переведите их на русский язык.
12. З aп oлнит e п poп ycки в п peдложениях, используя следующие слова:
kernels, soft, early, autumn ,development ,cereal grain, temperature, biscuits, gluten.
1) Wheat is the most widely grown... ... .
2) Facultative wheats can be planted in… or… spring.
3) Wheat... contain.
4) Winter wheat usually requires a period of low… for normal….
5) …wheat is used mainly for… and pastries.
13. Составьте предложения, объединяя по смыслу их части.
1) Wheat is a) into three types
2) Wheat provides b) mainly for pasta products
3) Bread wheat is classified c) in autumn or winter
4) Winter wheat is planted d) the most widely grown cereal
5) Durum wheat is used e) stops at 30°C
6) Hard types of wheat have f) more gluten than soft wheat
7) Soft wheat is used g) into tropical lowlands
8) Growth of wheat h) more calories and protein in the diet
9) The wheat cultivation extends than any other crop
i) mainly for crackers, biscuits and animal feed
Заполните пропуски в репликах диалога.
Teacher: Have you read the text about wheat?
Student: Yes, ...
Teacher: Where ...
Student: Wheat grows both in developed and developing countries.
Teacher: What is the best temperature for wheat growth?
Student: Wheat is adapted to ...
Teacher: What conditions…
Student: Wheat may die at 40°C.
Teacher: Does cultivation of wheat extend into tropical lowlands?
Student: Yes, ...
Teacher: What are the most common types of wheat?
Student: They are ...
Teacher: What is ...
Student: This is a type of protein that makes the dough elastic.
Teacher: When is winter wheat planted?
Student: It is planted in ...
Teacher: How is wheat also classified according to the properties of the kernel?
Student: Wheat is also classified ...
Teacher: Why ... ?
Student: The hard wheat is preferred for bread-making because ...
15. Дополните реплики в диалоге, используя следующие выражения.
Could you tell me Не могли бы вы мне сказать
In my opinion По моему мнению
I think Я думаю
As far as I know Насколько я знаю
That's right Это правильно
1 am not sure but Я не уверен, но
It is important to say Важно сказать
Would you explain Не могли бы вы объяснить
Let me see Разрешите подумать
What else Что ещё
Just a minute Одну минуту
So Таким образом
16. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям, используя разные типы вопросов.
1) There are three types of bread wheat.
2) Wheat provides more calories and protein in the diet than any other crop.
3) Wheat kernels contain gluten.
4) Wheat cultivation extends into tropical lowlands.
5) Facultative wheat is very hard.
17. Ответьте на вопросы.
1) Where does wheat grow?
2) What temperature does wheat require?
3) What does wheat contain?
4) What are the most common types of wheat?
5) How is wheat also classified according to the properties of the kernel?
6) What is every type of wheat used for?
7) What soil and climatic conditions does wheat need?
Составьте рассказ на одну из предложенных тем, используя приведённые ниже слова и словосочетания.
Cultivation of wheat
The most widely grown, cereal grain, to adapt to, temperature climate, to thrive best, temperature, may die, high altitude.
The value of wheat
Staple food, world’s population, to provide calories and protein, diet, to contain gluten, air-filled texture of bread, to make the dough elastic, unique among cereals.
Hard and soft types of wheat
Biscuits and pastries, to classify wheat, according to the properties of the kernel, to be preferred for bread-baking, to mill to flour, to have more gluten, to use for crackers, animal feed.
Опишите картинку, используя следующие грамматические конструкции.
Wheat is…
Wheat kernel contains…
Wheat grows…
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 653.