Task 6. Put the sentences in the letters in the correct order
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
1) a) It would be appreciated if I could visit your University and some hospitals on Wednesday, 5 September, at a time convenient to you. b) I look forward to receiving your confirmation. c) I shall be visiting Glasgow next month as a member of the medical delegation. d) If this date is not convenient for you, could you please advise an alternative?
2) a) I will arrive by plane from Sophia in the evening of June 18. b) I look forward to meeting you on 19 June. c) I will be on a short visit to Sophia in the middle of June and would be delighted to attend your festivity. d) We are planning to depart from Sophia on Fin Air Flight 75 for St. Petersburg. e) We thank you very much for your kind invitation to the reception on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of your plant at the Plaza Hotel on 20 June.
3) a) I have received your letter of 1 March informing us of your forthcoming visit to Kiev and requesting an appointment on 20 March. b) I would be delighted to meet you, but unfortunately I will not be able to see you. c) I hope to hear from you soon. d) Could you offer an alternative date? e) I have already made arrangements to attend an exhibition in Brussels which cannot be cancelled.
4) a) Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you any accommodation and conference rooms at our hotel at the beginning of October. b) Can we offer you alternative accommodation? c) We have already reserved our available space for a large group of businessmen arriving to participate in the fair which is being held here from 1 to 10 March. d) Thank you for your request of 27 April. e) Please, advise.

Task 7. Sort out the sentences below and put them in order so as to get three thank-you letters to: a) colleagues for their hospitality during the business trip; b) another company for referring a customer; c) a customer for choosing the company’s service.

1) We are, of course, pleased to take on a new client.

2) Be assured that we will continue to make every effort to live up to your expectations.

3) I would say that we spent an extremely interesting time, and I believe the discussions were of great value to the development of co-operation between our two organizations.

4) I am sure we can come to some worthwhile agreements.

5) Again, we thank you for being able to provide our service to you, and will be looking forward to serving you in the near future.

6) I thank you once again.

7) Thank you for referring Natalie Slate to us.

8) I very much appreciated your kindness and that of Mr. Donaldson in showing me round the new plant.

9) The opportunity to meet yourself and your directors is something I had long looked forward to and I can only hope now that one day I may be able to receive a visit here from you.

10) You may be surprised to find out just how economical this service can be.

11) Thank you for choosing our company to deliver your air freight to Lisbon.

12) We thought you might be interested in knowing that we can make deliveries anywhere in the world and most of our overseas deliveries can be made overnight, directly to the address of the recipient.

13) Back now in my country I wish to thank you most warmly for your excellent hospitality extended to me.

14) While the cost for this service will vary depending on the ultimate destination of your package, our prices are highly competitive.

15) But even more, we appreciate your confidence in our legal services and your willingness to communicate this confidence to others.

Task 8 . W rite three letters concerning an invitation to a meeting or event.

A) A letter to a business contact to invite them to a meeting or event. Prepare the situation, real or imaginary, using the questions below.

ü What is your company’s business? What products/services do you offer?

ü What kind of meeting/event are you going to organise? What is the agenda/reason?

ü Who is the person that you are inviting?

ü Why would they be interested and want to come?

ü Do they need to prepare or bring anything?

ü What are the details? (date, time, place, etc.)

ü Are there any other practical details like lunch, refreshments, etc.?

ü Do you want them to reply by a certain date to tell you if they can come?

B) Exchange letters with your partner. Reply by fax to the letter you receive. Some ideas are given below, but you may adapt and change them as you wish.

ü Thank them for their letter.

ü Agree that the meeting is important.

ü Say that the time is not good for you, and suggest an alternative.

ü Apologise for any inconvenience caused (if appropriate).

ü Say that you will call them to finalise the arrangements.

ü Respond to any other points in the letter you received.

C) Exchange your faxes and reply by e-mail to the fax you receive.

ü Confirm that the new time is fine.

ü Say that you look forward to their call (where you can finalise the arrangements).

ü Close in a friendly way.

Дата: 2019-04-22, просмотров: 563.