Task 5. Choose more formal phrases in the letter of application
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Mrs. Lloyd

Personnel Manager

BLD Services

22 Oak Road

Oxford, OD 26 18L

May 21, 20--

Dear (1) Carol Lloyd / Mrs. Lloyd,

I am writing to (2) apply for the position / get the job of Marketing Manager in your Tokyo office, (3) I read about / as advertised in last week’s Guardian newspaper on 2nd May.

As (4) you can read / outlined in my CV, which (5) I have enclosed / I’m sending with this letter, I (6) went to / attended Riverside Secondary School. In 1987, I graduated from the University of Wales with a BSc in Marketing.

(7) After graduation / When I finished my studies, I moved to Tokyo where I trained as a market researcher for two years. (8) When I came back / On my return to England, I continued working as a market researcher until 1993 when I (9) obtained / got my present (10) job / position.

(11) I am currently employed / Now I work as Assistant Managing Director at Melton Enterprises. (12) My duties include / I have to control the organisation of staff and stock. (13) I am generally noted for my good managerial skills / They say I am good at managing.

I believe that I would be (14) an ideal / great candidate for the position, as I have had extensive marketing training. I also have (15) a number / loads of good business (16) friends / contacts in Tokyo and (17) a basic understanding of the Japanese language / can speak Japanese a little.

I (18) enclose / am sending you my CV and (19) photograph / photo as requested, and (20) would be happy to supply you with further details / can give you every piece of information you need. I thank you for (21) reading / considering my application and (22) can come for / am willing to attend an interview at any time.

(23) Yours sincerely / Best regards,

Steven Bradley

Task 6. Put the sentences in the letter of recommendation in the correct order. Divide it into paragraphs and rewrite it in the modified block style.

1) James is professional and efficient in his approach to work and very well-liked by his colleagues and executive clients.

2) I would gladly answer any request for further information.

3) James Blond joined the A.N.Y. Company in July 1998.

4) Penny Farthing

5) Managing Director

6) Sincerely,

7) He is well-presented and able to work both independently and as part of a team.

8) I believe that James will make a valuable addition to any organization that he may join.

9) To Whom It May Concern:

10) Reference for Mr. James Blond

11) We deeply regret his decision to move on and I recommend him without hesitation.

12) Since then he has proved to be the most reliable and effective member of the sales team.

13) His contribution to all areas of company activity in which he has been involved have been much appreciated.

Task 7. Many employers require all applicants, regardless of the job they apply for, to complete a job application form. This way the employer will have consistent data on file for all prospective applicants. Study the job application form and practice filling it in.

JOB APPLICATION FORM Instructions: Print clearly in black or blue ink. Answer all questions. Sign and date the form.
Personal Information First Name ______________________ Middle Name _____________________________ Last Name ______________________ Date and Place of Birth _____________________ Passport Details __________________________________________________________ Social Security Number ____________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________ E-mail __________________________ Phone Number (___)_______________________ Are you eligible to work in the United States? Yes _______ No_______ If you are under age 18, do you have an employment/age certificates? Yes ____ No ____ Have you been convicted of a felony within the last five years? Yes_______ No_______ If yes, please explain: __________________________________
Position/Availability Position Applied For ________________________________________ Days Available: Monday _____ Tuesday _____ Wednesday _____ Thursday _____                        Friday _____ Saturday _____ Sunday _____ Hours Available: from _______ to ______ What date are you available to start work? ______________________________________
Education Name and Address of School - Degree/Diploma - Graduation Date __________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, Skills, Training, Awards ________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Employment History Present or Last Positions: Employer ________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________ Supervisor __________________________ Phone ______________________________ E-mail _____________________________ Position Title _________________________ From ____________ To _______________ Responsibilities ___________________________________________________________ Salary _______________ Reason for Leaving ___________________________________ May We Contact Your Present Employer? Yes _____ No _____ References: Name/Title Address Phone __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for not hiring me or for immediate termination of employment at any point in the future if I am hired. I authorize the verification of any or all information listed above. Signature _____________________________ Date ______________________________

Task 8. A) Choose phrases which can be used in a letter of application for the job advertised below.

EXECUTIVE OFFICER (Payment) to supervise payment operations. You must be fluent in English and Mandarin, familiar with computer operations, and have a qualification in accounting and three years’ relevant experience. We offer a competitive salary, generous holiday allowance, bonus scheme and free medical insurance. For further details and an application form, write to Personnel Officer, Jurong Ltd., 410 Huan Shi Rd W, Guangzhou, China 5110070

a) Dear Sir or Madam f) Yours sincerely,


Personnel Officer

Jurong Ltd.

410 Huan Shi Rd W


China 5110070

g) Yours faithfully,
h) Gentlemen:
i) I look forward to hearing from you.
j) I am writing with reference to …
c) I wish to thank you for …. k) Congratulations on your promotions to …
d) I have been an accountant… l) With apologies,
e) Further to our telephone conversation yesterday, … m) Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information.

B) Write the application letter using the phrases you have chosen and the information from the CV below.

Curriculum Vitae

Candidate Amanda Lynn Tailor Address 624 W. 24th Street, Topeca, Kansas 666 11 tel. (814) 338 934 Work Experience 5 years as Chief Accountant in Eterna-Tools, Inc. Responsibilities include preparing accounts payable/receivable, financial statements, checking receipts, keeping all books of account, general ledgers and balance sheets. Education BSc in Finance & Accounting, May 2000, Topeca Public College, Topeca, Kansas Languages English (mother), Chinese (fluent), German (fair) Computer skills Hardware: Macintosh, IBM PC Software: Excel, MS Word, Mac Write, Internet Explorer

Task 9. A) Study the information on how to write an autobiography.

Employers can ask you to write your autobiography, which is a written account of the series of events that make up your life. A short autobiography gives the basic facts, i.e. date and place of birth, family information, lifetime accomplishments, major events of life. A longer autobiography includes that basic information, of course, with a lot more detail, but it also tells a good story. It this case, consider such questions as:

- Was there anything in your childhood that shaped your personality?

- Was there a personality trait that drove you to succeed or impeded your progress?

- What adjectives would you use to describe yourself?

- What were some turning points in your life? etc.

B) Use the following tips and write your short autobiography.

Ø Include introduction and basic personal information in the first paragraph.

Ø Use 1st person pronouns (I, me, my, myself).

Ø Write in the past tense.

Ø Put paragraphs in chronological order, one subject per paragraph.

Ø Link your paragraphs with temporal connectives, e.g. “next”, “after that”, “later”, etc.

Ø Give a summary in the last paragraph and bring the reader up to date.

Ø Proofread and check for errors.

Дата: 2019-04-22, просмотров: 665.