Exercise 25. Answer the following questions. Discuss the answers
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. What do you think is the most important for making a successful commercial movie? 2. Do you remember any commercial successes released recently? 

3. What is a box office bomb? 4. Who were the Oscar contenders last year? 5. What is an entertaining movie? 6. Which genres in your opinion are the most successful ones? 7. Give one example of a good movie storyline. 8. Which movies are in the tabloids at this moment? 9. What should a successful marketing campaign look like?



Exercise 26. Examine the following words and expressions from Exercise 24. Use

Some of them in your own sentences using Present Perfect or

                 Present Perfect Continuous.

to entail risks

first and foremost

an entertaining movie

an Oscar contender

a movie storyline


to appeal to

a particular genre

to tug at the heartstrings

to stay relevant

to kill a box office

to turn into

a box office bomb

overused plot

thanks to

to make all the difference

masterful interpretation

to carry the weight

true star power

to be in the tabloids

to help at the box office

a string of cinema successes


to attract a talent


a first-time director

to hire

to adapt to the rigors of film-making

intense desire

to cover fees

to create buzz


a marketing campaign

of utmost importance

sufficient budget

a feasible plan


Exercise 27. Match the words and their definitions.

1. adapt                           A. lead to, imply

2. contender                    B. be attractive or interesting

3. entail                           C. extremely important, necessary

4. cover                           D. someone who takes part in competitions

5. essential                      E. have enough money to pay for something

6. make all the difference F. change and become more suitable for new conditions

7. buzz                            G. be vitally important

8. appeal                          H. atmosphere of excitement and interest   

Exercise 28. Fill in the gaps with the following words in the correct form.

Adapt appealbudget-constrained buzz      contender     cover

Make all the difference   marketing campaign


1. Observing great filmmakers at work can     … to your education.

2. A good     … is more than just advertisements.

3. How much money do we need      … the equipment rent?

4. Most students easily     … to university life.

5. He created a huge     … with his latest picture, which is one of the prime     … for the main prize.

6. Ticket prices are so high these days thatviewers can’t afford to go to the cinema as often as they want.

7. The series     … to the MTV generation thanks to extensive use of music videos and songs in each episode.

Exercise29 . Translate into English.

1. Вопреки ожиданиям, фильм имел большой успех у зрителей.

2. В центре сюжета находитсяпреступник, который хочет отомстить полицейскому.

3. Романтическая комедия Питера Сигала “50 первых поцелуев” (50 FirstDates) –это милая переделка на новый лад “Дня сурка” (GroundhogDay).

4. Прежде всего вы должны определить свою целевую аудиторию.

5. Тебепонравилсяфильм? – Да, его стоит посмотреть. Он полностью оправдал мои ожидания!

6. Вам нужно решить, чем вы готовы пожертвовать, чтобы делать карьеру.

7. Если мы будем снимать за границей, это повлечёт за собой значительные финансовые убытки.

8. Честно говоря, меня совершенно не привлекают боевики.

9. Сколько претендентов на главный приз?

10. Классический фильм Спилберга “Инопланетянин” (“E.T. TheExtra-Terrestrial”) всё ещё остаётся актуальным, всё ещё трогает до глубины души.


Exercise 30. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect.

1. I’m very hungry. I_________ all day.

2. Their new kitchen looks fantastic. They _____ completely _____ it.

3. Our kitchen’s a mess. We____________ any cleaning for weeks.

4. I think they are dating. They____________ a lot of each other recently.

5. We’ve discovered this great café and we_____________ there a lot.

6. How’s your Mum? I _____________ her for a while.

7. You’re covered in paint! What __________ you __________?

8. She’s gone to the doctor’s. She ______________ too well lately.

9. Where have you been? I____________ for ages.

10. I have to finish my essay. I__________ about half of it so far.


Дата: 2019-05-28, просмотров: 247.