Согласитесь с данными ниже утверждениями или опровергните с помощью следующих выражений
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I don’t know exactly              Я не знаю точно

I believe                                 Я считаю

I suppose                                Я предпочитаю

I am sure                                Я уверен

It is interesting that                Интересно, что

It is necessary to know that    Необходимо знать  

I am not sure                          Я не уверен



1) Daily consumption of a quart of cow milk provides an average man with calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin and all the fat.

2) Nowadays in some countries almost half the milk produced is consumed as fresh pasteurized whole, low-fat or skim milk.

3) Cow milk is sure to be the principal type used in the world.

4) Most milk is manufactured into different dairy products.

5) Man domesticated various species of mammals for dairy purposes throughout the world.

6) Milk is highly important for the nutrition and well-being of mammalian infants.

7) Different species of milk contain the same nutrients, differing only in proportion.


18. Вставьте в реплики диалога следующие слова и выражения:

a fresh milk, dairy products, utilized, producing, dairy purposes, mammals, nutrients, prefer, provides, goats.


Paul: Did man domesticate various species of…?

Mary: Yes, he did. He domesticated them for…... . Do you know animals…milk?

Paul: Certainly. Cows, buffalo,…, reindeer and sheep are…for milk production. Is it useful to drink… …? 

Mary: Yes, it is. Milk…man with different… … .How often do you eat other … …?

Paul: Rather often. I… ice cream and yogurt.    


19 . Ответьте на вопросы.

1) What kinds of animals were domesticated for dairy purposes?

2) Whose milk is considered the principal one used in the world?

3) What other animals are utilized for dairy production?

4) Why is it important for people to consume cow milk daily?

5) What substances does the cow milk contain?

6) What dairy products are manufactured from the milk?


Прочитайте и озаглавьте следующий текст.

    To produce much milk cows require different nutrients. Cows require carbohydrates, because they supply most of the energy necessary for the production of milk.  Fats in the ration are also used as a source of energy. But too much fat may result in digestive disturbances.  When there is not enough protein in the cow ration the amount and quality of milk are reduced. Protein may be provided by feeding both concentrated and roughage feeds, such as alfalfa and clover hay, cereal grains, green feeds and others. Minerals and vitamins are important for milk production. They may be provided by feeding cows with good quality feed and balanced rations.


Составьте 7-8 вопросов к тексту из упражнения № 20.


Составьте рассказ на одну из предложенных тем, используя следующие слова и словосочетания.


Domestication of mammals

Dairy purposes, a milk drinker, various species of mammals, throughout the world, milk production, buffalo, sheep, reindeer, goats, utilized, to include, to domesticate.


Dairy products

Condensed and dried milk, to consume, to manufacture, dairy products of worldwide commerce, butter, cheese, ice cream.

The value of cow milk

Daily consumption, to be used by man, to provide both fresh and storable nutritious foods, the nutritional value of milk, to supply an average man with.






Unit 10

Dairy Products

The Composition of milk

Фонетические упражнения

1. Прочитайте существительные, обращая внимание на произношение - tion, - age, - y:

1) quantity, quality, efficiency, technology;

2) lactation, nutrition, composition, digestion, contribution;

3) percentage.


2. Прочитайте следующие прилагательные, обращая внимание на произношение суффиксов:

1)-al: individual, essential, chemical;

2)-ant: important;

3)-ent: equivalent, insufficient;

4)-able: valuable, appreciable;

5)-ous: numerous, various.



3. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие существительные:

digestion, contribution, identification, conversion, prescription, composition, constitution.


4. Распределите следующие слова по группам: существительные, прилагательные, наречия, глаголы:

contain, primarily, growth, white, condition, utilize, the greatest, individual, slightly, allergic, quality, disease, relatively, excellent, conversion, achieve, compare, nutrient, prescription, completely.

5. Переведите следующие интернациональные слова без словаря и определите, к каким частям речи они относятся:

chemical, ingredient, form, composition, component, identify, characteristics, method, constitution, genetic, allergic, person.


Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 653.