Discuss a principle of determinism in psychology
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The principle of determinism means that the psyche is determined by lifestyle and changes with lifestyle changes. The development of the psyche of animals is determined by natural selection, and the development of human consciousness is ultimately the laws of social development, the laws of development of the mode of production. For the first time in the history of scientific thought, Marxism gave a consistently materialistic explanation of social phenomena, revealed the laws of the development of society. Thus, the real basis was created for a strictly scientific study of the specific features of the human properties of the psyche, the origin and development of consciousness.

The principle of determinism is connected with the question of the nature of mental phenomena, their essence. The deterministic approach in psychology developed in the process of mastering the dialectic-to-materialistic world outlook, in which the problem of determinism is one of the most significant. In the philosophical struggle of the beginning of the XX century. the problem of determinism has taken center stage. The deterministic approach to mental phenomena crowded out introspective methodology and the organization of psychological research corresponding to it. Refusal to understand the psyche as a self-contained entity, not determined by external influences and not manifesting its essence in external activities, opened the sphere of mental development for objective research. The place of introspection was taken by an objective method. The objective method consisted in the organization of psychological research, which allowed: to know exactly what affects a person; to give a quantitative and qualitative characteristic of these effects; register external reactions, visible behavior; correlate the stimuli.



Define a principle of development in psychology.

THE PRINCIPLE OF DEVELOPMENT (in psychology) is the need for the study of psychological phenomena and the personality of a person to identify their natural changes in the processes of phylogenesis, onto- and sociogenesis.

J. Locke has a clearly expressed genetic point of view, and from that time psychology began to take her into account. Any phenomenon considered by a psychologist can receive an adequate explanation if it becomes a subject of study in its development. This applies both to the phylogenetic processes that characterize the psyche of animals, and to the ontogenesis of animals and humans, as well as to the processes of sociogenesis occurring in the socio-historical conditions. With regard to the individual, the most important factor in its development is historiogenesis, i.e. the development of culture as the most important aspect of social experience accumulated by mankind. The biological in a developing personality appears in a transformed form as a social one.

At the same time, it is necessary to theoretically distinguish socialization as a process and result of learning from experience (both culture and anti-culture) and the inclusion of a person in system education, understood as purposeful and systematically implemented socialization in the interests of the person and / or the society to which he belongs.

Socialization has a spontaneous character, in contrast to education, which involves a special pedagogical organization. Attempts to oppose training and education as components of the educational process are not any reasonable justification. There is no such form of training that would not implicitly include the educational function. At the same time, bringing up a person, it is impossible to remove elements of training from this process.



Дата: 2019-05-29, просмотров: 408.