = 0.18) which is in line with TAM’s results in previous studies. Thus, the findings indicate that behavioral intention to use mobile government services is affecting the actual usage behavior (C.R = 0.20). These results are in accordance with AlAwadhi and Morries (2009), TAM and UTAUT studies [21,31,32]. These results are contrary to what Liu et al. (2014) who stated that future research should be cautious when using TAM and perceived usefulness to interpret the service adoption in mobile government context [33].

The implications of this study are directed to implementers and developers or governments. These bodies need to guarantee the usefulness, the ease of using mobile government and the secured trusted technology with lower cost of accessibility. Those factors will enhance the actual users' use of mobile government and will attract the citizen’s intention to use mobile government. That will enhance the government’s performance and save the cost and time of both citizens and organizations. Gaining the citizens trust is the key that motivate the society to use and talk about the mobile government and that will increase the intention to use.

This study contributes to the previous studies by analyzing the effect of social influence, perceived usefulness, cost of service, perceived trust and perceived ease of use on behavioral intention to use mobile government. At the same time, this effect has been influenced indirectly by the correlations between those independent variables which influenced the total effect on behavioral intention to use mobile government, and the usage behavior. In our future research, we are going to study the mediated factors that might affect the citizens' acceptance of mobile government.

Aim of the study The results of the study Conclusion a) Wider implications b) Contribution to the previous studies c) The perspectives of study      

Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 361.