Task 9. You work for a firm producing perfumes. You have been preparing the draft for a firm offer and put your ideas as separate notes. Organize them into a letter according to the outline
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
Your outline Your notes

1) establish credentials

2) introduce our product


3) give important details of our products


4) point values of this offer



5) offer some incentives


6) give details of the offer


7) use pressure tactics


8) offer help for further communication

9) enclose catalogue and samples



10) close politely

a) In view of this, we would be pleased to present you our new aroma Rose’n’Violet on profitable terms.
b) We look forward to receiving your esteemed order in due course.
c) As you will see from the catalogue, which we enclose with this offer, we propose discounted prices for our new products such as Rose’n’Violet. We can quote a 10% discount for consignments of not less than 10,000 items.
d) The quality of our new perfume is high, and we should like to take this opportunity of drawing your attention to the fact that all our products are manufactured from completely natural ingredients, and that we do not utilize any artificial additives whatsoever.
e) We hope these terms will meet your approval. Our comprehensive stocks enable us to execute all orders promptly and to our customers’ specifications, but we advise you to stock up, as the total number of Rose’n’Violet and some other aromas is restricted.
f) Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our telephones and addresses are given above.
g) Please note that this offer is irrevocable, firm for 10 days from the date of sending, and is subject to contract.
h) Also, we would like to emphasize this is the first time that we have included Rose’n’Violet of the ten of our most popular aromas in the catalogue for sale.
i) We have been informed by Messrs McDougall and Tonne of Banbury, who have been doing business with you for a number of years, that you are expanding your net of perfume boutiques, and may be interested in our new product.
j) We also enclose samples of our ten best aromas, among which you can find Rose’n’Violet.

Task 10. Rewrite the orders in the form of tables.

1) We have examined your samples and would like to place the following order: 200 yards of silk, pink colour, catalogue ref. No. C1562, at the price of £45 per yard; 250 yards of silk, emerald colour, catalogue ref. No. C1387, at the price of £36 per yard; 150 yards of cotton, “Magnolia” colour, catalogue ref. No. E3597, at the price of £10 per yard; 210 yards of cotton, “Spring flowers” colour, catalogue ref. No. G8916, at the price of £7 per yard.

2) We urgently require 100 bags of Arabica Coffee, type B5, at the price of £23.50, per cwt., 150 bags of Robusta Coffee, type A47, at the price of £26.25 per cwt., 50 bags of Mocco Coffee, type K6, at the price of £28.00 per cwt., 300 bags of Costa Rica Coffee, type M2, at the price of £31.50 per cwt.

3) Please deliver as soon as possible Orange Marmalade quality A2 in 1 lb jars, in the quantity of 15,000, at the price of £3.50 each; Pineapple Jam quality T6 in 1 lb jars, in the quantity of 10,000, at the price of £5.00 each; Cherry Marmalade quality S1 in 1 lb jars, in the quantity of 15,000, at the price of £4.50 each; Apple Jam quality B5 in 1 lb jars, in the quantity of 10,000 at the price of £3.00 each.


Task 11. Write a letter of complaint to a supplier using the ideas given below. You may adapt and change them as you wish.

ü Wrong number of items delivered (you ordered 1,000 pieces but only 800 were delivered and you need them urgently).

ü Mistake in the paperwork (there is also a mistake on the invoice).

ü Poor service (when you called to speak to someone about it, no one could find a record of your order).

ü This is not the first time you have had problems like this.

ü Include what action you want the other person to take (to deal with the matter urgently, to send the correct items, to replace the goods, to give a refund, to do the job properly, etc.).

When you finish, work with a partner. Check each other’s grammar, spelling, punctuation and style. Is everything clear, well-structured and easy to understand?

Дата: 2019-04-22, просмотров: 450.