Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям
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Ведущие страны, принадлежать к тропическим растениям, давать урожай, глубина посадки, получить достаточное количество влаги, вегетационный период, выбрать правильное время для посадки, период быстрого роста, стебель кукурузы, ботанические свойства растения, прорастание семян.


Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык.

Temperate zone, hollow stem, loam soils, fibrous coat, different varieties, to be a native of America, to require a large amount of water, the period of rapid growth, to use for silage, cold wet ground, to plant corn deeper, securing good results, to allow a free circulation of air, fibrous roots, to vary greatly in length, well-distributed rainfall, soil fertility to become warm enough, improper conditions, to retain moisture.

Заполните пропуски в предложениях соответствующими словами из текста.

1) Corn is thought to be a … of … .

2) … countries in the … of corn are the United States, Argentina and Egypt.

3) The corn stem has a hard … … and a soft … .

4) Corn does best in warm, … well-drained … .

5) Corn land must be sufficiently … to allow a free … of air.

6) It is useless to…corn until… .

7) Growing season is necessary to …varieties.

Составьте предложения.

1) internodes, made up, corn, the, nodes, of, stem, is, and.

2) fertility, is, soil, important, for, growth, the, plant, of.

3) adapted, corn, the, zone, to, temperate, is, well.

4) amount, corn, water, a, requires, of, large.

5) their, deep, farmers, plant, seeds, must, to get, moisture, enough, sufficient, germination, for.

Исправьте предложения, не соответствующие содержанию текста.

1) Corn belongs to the tropical plants.

2) A growing season from 30 to 100 days is necessary to mature the various corn varieties.

3) Corn was introduced into Europe by Columbus.

4) The time of planting doesn’t vary with the location and the condition of the soil.

5) Corn land must be sufficiently well drained to allow a free circulation of air.

6) It is useful to plant corn until the soil becomes warm enough.

7) The depth of planting doesn’t depend on the condition of the soil.


Согласитесь с данными утверждениями или опровергните их с помощью следующих выражений.

        I find                             Я нахожу

        From my point of view С моей точки зрения

        I believe                        Я считаю

        I agree that                    Я согласен, что

        I think                           Я думаю


1) The leading countries in the production of corn are European countries.

2) Corn is thought to be a native of America.

3) Corn doesn't require an abundance of warm water.

4) To choose a proper time for planting corn is very important for securing good results.

5) A growing season is necessary to mature the various corn varieties.

6) Soil fertility is very important factor for corn cultivation.

7) The depth of planting varies with the condition of the soil.


15. Вставьте в реплики диалога следующие слова и выражения:

country, voyage, Europe, to introduce, Columbus, America, exactly.


Teacher: What…is an original home of corn?

Mark:  I don't know...but corn is thought to be a native of... .

Teacher: Yes, it's true. And who ... it into…?

Mark: ...introduced it into Europe after he had returned from his voyage.

Teacher: Yes, you are right.

16. Продолжите диалог, опираясь на вопросы.

1) Where does corn grow?

2) Why does it belong to the tropical plants?

3) What countries are the leading ones in the corn production in the world?

4) What are the main factors, influencing corn cultivation?

5) What corn varieties do you know?


17. Ответьте на вопросы .

1) What country is an original home of corn?

2) What are the botanical characters of corn?

3) How many days does the growing season of corn last?

4) What zones does corn reach its best development in?

5) What varieties of corn are grown in the northern regions?

6) What are the early maturing varieties used for?

7) What soils does corn grow best in? 


Составьте рассказ на одну из предложенных тем, используя слова и словосочетания.

The origin of corn

Tropical plant, the temperate zone, to introduce, Europe, Christopher Columbus, a native of America, voyage.

Botanical Characters

Stem, nodes and internodes, fibrous roots, to belong to, a hard fibrous coat, hollow, a soft spongy pith, the height of the plant.


The time of plating, important, to choose, the most convenient, the depth of planting, seed, to get sufficient moisture, germination.

Climatic requirements

Well-distributed rainfall, a frost-free growing period, to require, a large amount of water, to mature, various corn varieties.

Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 1440.