Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
UNIT 1. Giving a Scientific Presentation at a Conference ______________ 79
UNIT 2. Let’s Get Started ________________________________________ 86
UNIT 3. Today’s Topic Is…  ______________________________________ 92
UNIT 4. Let’s Look This Slide…  __________________________________ 98
UNIT 5. To Sum Up …  __________________________________________ 108
UNIT 6. Dealing with Questions ___________________________________ 112
UNIT 7. Presenting a Poster  ______________________________________ 120
REFERENCES _________________________________________________ 127


UNIT 1. Letter Structure_________________________________________ 129
UNIT 2. Writing Style ______­­­­­_____________________________________ 136
UNIT 3. Application Letter_______________________________________ 138
UNIT 4. Submission Letter _______________________________________ 141
UNIT 5. Recommendation Letter__________________________________ 148
UNIT 6. Letter of Request________________________________________ 152


UNIT 1. Contract General Information ____________________________ 157
UNIT 2. Individual Employment Agreement________________________ 161
UNIT 3. Activities After Reading t he Agreement _____________________ 172
UNIT 4. Extension Activities______________________________________ 175
UNIT 5. Check Yourself_­_________________________________________ 184


UNIT 1. Introductory Lesson. The Peculiarities of Patent Information           and Documentation ______________________________________ 189
UNIT 2. The Structure of the Patent Specification ____________________ 191
UNIT 3. Work with Lexical and Stylistic Exercises____________________ 208
UNIT 4. Practice in Working with GB and US Patent Specifications_____ 219
UNIT 5. Revision________________________________________________ 224
REFERENCES _________________________________________________ 225



UNIT 1. Main Characteristics of Great Britain ______________________ 227
UNIT 2. Geography of Great Britain_______________________________ 231
UNIT 3. British History__________________________________________ 237
UNIT 4. Religions in Great Britain_________________________________ 243
UNIT 5. Economy of Great Britain ________________________________ 246
UNIT 6. Culture and Traditions in Great Britain_____________________ 250


UNIT 1. General Characteristics of the USA_________________________ 255
UNIT 2. The USA Geography _____________________________________ 259
UNIT 3. History of the USA in Brief________________________________ 262
UNIT 4. Religions in the USA _____________________________________ 267
UNIT 5. Economy of the USA_____________________________________ 269
UNIT 6. Culture of the USA ______________________________________ 273
UNIT 7. Languages in the USA____________________________________ 279


Summarizing of English Scientific Literature

Appendix 1. Abstract Sampling ___________________________________ 282
Appendix 2. Academic Vocabulary and Academic Word List___________ 288
Appendix 3. Texts for Summarizing________________________________ 303

Conference Presentation

Appendix 1. Effective Openings ___________________________________ 319
Appendix 2. Words and Expressions Used to Make Contrasts and Add                  Additional Information to Support a Point_______________ 319
Appendix 3. Useful Words and Phrases of Scientific Communication at a                  Scientific Meeting, Conference, Round-Table Discussion,                  Symposium, Colloquium, Seminar, Session, Congress, etc. _ 320
Appendix 4. Texts for Listening ___________________________________ 323

Academic Letter Writing

Appendix 1. Phrases Expressing Gratitude and Hope for the Prompt                  Response____________________________________________ 326
Appendix 2. Academic Titles and University Positions Used in Academic                  Letters _____________________________________________ 326


Individual Employment Agreement

Appendix 1. Cliche Used in Employment Agreement__________________ 328
Appendix 2. Employment Agreement Glossary ______________________ 330

The Work with English Patent Specification

Appendix 1. INID Indexes of Main Elements of Bibliographic Data of                 Patent Specificat _____________________________________ 340
Appendix 2. Synonyms and Lexical Unites Used As Synonyms in                 Communicative Blocks of Patent Specification ____________ 343

Area Study

Appendix 1. Module Tests  _______________________________________ 346
Appendix 2. Final Tests__________________________________________ 350

FOREWORD     __________________________________________________________________

The goal of the herein book is rather extensive and includes the following:

• to develop skills to work with the professional speciality oriented texts, to draft abstract and summary on their basis;

• to maintain competence of making conference presentation;

• to develop attaintments to draft and correctly translate academic letter;

• to acquaint with contract document and evolve skills to construe and translate individual employment agreement;

• to familiarize with GB and US patent specifications and form professional competence related to the development of skills and abilities to analytical and  synthetical information process;

• to acquaint and broad knowledge of Great Britain and the USA.

