Exercise 4.1. Now, read the text about visual aids
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
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To be effective a good visual must focus on only a few points. It’s important not to have too much information on one slide. Slide overload is bad because people will then spend time reading the slide rather than listening to the presenter.

A slide must be readable. If the audience can’t read the slide, they will soon give up. That’s why font size is very important. It should be as large as possible. And sometimes it’s also a good idea to use different colors to highlight some points. Using many different colors can be confusing though.

It is good to use the rule of six which mean:

ü a maximum of six lines per slide

ü a maximum of six words per line

If you stick to this rule, you won’t risk overloading your charts with too much information.

The presenter is the focus of the presentation – not the visuals. The key purpose for using visual aid is to help the audience understand the topic better. So the visuals should only be used to support the presenter’s message. If a visual distracts the audience’s attention from what you are saying, it’s useless.

What you say and what you show should always go together 100%. So when you’re not talking about the slide, it shouldn’t be visible.

It’s very important that the presenter speaks to the audience and doesn’t read to them. The speaker must make eye-contact and not watch the monitor or screen while he or she is talking. It’s extremely boring when someone just reads slides word for word as if it were an essay or something.

During a presentation we can use different kinds of visuals:

§ a bar chart

§ a table

§ a technical drawing

§ a map

§ a graph

§ a pie chart

§ organizational chart

The first rule of preparing effective visuals is that they should be clear and easy for the audience to follow. Sometimes it is necessary to explain a more complicated visual and it is always necessary to point out the most important information.

· Say if the following sentences are true or false.

1 It’s important to have too much information on one slide.

2 A slide should be as large as possible.

3 It’s a good idea to use many different colors to highlight some points.

4 The key purpose for using visual aid is to help the audience understand the topic better.

5 The visuals should only be used to support the presenter’s message.

6 It is useful, if a visual distracts the audience’s attention from what you are saying.

7 Even when you’re not talking about the slide, it should be visible.

8 It’s very important that the presenter speaks to the audience and doesn’t read to them.

9 The speaker must make eye-contact and watch the monitor or screen while he or she is talking.

10 Visuals should be clear and easy for the audience to follow.

· Which of the tips above do you think are the most useful?

Read & Reflect

Useful Information Introducing a visual § Let’s now look at the next slide which shows … § To illustrate this, let’s have a closer look at… § The chart on the following slide shows … § I have a slide here that shows … § The problem is illustrated in the next bar chart. § According to this graph, … § You can see the test results in this table. § As you can see here, … § Now I’ll show you … § Let’s move on now and look at the figures for … Explaining a visual § First, let me quickly explain the graph. § You can see that different colours have been used to indicate § The new models are listed across the bottom. § The biggest segment indicates … § The key in the bottom left-hand corner … § If you look at the top right-hand corner … § The blue dotted line represents … § The top half shows … § The figures in this table show … Highlighting information § I’d like to stress / highlight / emphasize the following point(s). § I’d like to start by drawing your attention to … § Let me point out that … § I’d like to focus your attention on … § I think you’ll be surprised to see that … § What’s really important here is … § Let’s look more closely at … § What is interesting / important here is … § It is important to notice that … § I would like you to concentrate on this …

Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 304.