Task 10. Look through some newspapers/magazines and find a job ad or think of a real-life job you would be interested in. (It doesn’t matter if the position is not vacant at the moment.)
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

A) Make up your CV including some information relevant for the position.

B) Write a letter or e-mail applying for the job you have chosen.

When you finish, work with a partner. Check each other’s grammar, spelling, punctuation and style. Is everything clear, well-structured and easy to understand?

Task 11. Role play “Job Hunt

Form groups of six. Three students are Applicants for the position, and the rest work as HR Managers in Staffing Division of the European Investment Bank. Everyone should first study the job advertisement and then follow the instructions in the files.

Under the Cotonou Agreement the EIB has a mandate to manage the 2.2 billion euro Investment Facility, which will support the development of private enterprise and commercially run infrastructure in the Africa Caribbean Pacific (ACP) countries. The EIB’s General Directorate for Lending Operations – Development Economic Advisory Service (DEAS) is seeking for its headquarters in Luxembourg an (m/f) European Investment Bank A career in the heart of Europe


The successful candidate will report directly to the Head of DEAS and will work autonomously and proactively.

Responsibilities: •Prepare reports on macroeconomic conditions with special focus on ACP countries. •Provide economic inputs for the appraisal of selected operations within the financial sector. •Produce policy papers on matters affecting bank operations. •Elaborate statistical tests and conduct economic analyses of results. •Review and analyse existing work and literature on relevant subjects.

Qualifications: •University level education in macroeconomics and development economics. •3-5 years’ experience in applied economics, acquired working in government, banking or an international financial institution. •Strong computer skills with regard to statistical software. •Excellent knowledge of English. Knowledge of other EU country language would be an asset.

Competencies: •Good analytical skills and accuracy. •Ability to work independently. •Ability to communicate with clarity and concision. •Developed sense of initiative and problem solving attitude. •Ability to work under pressure on various tasks at a time. •Team player with good interpersonal skills.

The EIB offers attractive terms of employment and a wide range of benefits. Applications should include a cover letter and a CV in English and be sent to:

EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK, Staffing Division, L-2950 Luxembourg.

Fax: +352 4379 2545. E-mail: jobs@eib.org

For further particulars about the EIB, visit the website: http://www.eib.org

Applicant’s File

Step 1. You would like to apply for the position advertised above. Use your own name and address and write a letter of application. Enclose your CV.
Step 2. While your papers are being studied, get ready for a job interview and make up a list of questions concerning your future work.
Step 3. You have to go through the interview. Don’t forget to ask the interviewer the questions you’ve prepared.
Step 4. Talk with other applicants for the same position and exchange your opinions and impressions of the interview.
Step 5. Read the letter from the EIB. If they offer you a job, write an e-mail confirming your readiness to start work. Or, if they refuse, write a thank-you letter.

HR Manager’s File

Step 1. Join other HR managers and make up a list of questions you would like to ask the applicants for the position advertised above.
Step 2. Choose one applicant and study his/her papers. If necessary, change the questions you’ve prepared.
Step 3. Interview the applicant and make notes of his/her answers. If he/she asks any questions, be ready to answer them.
Step 4. Join other HR managers again and discuss the results of the interviews. Agree upon the applicant to fill in the position.
Step 5. Write a letter to the applicant you interviewed informing him/her about the decision.

Урок 4



    При заключении сделки первым шагом, как правило, является письмо-запрос (letter of inquiry). Для сокращения дальнейшей переписки покупателю следует четко указать, какую информацию касательно товара он хочет получить от продавца (каталоги, образцы, расценки, условия и сроки доставки, методы оплаты, скидки и др.), когда ему нужен товар, в каком количестве, для чего он планирует его использовать. Если покупатель впервые пишет продавцу, ему следует указать, откуда он о нем узнал, и дать краткую информацию о своей фирме и направлении ее деятельности.