The potential audience. The book “Activate Your Professional English” is oriented specially for masters of non-linguistic specialities. However some sections of it may be used in the English language teaching as practical course for post-graduate students, researchers as well as the students of lingual departments. The work with the book requires rather high general English language competence that nearly corresponds to the level of knowledge of graduate students of specialized groups of advanced learning of the English language.

“Activate Your Professional English” can also be used as supplementary material for the scientists who intend to pursue their studies and elevate language proficiency. Thus, the book is oriented to rather broad audience.

   Organization and structure. The book “Activate Your Professional English” comprises seven parts.

The first part is devoted to summarizing of scientific literature that is one of the most important elements of master`s professional competence. Good summary writing requires careful attention to the meaning and shape of the entire text. The purpose of summary writing is to highlight the essentials of the writer`s idea. A summary helps the readers to understand the major direction, the main points and the overall shape of the more detailed original. It restates the essence of the original in a compressed form.

The aim of the section “Summarizing of English Scientific Literature” is to teach a student to read the scientific texts, to identify and communicate the main ideas and critical details and then write the secondary pieces of writing (summary, abstract). To achieve this aim the following tasks are supposed to be solved:

– to increase knowledge about the structural-semantic and pragmatic text organization;

– to teach students how to determine essential ideas and consolidate important details that support them; how to focus on key words and phrases of an assigned text that are worth noting and remembering; how to take a large selection of the text and reduce it to the main points for more concise understanding;

– to provide the students knowledge of the methods for choosing the material to include in a summary: selection and deletion, note taking and miniaturizing.

In this section student will discover practical ways to construct summary by following the instructions and analyzing the given scientific sample passages.                

The second part deals with scientific project presentation, which is specially organized for undergraduate students of technical universities who need to use the English language in a scientific research. This section provides practical exercises and tasks to develop language and communication skills needed by the students and professional scientists from all technical disciplines.

Organization of the ‘Scientific Project Presentation’

‘Scientific Project Presentation’ consists of seven units, and covers practically all the stages of presentations:

· giving a scientific presentation at a conference;

· making the introduction of a presentation;

· making the main part of a presentation;

· using visuals;

· making the conclusion of a presentation;

· dealing with questions;

· presenting a poster.

‘Scientific Project Presentation’ provides a systematic preparation in all four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Exercises are integrated with free speaking activities. Some of the free speaking activities can come from personalization exercises where students are asked to give their own opinions or thoughts and talk about own experience. This might be more instructive and stimulating than just giving imposed information for natural use of the English language.

Every unit begins with a Connect to Your Life section, which helps students see connections between their own life experience and what happens in the unit.

Read and Reflect section gives students useful information about important aspects of a scientific presentation: the vocabulary and expressions that students need when giving a presentation, tips that will help them to prepare, structure their research and present it more effectively.

There is a Key to Exercises section at the back of the course, where students can check their answers.

It is useful to refer students to the Appendices at the back of the book, which give extra information and cover presenting techniques, such issues as improving the introduction of a presentation, making contrasts, adding information to support a point, effective communication at a scientific meetings, conferences, etc.

The third part is a comprehensive guide to academic letter writing. The key objective of this section is to form competence of drafting the effective academic letters, inter alia application letter, submission letter, recommendation letter and letter of request. The word effective means here clear and concise letters, which can make all the difference from getting academic information to obtaining a scholarship.

