1. Had these facts been fully appreciated, the research would have taken a different course.
2. If the Greek mathematicians had not applied themselves to the investigation of conic sections, zealously and without the least suspicion that it might someday be useful, it would not have been possible centuries later to navigate far from shore.
3. But if modernist writers considered women’s revolt against men’s domination one of their “greatest” and “deepest” themes, only recently – in perhaps the past 25 years – has the literary criticism begun to catch up with it.
4. If the satellite had not been interrupted, it would have continued on its orbit.
5. If chlorine were inhaled in large doses, it would be fatal.
6. But for the layer of ozone gases which filters out most of the ultraviolet rays from the sun, the full blast of the sun’s ultraviolet light would burn our skins, blind our eyes, and eventually result in our destruction.
7. The record of the events can be established, be it a century later.
8. If the wires were insulated, they could be used to carry electric current.
9. Unless he works hard, he will be certainly expelled.
10. If my information be correct, he has decline d the proposal.
11. If man did not know that the world existed, and that the world was of a certain kind, that he was in the world, and that he himself was of a certain kind, he wouldn’t be man.
12. If at a job interview you are asked about what kind of computer equipment you’ve used before, and you don’t have an answer, it could dramatically hurt your chances of getting the job you want.
13. Granting you have obtained the necessary data, you can complete this work.
14. All this, were it to happen to me now, would influence my choice of the carrier.
15. This information would have been highly satisfactory, had it not been ,for that hitch about heat treatment.
16. If the question were less important it would not be worth labouring in a review.
17. If rate of reaction is dependent on the concentration of the reactants, it is apparent that the rate will decrease as the reaction proceeds, due to the lowered concentration of the substances taking part in the reaction.
1. If we had a really pure insulator it could not be heated.
2. Earth behaves as though the attractive force were acting at its centre.
3. It is of interest to inquire whether a radioactive charge should be classed as chemical in character or not.
4. The early alchemists searched for a fluid which would dissolve gold.
5. The chemistry of radium resembles that of barium as we should expect from the position of these two elements in the Periodic Table.
6. If the distance to the star be known, its candle power can be judged from its apparent brightness.
7. There are .many reactions which the chemist would like to speed up; there are other reactions which we should like to retard.
8. Should the anode grow too hot you must decrease the power of the transmitter.
9. In view of the recent discovery of the positron, one might suspect that these particles are extremelv rare in nature. Such is by no means the case.
10. A gas in the normal state conducts electricity to a slight extent, however small the electric force may be.
11. Should the contents of this volume prove of any assistance to others in enabling them to proceed with the study of more advanced treaties, the author will feel amply rewarded for his task.
12. Batteries performing innumerable useful services, one can hardly imagine how we could do without them.
1. It is a pleasant task to thank the many grammarians and friends without whose help my book would have been even less perfect than it is.
2. The record of events can be established, be it one day or one century later.
3. It is not surprising, therefore, that we should find a sharp contrast in style and outlook between Maugham's early and late works.
4. To define those forces and to indicate the directions in which they operate would require an exhaustive comparison bebrveen Oriental and Occidental states of mind, religious and social structures, that would be out of place in this book.
5. He set out on his journey, well knowing that the law allowed no pardon for a second offence of this kind, and whatever he might plead in his defence he would not be released.
6. As I heard the waves rushing along the sides of the ship and roaring in my very ear, it seemed as if Death were raging round this floating prison seeking for his prey.
7. I wish it were possible to invent a method of embalming persons in such a manner, that they may be recalled to life at any period.
8. The reader is invited to see the novelist's picture of life as though it were actually happening in the real world.
9. There is also a difficulty to be experienced when special collections (of books in a library) must be kept together. Donors sometimes stipulate that collections may not be broken up, and if these are included in the general catalogue, they can be made available to a wide circle ofreaders.
10. The chief promptlv ordered that a gift of food should be made to every crusadino soldier.
11. The further progress demands that these idealistic theories should be shown up, refuted, discredited.
12. Etiquette (among the natives) demanded that the guests should take their places оп stones round the oven.
Дата: 2018-12-28, просмотров: 407.