Цель вводного абзаца письма об устройстве на работу (letter of application) – привлечь внимание работодателя к кандидату на должность. В нем указывается причина написания (вакансия и источник информации о ней), почему автора письма заинтересовала именно эта компания, какими способностями и навыками он обладает для того, чтобы занять выбранную вакансию.
Во втором абзаце описываются навыки, умения и достоинства, которые имеют прямое отношение к данной вакансии. Они по возможности подтверждаются конкретными примерами, показывающими, как кандидат зарекомендовал себя в прошлом, а также ссылками на уважаемых поручителей.
В заключительном абзаце указываются личные качества и то, как они могут пригодиться работодателю. В конце письма выражается надежда быть приглашенным на собеседование или личную встречу, что ненавязчиво побуждает адресата к действию.
Dear Mr. Woodward: The Woodward Clothing., Inc. employment advert in the May 30 edition of the Sunday Time has attracted my interest. Because I believe that I am qualified for the Sales Manager position in your office, I enclose a copy of my resume. As manager in Jackson Shoes Inc., I am directly responsible for providing helpful service to customers, monthly bookkeeping, changes in product offerings and providing in-house training for new employees. I am familiar with designing and implementing computer based tools and programming Excel spreadsheet implemented to control sales strengths and weaknesses. I have traveled extensively, both locally and abroad. I am also proficient in French. My work experience has helped me to develop an ability to deal with public, a valuable asset for a clothing retailer. I believe that my experience would be useful in your firm. I look forward to a personal interview at your convenience. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information. My phone number is (503) 456-6781. Sincerely yours, Peter Townsled Encl. |
Рекомендательное письмо
Цель данного письма (recommendation/reference) – рекомендовать кандидата на должность работодателю и подтвердить то, что он подходит для выбранной им вакансии. Оно содержит описание и характеристику деловых качеств кандидата. В заключительной фразе автор письма советует работодателю принять на работу человека, о котором идет речь в письме.
Dear Mr Woodward: I am happy to provide the information you requested regarding Peter Townsled. Mr Townsled was a student in my business administration course from 1998 to 2000. He was always an outstanding student and demonstrated his thorough grasp of the subject matter in his class performance as well as in written work. His assignments were always executed with punctuality. Moreover, he was an enthusiastic participant in class discussions and helped make the course a rewarding experience for everyone. Therefore, I can recommend Mr Townsled, without hesitation, for the position of Sales Manager in your firm. Yours truly, J.D. Barnes Associate Professor |
Task 1. Find thirteen pairs of synonyms.
a) recruit | j) recruitment agency | s) job |
b) position | k) abilities | t) search firm |
c) candidate | l) human resources | u) resume |
d) hire | m) good points | v) education |
e) employment interview | n) applicant | w) select |
f) CV | o) training | x) employer |
g) skills | p) choose | y) strengths |
h) letter of application | q) personnel | z) job interview |
i) interviewer | r) cover(ing) letter |
Task 2. A) Put the words and phrases into the appropriate categories and add five words of your own into each of them.
a) capable | e) trustworthy | i) manager | l) attended a course |
b) Master | f) dependable | j) committed | m) successfully completed |
c) office duties | g) motivated | k) part-time | n) handling cash |
d) apprentice | h) PhD |
(1) Work Experience | (2 )Academic Qualifications | (3) Personal Qualities |
___________________ | _______________________ | ______________________ |
B) Use the words and phrases from those above to fill in the gaps in the sentences.
1) During my time in the retail outlet at Slane Clothing, I became used to _______.
2) While at Durham, I ______________ in management practices.
3) I __________ my studies in 1999 and was awarded a first class Honours degree.
4) After two years in my previous job, I was promoted to the position of assistant _____________.
5) I joined the Liverpool Echo as a(n) _____________ printer in 1993.
6) At the same time as I was doing my degree, I also worked ____________ for a parcel delivery service.
7) I performed the full range of ____________ during my employment in the administration department of Halley’s.
8) Since leaving school, I have been _________ to a career in marketing.
Дата: 2019-04-22, просмотров: 1064.