Romanian - Bulgarian - Moldavian region
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Subperiod N 1.

As from ancient times up until AD

Subperiod N 2.

AD until 370-s

Subperiod N 3.

From 370-s until late VII century

Subperiod N 4.

From late VII century until late X century

Subperiod N 5.

From late X century until late XIV century

Subperiod N 6.

From late XIV century until 1480-s

Subperiod N 7.

From 1480-s until 1774

Subperiod N 8.

From mid 1770-s until 1878

Subperiod N 9.

From 1878 until early XX century

Stage 10-1.

From 1908 until 1914

Stage 10-2.

From 1914 until 1918

Stage 10-3.

From 1918 until 1940

Stage 10-4.

From 1940 until 1945

Stage 10-5.

From 1945 until late 1980-s

Subperiod N 11.

From late 1980-s and for some future


Balkan region

Subperiod N 1.

As from ancient times up until mid II century BC

Subperiod N 2.

From II century BC until 370-s AD

Subperiod N 3.

From 370-s until early IX century

Subperiod N 4.

From early IX century until late XII century

Subperiod N 5.

From late XII century until late XIV century

Subperiod N 6.

From late XIV century until late XVII century

Subperiod N 7.

From late XVII century until 1870-s

Subperiod N 8.

From 1870-s until early XX century

Stage 9-1.

From 1908 until 1913

Stage 9-2.

From 1914 until 1918

Stage 9-3.

From 1918 until 1939

Stage 9-4.

From 1939 until 1945

Stage 9-5.

From 1945 until 1980-s

Subperiod N 10. From late 1980-s and for some future


3. One of the most essential points here is existence of clear correlation in evolution of the European external buffer zone and Asia Minor as external buffer zone. No detailed description of all these correlations here - only combined general tables.





Cycle Subperiod Dates Duration of a subperiod (years) Average duration of subperiods within a cycle (years) Duration of a cycle (years)

Cycle #1

1 (1.1) From ancient times until 113 BC Indefinite

Around 218 years (without 1st subperiod)

As far as it's known, around 650 years

2 (1.2) From 113 BC until 110 AD 223 3 (1.3) From 110 until 380-s 270 4 (1.4) From 380-s until mid VI century Around 160

Cycle #2

5 (2.1) From mid VI century until mid VIII century 200

Around 207 years

Around 830 years

6 (2.2) From mid VIII century until late X century 230 7 (2.3) From late X century until 1241 260 8 (2.4) From 1241 until 1380 139

Cycle #3

9 (3.1) From 1380 until 1570-s 190

Around 113 years

Around 450 years

10 (3.2) From 1570-s until 1700 130 11 (3.3) From 1700 until 1772 72 12 (3.4) From 1772 until 1831 59

Cycle #4

13 (4.1) From 1832 until 1870 38

Around 39 years

Around 156 years

14 (4.2) From 1871 until 1917 46 15 (4.3) From 1917 until 1945 28 16 (4.4) From 1945 until late 1980-s 44

Cycle #5

17 (5.1) Is still going on currently -





18 19 20   Prognosis   -

Described duration of the buffer zone evolution

- around 2100 years






Cycle Subperiod Dates Duration of a subperiod (years) Average duration of subperiods within a cycle (years) Duration of a cycle (years)

Cycle #1

1 (1.1) From ancient times until VIII century BC Indefinite

Around 303 years (without 1st subperiod)

As far as it's known, around 910 year

2 (1.2) From VIII century BC until 327 BC 473 3 (1.3) From 327 until 180 BC 147 4 (1.4) From 180 BC until 110 AD 290

Cycle #2

5 (2.1) From 110 AD until 380 270

Around 228 years

Around 910 years

6 (2.2) From 380 until 610 230 7 (2.3) From 610 until 870-s 260 8 (2.4) From 870-s until early XI century Around 150

Cycle #3

9 (3.1) From early XI century until late XIII century 260

Around 187 years

Around 750 years

10 (3.2) From late XIII century until 1453 Around 170 11 (3.3) From 1453 until 1680-s 227 12 (3.4) From 1680-s until 1770-s Around 90

Cycle #4

13 (4.1) From 1770-s until 1856 86

Current cycle. As per three completed subperiods - 70 years

Current cycle. As per three completed subperiods - around 210 years

14 (4.2) From 1856 until 1908 52 15 (4.3) From 1908 until 1980-s 72 16 (4.4) From 1980-s and for some future - is still going on currently - Cycle #5 17 (5.1) 18 (5.2) 19 (5.3) 20 (5.4)   Prognosis - - -

Described duration of the buffer zone evolution

- around 2800 years


Дата: 2019-05-29, просмотров: 236.