Лексико-грамматические упражнения
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


Ознакомьтесь со способами обозначения целых чисел и дробей.



Числа 25      twenty-five

        247    two hundred and forty-seven

        3200  three thousand two hundred

        2045328 two million forty-five thousand three hundred and twenty eight

Дроби ½ kg-half a kilogram(me)


        ⅓ ton-one third a ton

        0.5 litre-point five litre

        36.7 percent protein-thirty six point seven percent protein


6.1. Назовите по -английски :

135; 1575; 946; 7565700; ¼; 5.7; 18.95; 3052; 3 5/6; 2/3; 1.5; 5 4/6.


6.2. Переведите на английский язык:

3.5 литра, 73 км, 58 тысяч рублей,705 студентов,30 миллионов людей,207 машин, 400 слов, 53.8 процента содержания протеина, 6.5 процентов жирности, 250 химических соединений, ¾ пути, 6 ½ метров, 75 2/3 граммов.


Сыграйте в лото, изучив инструкцию.

Number Bingo

Look at the numbers given below. Write down any five of the numbers. Listen to the teacher calling out the numbers in random order.[12] If you hear one of your numbers, cross it out. The first student calls out «Bingo» and reads out the numbers to prove his claim: 3; 11; 7; 17; 19; 90; 87; 73; 12; 41; 70; 100; 1000; 99; 77; 20; 21; 107; 1194; 9.9; 2/5; 5.5; 50; 15; 5; 0.5; 2/3; 23; 3/8; 38; 88; 1.356; 2.785; 10; 4/8; 30; 480; 1.007; 1021; 112; 33; 13; 48; 84; 0.005.



7. Прочитайте следующие слова и выражения:

1. affect - влиять

2. amino acid -аминокислота

3. beta-carotene-бета-каротин

4. breed -порода

5. carbohydrates-углеводы 

6. chemical compound-химическое соединение

7. compare-сравнивать

8. composition- состав

9. contribute (to)-способствовать чему-либо

10. convert-превращаться

11. curd-свернувшееся молоко

12. digest- переваривать, усваивать

13. disease-болезнь

14. efficiency - эффективность

15. flakes - хлопья

16. increase- увеличиваться

17. influence- влиять

18. ingredient- ингредиент   

19. insufficient-недостаточный         

20. lactation -лактация             

21. lettuce-салат                      

22. liquid-жидкость, жидкий

23. micronutrient-микроэлемент

24. milking -доение  

25. percentage- процентное содержание 

26. prescribe (for)- прописывать     

27. quality- качество  

28. regard -рассматривать

29. solid-твёрдый            

30. sustain-поддерживать


8. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык текст, обращая внимание на слова и выражения из упражнения № 7:


The composition of milk

   Although milk is a liquid and most often considered a drink, it con­tains between 12 and 13 percent total solids and perhaps should be re­garded as a food. In contrast, many "solid" foods, such as tomatoes, carrots, and lettuce, contain as little as 6 percent solids.

   Many factors influence the composition of milk, including breed, genetic constitution of the individual cow, age of the cow, stage of lac­tation, interval between milkings, and certain disease conditions. In general, the type of feed only slightly affects the composition of milk, but feed of poor quality or insufficient quantity causes both a low yield and a low percentage of total solids. Current feeding programs utilize computer technology to achieve the greatest efficiency from each animal.

   The composition of milk varies among mammals, primarily to meet growth rates of the individual species. The proteins contained within the mother's milk are the major components contributing to the growth rate of the young animals. Human milk is relatively low in both pro­teins and minerals compared with that of cows and goats.

    The major components of milk are water, fat, protein, carbohy­drate (lactose), and minerals (ash). However, there are numerous oth­er highly important micronutrients such as vitamins, essential amino acids, and trace minerals. Indeed more than 250 chemical compounds have been identified in milk.

     Milk contains a number of different types of proteins, de­pending on what is required for sustaining the young of the particular species. These proteins increase the nutritional value of milk and other dairy products and provide certain characteristics utilized for many of the processing methods. The protein in about a litre of milk is approx­imately equivalent to that in 140 grams of meat or fish, 5 large eggs, about 100 grams of American or Cheddar cheese, or 16 slices of bread. It is important that due to its amino acid composition, milk pro­vides man with high-quality protein, that is protein containing all of the essential amino acids and in appreciable amounts.


9. Выпишите из текста эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

коровье молоко, твёрдая пища, состав молока, главные компоненты, многочисленные микроэлементы, низкое процентное содержание, молочные продукты, питательная ценность молока, протеин высокого качества.



10. Определите, какие слова из правого столбика могут служить определениями к слову из левого столбика:

quality              high, poor, low, well, insufficient

value                nutritional, approximately, important, highly

micronutrients essential, different, slightly, numerous, important


Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 616.