Exam (questions, tests, tasks, etc.)
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. During the outbreak of cholera in the Kelesky district of the SKO in 1998, cholera vibrios were isolated at the same time from the reservoirs of patients and carriers. Justify these phenomena with a specific microbiological term.

2. To obtain a homogeneous bacterial population, a bacteriologist took part of an isolated colony on a dense nutrient medium in order to further study the properties of the grown microorganism. Justify this process with a specific microbiological term.

3. When the bacterial culture was sown on the Giessa medium, the color of the medium in the test tubes with glucose and the gas float changed after a day of incubation. What do these changes indicate?

4. When sowing the culture on the "motley" series 24 hours later in a test tube with peptone water, a clouding of the medium is observed - the indicator papers one turned pink and the other blackened. Why?

5. Various carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, rhamnose, etc.) are added to the nutrient agar to obtain the Gissa medium. The media were sterilized by a lab technician under pressure in one atmosphere. Justify the correctness or error in the preparation and sterilization of differential media with carbohydrates.


1. Environments used to accelerate the detection and identification of bacteria belonging to a large number of species of enterobacteria and pseudomonas

A) differential-selective

B) special

C) synthetic

D) selective

E) semisynthetic

2. A method based on the joint cultivation of anaerobes with strict aerobes, in the cultivation of anaerobic bacteria

A) chemical

B) physical

C) combined

D) biological

E) mechanical

3. When protein is decomposed by some bacteria, hydrogen sulphide may be released, while the indicator paper is colored in

A) pink color

B) black color

C) blue color

D) yellow

E) the color does not change

4. In the second stage of the allocation of pure culture, the following activities

A) definition of sensitivity to phages

B) study of isolated colonies

C) study of antigenic properties

D) determination of sensitivity to antibiotics

E) infection of laboratory animals

5. Dissociation of aerobes by uniform distribution of bacterial loops on the surface of a dense nutrient medium

A) biological method

B) the physical method

C) chemical method

D) mechanical method

E) biochemical method

6. Selective medium

A) Saburo

B) Levina

C) alkaline agar

D) Endo

E) Kitta-Tarozzi

7. Environment for the cultivation of anaerobes

A) Ploskirev

B) Levina

C) Endo

D) Kitta-Tarozzi

E) Mueller

8. Nutritional media for the composition of ingredients are divided into

A) Loose

B) liquid

C) dry

D) dense

E) natural

9. Nutrient media are liquid, semi-liquid, dense, loose and dry, they are divided into

A) complexity

B) designation

C) composition

D) consistency

E) the number

10. Nutrient media intended for selective isolation and accumulation of microorganisms of a certain type from materials

A) concentrating

B) the main

C) special

D) differential-diagnostic

E) elective

Lesson№ 6.

1. Topic: Physiology of viruses. Virological methods of research. Indication and identification of viruses. Phages and phage typing.

2. Aim: To master methods of cultivation of obligate parasites, viruses.

3. Objectives: Give an idea of the stages of preparation of a single-layer cell culture. To master the technique of infection with viruses and the opening of a chicken embryo, methods for isolating phages from environmental objects and their identification.

4. Main questions of the topic:

1. Types of interaction of the virus with the cell.

2. Stages of interaction of the virus with the cell.

3. Integrative form of viral infection.

4. Methods of cultivation of viruses.

5. Cultivation of viruses in the body of sensitive animals.

6. Cultivation of viruses in a chicken embryo.

7. Classification of tissue cultures and the main stages of their production.

8. Propagation of viruses in cell culture, methods of their detection (cytopathic action, plaque method, color test, intracellular viral inclusions, hemagglutination and haemadsorption reaction).

9. Methods of identification (typing) of viruses.

10. Biological features of bacteriophages (phages), their forms.

11. Infectious phages, resting, virulent and moderate phages.

12. The life cycle of the phage, accompanied by a productive infection.

13. The life cycle of a phage, accompanied by a reductive infection.

14. Differentiation of phages from the spectrum of action on bacteria, their practical application in medicine.

15. Extraction of phages from environmental objects.

16. Quantitative and qualitative methods for determining phages.

17. Determination of the spectrum of the phage's phytic action.

18. Definition of lysogeny.

5. Methods of learning and teaching: presentation


1. Medical microbiology, virologists and immunology. Ed. Academician of RAMS Zverev VV, Professor Boychenko MN - Moscow, GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 1t. - 900 b.

2. Medical microbiology, virology and immunology. Ed. Vorobyeva A.A. - Moscow: MIA, 2008. - 690 p.

3. Medical microbiology, immunology and virology: a textbook for honey. universities. Ed. Korotyaeva AI, Babicheva SA - 5-еизд., Испр.и доп. - SPb .: SpecLit, 2012. - 760 pp. : ill.

4. Medical microbiology, virology, immunology. Ed. Borisova LB ..- M .: MIA, 2006.-734 p.

5. Medical Microbiology / Ch. Ed. Pokrovsky VI, Pozdeev O.K. - Moscow: GEOTAR MEDICINE, 2007.

6. Atlas on medical microbiology, virology and immunology: atlas / ed .: AS Bykov, AA Vorob'ev, VV Zverev. - 2 nd ed., Ext. - M .: Honey. inform. agency, 2008. - 272 p .: ill.

7. A guide to practical exercises on medical microbiology, virology and immunology. Ed. Tetz V.V. -М.: Медицина, 2002.-352 с.

8. Computer program "Diamorph" - "Medical microbiology" - atlas-guidance on bacteriology of mycology, protozoology and virology, edited by acad. prof. Vorobyeva A.A.

9. The determinant of bacteria Berdzhi / Ed. D. Houlta, N. Krig, P. Snitai et al., Moscow: Mir, 1997. - In 2 volumes.

In english language

21. Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach - Standalone book 2nd Edition.

22. Richard V Georing, Hazel M Docrell, Mark Zukerman, Derek Wakelin, Ivan M Roit, Cedric Mims, Peter L Chiodini «Medical Microbiology», 4th Edithion, 2008, UK, p.656.

23. Jacquelyn G Black «Microbiology», 7 th ,WILEY, 2010, p. 846.

24. Patric R Muray, Ken S Rosenthal, Michael F Pfaller «Medical Microbiology», 5th Edithion, 2008, p. 962.

Electronic resources:

1. Medicine 3 year [Electrones resource]: a course of lectures. - Electron. text dan. (24.0 MB). - M: Publishing house "Balance", 2005. -1 эл. opt. disk (CD-ROM).

2. Medical microbiology ATLAS - a guide to bacteriology, mycology, protozoology and virology [Electron resource]: for stud. and doctors / ed. A.S. Bykov. -M., 2001. -1 el. opt. disk (CD-ROM).

3. Workshop for laboratory studies on general microbiology [Electron resource]: teaching method. Manual / R.T. Dzhanabaev [et al.] -Sh., 2004. -1 e. opt. disk (CD-ROM).

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 277.