Dear Sirs,   In the German Export magazine No. 5, 20-- we noticed an advertisement describing your new models of calculators and mini-computers. We are interested in these and, for that matter, in any other calculating devices you may manufacture.   As a major office supplier, we require large quantities of calculators and mini-computers to supply our clients in North Europe. Could you make us an offer for these products? Please quote your lowest price based on a monthly order of 500 items.   For your information we may add that our company was established ten years ago and has sales outlets all over Europe.   We look forward to your early reply.   Yours faithfully,     Andrea Philips Marketing Manager


В ответ на запрос продавец пишет письмо-предложение – оферту (letter of offer) и прилагает к нему запрошенные материалы (каталоги, прайс-листы и т.д.). Оно должно убедить покупателя купить товар/услугу и способствовать дальнейшему долгосрочному сотрудничеству. Твердая оферта (firm offer) содержит обещание поставить товар по указанным в ней условиям, которые, как правило, действуют ограниченный период времени и могут быть отозваны продавцом. Оферта без обязательства (free offer) может рассылаться постоянным и потенциальным покупателям и без предварительного запроса информации.

Dear Ms Philips, Thank you for your letter of 22 September inquiring about our production.   Stationery World, Ltd. offers a full range of different modern office supplies and stationery. I have pleasure in enclosing our latest catalogue and price list from which you can see that our prices are highly competitive. The quotation you inquired about is attached herewith. I look forward to calling you in a few days.   Yours sincerely,     James T Brown Sales Manager   Enc: 3


    Для оформления заказов (letter of order) в большинстве фирм используются специальные бланки, в которых указывается вид (артикул, размер, цвет и т.д.) и количество товара, условия и сроки доставки и оплаты. Продавцу следует подтвердить получение заказа и поблагодарить клиента. Если условия изменились, либо товара нет в наличии, нужно сообщить покупателю об этом и предложить замену.

Dear Sirs, Order No. … Please supply and deliver the goods described below on the terms and conditions specified herein and on the reverse of this order as well as those attached to the order. Type of equipment: ....................................................................................................... Total amount of order: ................................................................................................. Delivery: Free on board ................................................................................................. Delivery time: ................................................................................................................ Terms of payment: ........................................................................................................ Consignee: ……………….............................................................................................   Quantities, description, prices and technical conditions – see following pages. This order contains ... pages.  
Item Quantity Description Price per unit Amount


Kindly acknowledge the receipt and the acceptance of this order by return mail and indicate expected date of dispatch of relative goods.


Yours faithfully,


К сожалению, в процессе выполнения заказа могут возникнуть различные проблемы: неполная комплектация, несоответствующий или бракованный товар, несоблюдение сроков поставки и т.д. В этом случае покупатель направляет продавцу письмо-претензию (letter of complaint), в котором ясно и логично объясняет суть проблемы, опираясь на факты и документы, а также описывает неудобства, возникшие у него в связи с этим. В заключении предлагаются возможные пути решения проблемы (денежное возмещение, замена товара и др.). Следует избегать излишней эмоциональности, угроз, запугивания; тон письма-претензии может быть либо нейтральным (mild complaint), либо более настойчивым (strong complaint).

Dear Mr Brown, Re: Shipment of Order No. 3342/09 We refer to our Order No. 3342/09 for office equipment which arrived here on 4 November 20--.   On examining the consignment we found that ten of the calculators had been placed in the case without any padding with the result that their casings are smashed and the mechanisms exposed and damaged beyond repair. The surveyor’s report with photographs is attached herewith.   We should be very much obliged if you would send us replacements at your earliest convenience.   We hope to hear from you soon.   Yours sincerely,     Andrea Philips   Encl.


Если претензия покупателя обоснована, продавец пишет письмо-извинение (letter of apology), в котором признает свою ошибку, излагает причины, вызвавшие ее, извиняется за причиненные неудобства и предлагает подходящее для покупателя урегулирование проблемы. В случае необоснованных претензий, продавец должен объяснить клиенту, почему он с ним не согласен, убедить клиента, что он ошибается, а затем предложить компромиссное решение проблемы.


Dear Ms Philips,   We are in receipt of your letter dated 10th November re your shipment of office equipment under order No. 3342/09, and are sorry to hear about the faulty packing which resulted in ten calculators becoming unserviceable.   Our packing and dispatch department has been working overtime to clear the increase in orders which usually occurs at this time of year, and it would seem that one case was allowed to go through without proper inspection.   Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused. Replacement calculators have been dispatched today by container service, and should reach you by the end of the week.   Yours sincerely,     James T Brown


Дата: 2019-04-22, просмотров: 624.