1. Make up the thesis plan of the article text, expressed by nominative sentences and w rite down the topic sentences corresponding to the items of the plan.
Introduction to the topic of the article.
1. With the evolution of mobile technologies and its applications, more and more government agencies are putting forth a huge effort to encourage citizens to use mobile government services.
Background of the study.
Literature review.
Through the rapid growth of information technology and the demand for effective and efficient government services, the governments have adopted e-governments to provide online services and more information to citizens, businesses, government agencies and others [1,2].
Motivation of the research.
Mobile government is an important case for the citizens because it has the potential to facilitate the citizens life; by saving physical efforts and by enhancing the citizen’s accessibility to online services.
3. Aim of the study .
This study has critically reviewed and explored the existing technology acceptance models and theories in order to develop an evaluation framework.
Models used to measure user acceptance.
There are two models that have been used popularly namely: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT).
Hypothesis generated.
5.1 Social influence will have a positive effect on behavioral intention to use mobile government services and on usage behavior of mobile government services.
5.2. Cost of services will have a negative effect on behavioural intention to use mobile government services.
5.3. Perceived ease of use will have a positive effect on perceived usefulness of mobile government services.
5.4. Perceived usefulness will have a positive effect on behavioral intention to use mobile government services.
5.5. Perceived ease of use will have a positive effect on perceived usefulness of mobile government services.
5.6. Behavioral intention will have significant effects on the usage behavior of using mobile government services.
6. Research method .
Data collection.
a) Young citizens ass the important target of this study.
Young citizens are the important target of this study due to their familiarity with the new technology of mobile devices and wireless technology.
b) Aspects of the questionnaire.
The researcher then conducted reliability tests for each construct to assess the goodness of measure, and indicate accuracy in measurement. The questionnaire consisted of 7 sections. The first section collected the demographic data while the next sections elicited information about the factors used in the research model.
Two types of analysis for supporting the hypotheses generated.
We conducted 2 types of analysis; the first was the analysis of the measurement model while the second was the analysis on the structural model as recommended by the literature.
a) Measurement model.
The total reliability test of the 28 items (the questionnaire items available in the appendix) used in this study is 0.902 which shows well-structured data.
b) The structural model.
The proposed model attempts to measure the acceptance of mobile government among citizens using SEM AMOS18 to test the research hypotheses.
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is the best for analyzing the strength of casual relationship of the constructs. The paths analysis shows that all model hypotheses are supported and have significant affect at the 0.01 level. Thus the proposed framework is empirically tested by structural equation modeling using data collected from a structured questionnaire.
Дата: 2019-03-05, просмотров: 295.