The section starts with letter writing basics, letter format and layout. Then it covers the writing style and a number of model letters, which can be a good template and a ground for further letters. Unit 3 – Unit 6 contain the following items:

- definition and aim of certain type of academic letter;

- steps on how to write academic letter;

- tips and suggestions on how to write effective academic letter of certain type;

- structure of certain type of academic letter;

- sample academic letter.

In the Appendix a student can find useful information concerning academic titles and university positions used in academic letters as well as phrases expressing gratitude and hope for the prompt response.

Thus, this book section can be a good guide for students who need to use the power of academic letters to achieve their academic and career aims.

The fourth part is devoted to individual employment agreement. This section is intended to form skills and abilities to comprehend, construe and translate this type of a legal document a student can come across while getting a job abroad. It comprises all basics that becomes a resource for a student in mastering individual employment agreement.

The section highlights the essential clauses of individual employment agreement. All of them are analyzed in clear and concise form. The lexical material as well as contents of the clauses are worked out in the variety of tasks. There are two variants here of the individual employment agreement that serve as the templates. A set of various exercises and tasks develop skills of better understanding of law contract of this type. The third variant of individual employment agreement is proposed for translation by students themselves.

It is useful to consult the Appendix to this section, which provides cliché, used in employment agreement, and employment agreement glossary.

The fifth part focuses on the work with English patent specification. It is designed for full-time technical students of masters’ course.

The main goal of this section is to develop skills of searching, analyzing and using patent information, which can help to solve specific technical problems in the real work place in future. In addition the section is aimed to improve professional communicative competence (grammatical, lexical and stylistic skills).

The part consists of 5 Units. The first two Units are to facilitate the acquisition of extra-linguistic knowledge concerning the peculiarities of Patent information and documentation and lexical figuration of communicative blocks. Other three Units suggest practical work with the texts of the US and GB Patent Specifications which helps to form professional competence. Much useful information can be found in two Appendices.

  The sixth part deals with the area study aimed to form a system of knowledge of different aspects of areal information of Great Britain and the USA.

Tne material of this section contains area study information as well as interesting and useful facts concerning the past and future of Great Britain and the USA, the peculiarities of these countries (state organization, flag, national symbols, population); geographical position of the countries (territories, regions, names of places, climate); history (key dates and events); religion (main world's religions and religious confessions); common characteristics of economy of both countries providing the picture of their standards of living; cultural terms and proper names (toponyms and antroponyms); traditions, culture and education as well as language characteristics (languages of the USA native people, peculiarities of the American variant of the English language).

 The texts are informative, based on the relevant sources of information and supplemented with tasks to control the understanding, ability to answer the questions and express thoughts in English, to improve skills of scanning as well as to improve skills in the sphere of the English language communication aimed to rise the professional excellence and competitiveness of masters in their future career.

The factual material of the texts can be used both in the practical studies on the subject and in independent training. Tests and control tasks placed in the Appendix may be employed to check the level of mastering the area study material.

 The audio course is orginized in a separate book. It has two variants: Teacher's Book and Student's Book. This section is purely speciality oriented and comprises fifty two lessons for the following specialities: Physics, Instrumentation, Automation of Technological Processes, Food Service Industry, Electronics and nanoelectronics, Technical Systems Management, Computer Science and Computing, Radio Engineering, Technosphere Safety, Economics, Metrology and Standardization, Design and Manufacturing Engineering Processes, Power Engineering.

 The main objective of the audio course is to help students understand professional listening material with the following skills: content predicting, critical thinking, identifying main ideas, details, conclusions, intonation, and specific expressions.

 There are four lessons for each spaciality. Each lesson possesses authentic professional audio text and a complex of prelistening and afterlistening activities to develop such audition skill,s and abilities, which provide the integration of form and contents of statement percieved that is the final goal of any foreign language learning.

All tasks of the lesson are carefully graded subject to growth of tasks from the simplest (to predict the content of the text based on its title) to advanced requiring the ability to summarize the information  presented in the audio using the key words.

Thus, authentic speech, professional vocabulary building and extensive practice equip students with the skills they need to use Professional English in a variety of settings and situations, developing the awareness in speciality along the way.



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