1. In a patient with chronic staphylococcal infection, after long-term treatment of HTP, a culture of Staphylococcus aureus was isolated on HHS, in the form of S-colonies. Justify the transition of the R-colonies of staphylococci into the S-colony.
2. After UVL irradiation, capsule-forming Klebsiella cultures lost the ability to synthesize the capsule, and also lost pathogenic properties for white mice. Justify the loss of disease and the ability to synthesize a Klebsiella capsule.
1. The process of cell genome repair
A) modification
B) repair
C) mutation
D) dissociation
E) recombination
2. Direct transfer of the donor's genetic material to the recipient cell
A) transformation
B) transduction
C) conjugation
D) dissociation
E) repair
3. Plasmids
A) have a protein shell
B) parasitize in all living cells
C) participate in the transduction process
D) have their own set of genetic information
E) multiply both inside and outside the cell
4. Plasmids controlling the synthesis of enzymes that inactivate antibiotics cause mechanisms
A) Physiological
B) secondary
C) biological
D) genetic
E) biochemical
5. Resistance to antibiotics is acquired with resistance genes obtained from other cells, while genes are transmitted
A) with mutations
B) Is-sequences
C) plasmids and transposons
D) for deletions
E) under inversions
6. The resistance of bacteria to antibiotics, associated with changes in genes,
A) with conjugation
B) with modifications
C) during the transformation
D) with mutations
E) upon recombination
7. Principal difference of plasmids from viruses
A) parasites of eukaryotes
B) occurs only in the bacterium
C) the genome consists only of single-stranded RNA
D) has a shell
E) The main goal is to kill the cage
8. Extrachromosomal factors of heredity are molecules
C) polypeptide
D) of the enzyme
E) protein
9. The F-plasmid controls the synthesis
A) protein
B) of the enzyme
C) bacterial toxins
D) of the sexual villi
E) nucleic acids
10.R-plasmid controls synthesis
A) bacterial toxins
B) of the sexual villi
C) enzymes
D) protein
E) nucleic acids
11. Viruses of bacteria that can specifically penetrate into bacterial cells, reproduce in them and cause their lysis
A) spheroplasts
B) bacteriophages
C) Mycoplasma
D) Rickettsia
E) phagocytes
Lesson№ 11.
1. Topic: HTP and antibiotics. Determination of the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics.
2. Aim: To master methods of antibiotic therapy effectiveness, determination of bacterial sensitivity to antibiotics.
3. Objectives: To give an idea of the mechanisms of antibacterial action of the most important groups of antibiotics, of qualitative and quantitative methods for determining the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. Teach methods of sterilization and disinfection.
4. Main questions of the topic:
1. Give a definition of the concept of chemotherapeutic drugs, common characteristics characteristic of HTP.
2. The main groups of HTP.
3. Give the definition of the term "antibiotic". Classification of antibiotics by origin, by chemical composition, by the mechanism of antimicrobial action.
4. Classification of antibiotics according to the spectrum of action on microorganisms.
5. Drug resistance of bacteria and ways to overcome it.
6. Primary causes of virus resistance to antibiotics. Justify the reason for a small selection of HTPs for the treatment of viral infections.
7. Complications that develop with antibiotic therapy of infectious diseases.
8. Methods for determining the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics.
9. Practical use of various temperature parameters in microbiological medicine.5. Methods of learning and teaching: discussion
6. Literature:
1. Medical microbiology, virologists and immunology. Ed. Academician of RAMS Zverev VV, Professor Boychenko MN - Moscow, GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 1t. - 900 b.
2. Medical microbiology, virology and immunology. Ed. Vorobyeva A.A. - Moscow: MIA, 2008. - 690 p.
3. Medical microbiology, immunology and virology: a textbook for honey. universities. Ed. Korotyaeva AI, Babicheva SA - 5-еизд., Испр.и доп. - SPb .: SpecLit, 2012. - 760 pp. : ill.
4. Medical microbiology, virology, immunology. Ed. Borisova LB ..- M .: MIA, 2006.-734 p.
5. Medical Microbiology / Ch. Ed. Pokrovsky VI, Pozdeev O.K. - Moscow: GEOTAR MEDICINE, 2007.
6. Atlas on medical microbiology, virology and immunology: atlas / ed .: AS Bykov, AA Vorob'ev, VV Zverev. - 2 nd ed., Ext. - M .: Honey. inform. agency, 2008. - 272 p .: ill.
7. A guide to practical exercises on medical microbiology, virology and immunology. Ed. Tetz V.V. -М.: Медицина, 2002.-352 с.
8. Computer program "Diamorph" - "Medical microbiology" - atlas-guidance on bacteriology of mycology, protozoology and virology, edited by acad. prof. Vorobyeva A.A.
9. The determinant of bacteria Berdzhi / Ed. D. Houlta, N. Krig, P. Snitai et al., Moscow: Mir, 1997. - In 2 volumes.
In english language
13. Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach - Standalone book 2nd Edition.
14. Richard V Georing, Hazel M Docrell, Mark Zukerman, Derek Wakelin, Ivan M Roit, Cedric Mims, Peter L Chiodini «Medical Microbiology», 4th Edithion, 2008, UK, p.656.
15. Jacquelyn G Black «Microbiology», 7 th ,WILEY, 2010, p. 846.
16. Patric R Muray, Ken S Rosenthal, Michael F Pfaller «Medical Microbiology», 5th Edithion, 2008, p. 962.
Electronic resources:
1. Medicine 3 year [Electrones resource]: a course of lectures. - Electron. text dan. (24.0 MB). - M: Publishing house "Balance", 2005. -1 эл. opt. disk (CD-ROM).
2. Medical microbiology ATLAS - a guide to bacteriology, mycology, protozoology and virology [Electron resource]: for stud. and doctors / ed. A.S. Bykov. -M., 2001. -1 el. opt. disk (CD-ROM).
3. Workshop for laboratory studies on general microbiology [Electron resource]: teaching method. Manual / R.T. Dzhanabaev [et al.] -Sh., 2004. -1 e. opt. disk (CD-ROM).
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 409.