Suggest Russian equivalents for the words and word-combinations from the text of the Agreement.
in witness whereof on behalf of general provision deduction misconduct | registered office hereinafter referred to as natural disaster grievance reimbursement | on mutual agreement in good faith remuneration probationary period resignation | legal entity unilaterally overtime dissatisfaction allowance |
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word-combination or phrase. Choose from the given below. Give Russian translation of the whole sentence.
(·remuneration; ·terms and conditions; ·IN WITNESS WHEREOF; ·terminate; ·probationary period; ·Force Majeure circumstances; ·hereby ·engage; ·whereas; ·dismissal)
1) The Party, which is unable to perform its obligations due to _______ shall undertake to notify the other Party in writing, within two business days after the commencement of such circumstances, about the nature and scope of such circumstances.
2) The Employer desires to employ the Employee and the Employee has agreed to accept and enter such employment upon ______ set out in this Agreement.
3) _____, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.
4) If an Employee is in probationary period or first year of employment, only one warning is required before ______.
5) The Employee will devote full time, attention, and energies to the business of the Company, and, during this employment, will not _____ in any other business activity.
6) _____ the Parties mutually declare that they have the authority and desire to enter into this Contract.
7) The Employee understands and agrees that any additional _____ paid to the Employee in the form of bonuses will rest in the sole discretion of the Employer.
8) Without cause, the Employee may ______ employment upon three days' written notice to the Company.
9) After the end of your ______, Company may terminate your employment without cause at any time by providing you with the minimum notice, or pay in lieu of such notice.
10) The Employer and the Employee ______ declare that they understand thoroughly the above provisions and agree to sign this Agreement.
Match the words from the right column with their opposites in the left one.
commence remuneration increase suitable allowance performance full time mutual constitute valid | unfit dismiss unilateral terminate null and void deduction forfeit decrease failure part time |
Reduce the informality of each sentence replacing the underlined word-combination by set phrases employed in the Agreements.
1. The Employer and the Employee agree that they have a common interest in working together properly.
2. The Agreement shall begin on March 11, 2015 and continue until finished in accordance with this Agreement.
3. Testifying as a witness, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.
4. Any such work performed outside the normal working week will be compensated following the principles of overtime payment.
5. This Employment Agreement is concluded between RY Public Relations Company nominated as Employer and Andres Pryce nominated as Employee.
Propose different various of the given sentences using set phrases employed in the Agreements:
1. SEC Corporation ("SEC") and Shanghai Hua Hong Technological Company ("SHHTC") hereby have agreed as follows: ...
2. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.
3. The Company may terminate this Agreement at any time by 10 working days’ written notice to the Employee.
4. Unexpected Event affecting a party means anything outside that party’s reasonable control, including but not limited to, acts or omissions of the other party, fire, storm, flood.
Define whether the statement is true or false.
1. Either party can terminate the Agreement with two weeks written notice.
2. The Parties shall be liable for the non-performance of their obligations hereunder if this fact results from Force Majeure circumstances.
3. During the trial period the employer may not terminate the employment.
4. Unapproved sick leave is not the ground for deductions from the employee’s wages.
5. The Agreement replaces any previously expressed or implied written or oral contractual terms or provisions that may have existed prior to this Agreement.
6. The hours and/or days of work of employees may be increased or decreased by the employer in order to meet labour requirements.
Give English equivalents to the following sentences:
1) В удостоверении чего Стороны пришли к заключению о нижеследующем.
2) C учетом изложенных далее соглашений и достигнутых договоренностей Стороны вступают в настоящее Соглашение и договариваются о следующем.
3) Принимая во внимание, что Стороны совместно заявляют, что они имеют полномочия и желание заключить настоящий Контракт.
4) Время начала работы и окончания устанавливаются по соглашению Сторон.
5) Компания “Стрим Юнайтид”, именуемая в дальнейшем “Работодатель”, с одной стороны, и Александр Волжин, именуемый в дальнейшем “Работник”, с другой стороны, заключили настоящий договор о нижеследующем.
6) Работник обязуется добросовестно выполнять трудовые обязанности, предусмотренные настоящим Трудовым Договором.
7) Условия настоящего Трудового Договора могут быть изменены только по соглашению Сторон и в письменной форме.
8) Договор по инициативе одной из Сторон может быть расторгнут, если эта Сторона уведомила другую Сторону письменно за 30 дней до истечения его срока.
9) Условия договора не могут быть изменены Сторонами в одностороннем порядке.
10) Стороны освобождаются от ответственности за исполнение обязательств по Договору, если невозможность их исполнения явилась следствием обстоятельств непреодолимой силы.
11) Испытательный срок составляет три месяца с момента заключения настоящего трудового Договора.
12) Настоящий Договор вступает в силу с момента его подписания сторонами.
13) Никакие поправки или изменения к настоящему Договору не имеют силы, если они не составлены в письменном виде и не подписаны обеими Сторонами.
14) В случае, если Стороны не придут к соглашению, то дело подлежит передаче на решение Арбитражного суда.
15) Если одно из условий договора почему-либо противоречит требованию закона или не может быть реализовано, оно может быть объявлено недействительным, однако все остальные условия, тем не менее, сохраняют свою силу.
Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 293.