1. Experiments were conducted to determine the sensitivity of the culture isolated from the patient to antibiotics. When the susceptibility to polypeptide antibiotics - polymyxin and ristomycin was repeatedly determined, the method of the disk on nutrient agar showed the resistance of microorganisms to CTF data. However, the serial dilution method revealed sensitivity in these microorganisms to the same antibiotics, even to low concentrations. What can be assumed in this case?
2. In determining the sensitivity of microorganisms isolated from the patient M, their growth was suppressed by the concentrations of the antibiotic penicillin detected in the patient's blood serum using the usual doses used for treatment. However, the inhibition of streptomycin growth in this culture occurred with the administration of maximum doses of the drug. Patient K from the isolated microorganisms was not inhibited by gentamicin in concentrations created in the body using the maximum permissible doses of antibiotics. Determine the degree of resistance or sensitivity, isolated microorganisms from patients M and K to antibiotics.
3. To control the efficiency of the autoclave, benzoic acid was placed in it along with the sterilization object. After sterilization, taking into account all conditions of autoclaving (temperature, time, pressure), benzoic acid was melted. Determine the autoclaving temperature and sterilization efficiency.
4. To control the sterilization efficiency of the nutrient medium, benzonaphthol with a melting point of 110 ° C was placed in the autoclave. After the sterilization, benzonaphthol did not melt. Justify the quality of sterilization of the nutrient medium and the correctness of autoclaving.
1. 1. A combined preparation consisting of a mixture of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, which has a bactericidal effect on gram "-" and gram "+" bacteria
A) furagin
B) Biseptol
C) sulfapyridazine
D) norsulfazole
E) sulfamonomethoxin
2. For polyene antibiotics, the "target" of the inhibitory action is
A) Capsule
B) nucleoid
C) The CPU
D) cell wall
E) ribosomes
3. Antimicrobial preparations Nitroxoline, Enteroseptol, Intestopan, are derivatives
A) oxyquinoline
B) nitrofuran
C) thiosemicarbozone
D) naphthyridine
E) sulfanylamide groups
4. Antibiotics that suppress the synthesis of microbial cell wall components
A) quinolines
B) macrolides
C) tetracyclines
D) penicillins
E) aminoglycosides
5. The effect of antibiotics, in which there is complete or partial suppression of growth and reproduction of bacteria
A) bactericidal action
B) bacteriostatic action
C) microbial number
D) chemotherapeutic index
E) antimicrobial spectrum
6. In order to provide medicinal properties, an antibiotic must
A) at a low concentration should not kill the pathogen
B) the activity of the antibiotic must be suppressed by the action of body fluid
C) must quickly act on the microorganism
D) should not harm the microorganism
E) should suppress the immune response
7. Antibacterial preparation
A) interferon
B) azidothymidine
C) rubomycin
D) rifampicin
E) levorin
Lesson№ 12.
1. Topic: Fundamentals of sanatorium microbiology. Sanitary-indicative microorganisms of the environment.
2. Aim: To master the methods of sanitary-bacteriological evaluation of environmental objects of assessment, as well as qualitative methods for determining the composition of the microflora of the human body.
3. Objectives: To teach methods of studying the microflora of the environment, sanitary-bacteriological evaluation of water, soil, air, determining the composition of the microflora of the human body.
4. Main questions of the topic:
1. Environmental microbiology. Forms of interspecific relationships existing in the biosphere in the biosphere.
2. Soil microflora.
3. Indicators of fecal soil contamination. Assessment of the sanitary-bacteriological state of the soil.
4. Microflora of water, degree of microbial water pollution.
5. Assessment of the sanitary-bacteriological state of water.
6. Microflora of the air and its sanitary and bacteriological evaluation.
7. The role of microorganisms in the cycle of substances in nature.
8. Sanitary-bacteriological study of medical items and hands of medical personnel.5. Methods of learning and teaching: дискуссия
6. Literature:
1. Medical microbiology, virologists and immunology. Ed. Academician of RAMS Zverev VV, Professor Boychenko MN - Moscow, GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 1t. - 900 b.
2. Medical microbiology, virology and immunology. Ed. Vorobyeva A.A. - Moscow: MIA, 2008. - 690 p.
3. Medical microbiology, immunology and virology: a textbook for honey. universities. Ed. Korotyaeva AI, Babicheva SA - 5-еизд., Испр.и доп. - SPb .: SpecLit, 2012. - 760 pp. : ill.
4. Medical microbiology, virology, immunology. Ed. Borisova LB ..- M .: MIA, 2006.-734 p.
5. Medical Microbiology / Ch. Ed. Pokrovsky VI, Pozdeev O.K. - Moscow: GEOTAR MEDICINE, 2007.
6. Atlas on medical microbiology, virology and immunology: atlas / ed .: AS Bykov, AA Vorob'ev, VV Zverev. - 2 nd ed., Ext. - M .: Honey. inform. agency, 2008. - 272 p .: ill.
7. A guide to practical exercises on medical microbiology, virology and immunology. Ed. Tetz V.V. -М.: Медицина, 2002.-352 с.
8. Computer program "Diamorph" - "Medical microbiology" - atlas-guidance on bacteriology of mycology, protozoology and virology, edited by acad. prof. Vorobyeva A.A.
9. The determinant of bacteria Berdzhi / Ed. D. Houlta, N. Krig, P. Snitai et al., Moscow: Mir, 1997. - In 2 volumes.
In english language
17. Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach - Standalone book 2nd Edition.
18. Richard V Georing, Hazel M Docrell, Mark Zukerman, Derek Wakelin, Ivan M Roit, Cedric Mims, Peter L Chiodini «Medical Microbiology», 4th Edithion, 2008, UK, p.656.
19. Jacquelyn G Black «Microbiology», 7 th ,WILEY, 2010, p. 846.
20. Patric R Muray, Ken S Rosenthal, Michael F Pfaller «Medical Microbiology», 5th Edithion, 2008, p. 962.
Electronic resources:
1. Medicine 3 year [Electrones resource]: a course of lectures. - Electron. text dan. (24.0 MB). - M: Publishing house "Balance", 2005. -1 эл. opt. disk (CD-ROM).
2. Medical microbiology ATLAS - a guide to bacteriology, mycology, protozoology and virology [Electron resource]: for stud. and doctors / ed. A.S. Bykov. -M., 2001. -1 el. opt. disk (CD-ROM).
3. Workshop for laboratory studies on general microbiology [Electron resource]: teaching method. Manual / R.T. Dzhanabaev [et al.] -Sh., 2004. -1 e. opt. disk (CD-ROM).
Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 442.