All of the vitamins known, some of the nutrients contained; the minerals required, domesticated animals, stored food, proteins contained in milk, nutrients required by man, processed milk, increasing consumption, slowing growth, growing vitamin deficiency, factors influencing milk consumption, feeds affecting composition of milk, diseases causing reduced lactation, lactose constituting 36 percent of dry matter, high lactose content corresponding to the large brain size.
9. Прочитайте новые слова и выражения:
1. approximately- приблизительно
2. ascorbic acid- аскорбиновая кислота
3. average-средний
4. buffalo-буйвол
5. calorie -калория
6. commerce-торговля, коммерция
7. condensed milk-сгущенное молоко
8. contain- содержать
9. consume-потреблять
10. consumption-потребление
11. dairy products-молочные продукты
12. differ -отличаться
13. domesticate- приручать
14. dried milk-порошковое молоко
15. mammal-млекопитающее
16. mammalian infant- детёныш млекопитающего
17. low - fat milk-молоко с низким содержанием жира
18. nicotinic acid-никотиновая кислота
19. nutrient-питательное вещество
20. nutrition-питание
21. pasteurization-пастеризация
22. pasteurized-пастеризованный
23. protein -протеин, белок
24. provide-снабжать, обеспечивать
25. reindeer-северный олень
26. riboflavin-витамин В2, рибофлавин
27. skim milk-снятое молоко
28. supply -снабжать, снабжение
29.thiamine - тиамин, витамин В1
30. value-ценность
Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык, обращая внимание на слова и выражения из упражнения № 9.
Nutritional value of milk
Man, in common with other mammals, is born a milk drinker, so milk is considered to be highly important for the nutrition and well- being of mammalian infants.
It is interesting that the milk of all species contain the same nutrients, differing only in proportions. Having found milk good food, man domesticated various species of mammals for dairy purposes throughout the world. Cow milk is sure to be the principal type used in the world. Other animals utilized for their milk production include buffalo (in India, China, Egypt and the Philippines), goats (in the Mediterranean countries), reindeer (in northern Europe) and sheep (in southern Europe).
Cow milk has been used by man from the earliest times to provide both fresh and storable nutritious foods. The nutritional value of milk is indicated by the fact that daily consumption of a quart (0.95 litre) of cow’s milk supplies an average man with approximately all the fat, calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin, one-half the protein, one-third of the vitamin A, ascorbic acid, thiamine, one-fourth the calories. Considerable amounts of nicotinic acid and choline are also provided.
Goat milk has about the same nutrient composition as cow milk, but it differs in several characteristics. Goat milk is completely white in colour because all the beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A. Goat milk curd forms into small, light flakes and is more easily digested, much like the curd formed from human milk. It is often prescribed for persons who are allergic to the proteins in cow milk.
Sheep milk is rich in nutrients, having 18 percent total solids (5.8 percent protein and 6.5 percent fat). Reindeer milk has the highest level of nutrients, with 36.7 percent total solids (10.3 percent protein and 22 percent fat). These high-fat, high-protein milks are excellent ingredients for cheese and other manufactured dairy products.
Nowadays in some countries almost half the milk produced is consumed as fresh pasteurized whole, low-fat, or skin milk. However, most milk is manufactured into more stable dairy products dried milks, ice cream, yogurt, condensed and dried milk.
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 709.