Переведите без словаря следующие слова и определите, к каким частям речи они относятся:
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

botanical, normally, farmer, tropical, really, climatic, variety, cultivated, nature, regional.


6. Подберите однокоренные существительные к следующим прилагательным:

deep, high, long, moist, various, abundant, warm, fertile, important, light, good.


Лексико-грамматические упражнения

7. Прочитайте новые слова и выражения:

  1. abundance -обилие, изобилие
  2. belong to-принадлежать к
  3. character- особенность, свойство
  4. consider -считать, полагать
  5. direction -направление
  6. drain -осушать
  7. fibrous - волокнистый
  8. germinate-прорастать


  1. germination -прорастание
  2. growing period -вегетационный период
  3. hollow -полый
  4. internode- междоузлие
  5. length - длина
  6. loam- суглинок
  7. mature-созревать
  8. mellow-рыхлый
  9. node- узел
  10. penetrate-проникать
  11. pith -мякоть, сердцевина
  12. retain-удерживать
  13. silage-силос
  14. spongy - губчатый, пористый
  15. spread-распространять
  16. timothy -тимофеевка

Прочитайте и переведите текст, обращая внимание на слова из упражнения № 7.



Corn is known to belong to the tropical plants. However, it has been found that it is well adapted to the temperate zone where it reaches its best development. The leading countries in the production of corn are the United States, Argentina and Egypt.

Corn is thought to be a native of America. It is said that it was introduced into Europe by Columbus after he had returned from his voyage.

 Botanical Characters. Botanically corn is a grass, so it belongs to the same family of plants as timothy and wheat. Its roots are fibrous and spread several feet in the ground in all directions. The stem, like that of all the grasses, is made up of nodes and internodes, varying greatly in length in different varieties. The corn stem is known to have a hard fibrous coat and a soft spongy pith, differ­ing from the hollow stem of most grasses. The height of the plant varies from 5 to 20 feet. The usual height is considered to be from 5 to 10 feet.

 Climatic Requirements. Corn requires a generous, well-distributed rainfall, a frost-free growing period of sufficient length and an abundance of warm weather. A good distribution of rainfall is essential during the critical months of July and August. During this period of rapid growth corn is found to require a large amount of wa­ter.

A growing season from 80 to 160 days is necessary to mature the various corn va­rieties. Production of corn in the northern regions has been increased as a result of the development of very early maturing hybrids. Most of the earlier maturing varieties grown in these areas are used for silage.

Soil. Corn is reported to produce a larger total yield than that of the other cereals. It does best in warm, rich, moist, well-drained loam soils. It would also grow, if the lands were light and poor, but it makes really good growth only on deep rich soils. Everybody must know that soil fertility is more important for corn than for growing of many other cultivated plants. Corn land must be sufficiently well drained to allow a free circulation of air. The soil must be compact to retain moisture, yet should be fine and mellow enough so that the roots may easily penetrate it.

Planting. The time of planting varies with the location as well as the condition of the soil. To choose a proper time for planting corn is very important for securing good results. It is useless to



plant corn until the soil becomes warm enough; the farmer cannot expect corn to do well if it is planted in cold wet ground. The most convenient time to start planting corn in the northern parts of the USA is thought to be that of plant­ing potatoes. The depth of planting varies with the condition of the soil. The seed must be planted deep enough to get sufficient moisture for its germination, but it is not necessary to plant it deeper.


Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 597.