Now, present the following sentences using approximations
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1 As Lord May pointed, 1,548 million species of animals had been named since then._____

2 According to the Water Companies Association (WCA), bottled water costs 687 times more than tap water._____

3 Train fares have risen by 5.3% in the past two years._____

4 Over the next three months, the figures continued to rise steadily and reached record levels each month: 11.5% in July, 12.8% in August, and 14.4% in September._____ _____ _____

5 The World Health Organization receives reports of 3,120 cases annually._____

6 We have 794 offices in 163 cities worldwide._____

7 Food production has increased by 102% since 1965._____

8 Audience ratings improved significantly, climbing to 10.7% in May._____

9 There are 358 million cases of malaria a year._____

10 Volcano eruption involved 98 cubic kilometers of material being blown into the sky._____

Read & Reflect

Useful Information While giving numbers during your presentation, you often need to emphasize the most important points. You can do this by the following ways. Using a verb (stress, emphasize, etc.): I’d like to stress / emphasize  the following point. I’d like to draw your attention to the latest figures. Using what: What is really important is... What we should do is talk about... Making contrasts: although / despite / however / nevertheless / on the one hand … on the other hand / whereas / while Rhetorical questions: What conclusion can we draw from this? So, what does this mean? So, how good are the results? So, how are we going to deal with this increase? So, where do we go from here? Why do I say that? Because … Do we really want to miss this opportunity to …? adverb + adjective construction: It would be completely wrong to change our strategy at this point. I think this fact is extremely important / totally unacceptable / extremely dangerous / absolutely safe / incredibly cheap / highly interesting / absolutely necessary / surprisingly good / completely useless Describing results: This was because of … The unexpected drop was caused by… as a result / consequently / as a consequence / therefore / thus

Exercise 4.7. Complete the sentences used to refer to highlighting information with the words and phrases from the box.

two interesting details; really important here is; trend; significance; I’d also like to emphasize; to draw your attention to;                           look at it more closely;         on the underlying trend

1 I’d like _____ the upper half of the chart.

2 _____ that our market position is excellent.

3 If you _____, you’ll notice there are several surprising developments.

4 I’d like to point out one or _____.

5 I’d like you to think about the _____ of this figure here.

6 What is _____ how much we are prepared to the experiment.

7 I’d like to focus your attention _____ here.

8 Whichever the reasons for this/Whichever way you look at it/However you try to explain it, the underlying _____ is obvious.


Exercise 4.8. Here are some words you can use for Describing Movements and Tends in English. Put them in the correct category in the table.

Climb; decline; remain stable; fluctuate; expand; decrease; increase; stay the same level; go up; go down; come down; pick up; stabilize; drop; improve; take off; reach a peak; deteriorate; remain steady; stagnate; hold firm.

climb decline remain stable


Read & Reflect

Useful Information Describing Movements and Trends You may excite interest of the audience by adding adjectives and adverbs to your trend descriptions. Adjectives + nouns: § a sudden increase § a moderate fall § a gradual decline (rise) § a slight rise (increase) § a rapid growth § a sharp jump § a significant decrease the greatest increase   Adverbs + verbs: § increase slightly § drop significantly (slightly) § rise sharply § decline slightly § decrease steadily § fall dramatically § grow considerably


Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 396.