3 Choose light text on a dark background.
4 If you use a pattern or a photograph as your background image, make sure that your readers can still read your text.
5 Ensure that your background does visually compete for the reader’s attention with the other design elements (text and visuals) on your poster.
6Your readers should really notice the background.
7 Use ‘warm’ colors to accent the other features of your design.
8 Use ‘cool’ colors as your dominant or main color.
Exercise 7.5. Look at the examples of conference posters A and B, and decide how well they have been organized. Then, in pairs, discuss positive and negative points of these two posters.
Which poster do you think is more successful? Why?
Example of a conference poster A
This poster was created and first presented during a graduate biomathematics course at North Carolina State University. It was thereafter presented at several other venues focused on biological conservation.
Example of a conference poster B
Exercise 7.6. Plan the design of a poster to present a piece of your recent work. Use the advice and examples in Unit 7 to help you.
Exercise 7.7. Role Play “Presenting a Scientific Poster”. Work in a team.
Student A is a Chairman at a scientific conference.
Student B, imagine you are a scientist who should report what you have discovered in your research field, presenting a two-minute explanation of your research.
The rest of the students (a panel of experts), ask questions for clarification (be sure to interrupt politely) and make suggestions if you can.
Try to use some of the phrases in Appendix 3. Then change roles.
1. Armer, Tamzen. Cambridge English for Scientists: Student’s Book / Tamzen Armer. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. – 125 p.
2. Grussendorf, Marion. English for Presentations: Student’s Book / Marion Grussendorf . – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. – 80 p.
3. http://sam-ritchie.com/engpresentation.htm
4. http://mykonspekts.ru/1-96349.html
5. http://study-english.info/
6. http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/agu/scientific_talk.html
Letter writing has become an essential part of not only business, but of our everyday life. Most of the letters are sent nowadays via e-mail, although traditional "paper" letters continue to function. In academic life letters play important role while applying for grants, fellowship, research program, in articles submission to scientific journals, etc. Here is an example of a business letter, let’s consider its structure.
(1) åå Phoenix Electrics Co. Ltd. Birmingham
(2) Durban N.A.
89 Prince Albert St.
Birmingham B41 8EL
Great Britain
(3) 16 October 2016
(4) Robert Frost
17 Feather Sq.
Great Britain
(5) Subject: Confirmation of the Order
(6) Dear Mr. Frost:
(7) In reference to your letter, we would like to inform you that we will be able to fulfill your order. We are very pleased to confirm that all the goods ordered are in stock.
Your choice of payment method is quite acceptable to us. When we receive confirmation of the payment from The General Bank of Israel, London, we will make up the order and give delivery details.
We would like to express our gratitude for your order and assure that this order and all further orders made will have our immediate attention.
(8) Yours sincerely,
(9) ![]() |
Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 374.