Soil for high yields of corn
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Deep rich soils, well-drained loam soils, to allow a free circulation of air, to retain, moisture, roots, penetrate, fine, mellow.


   19. Расскажите о кукурузе, используя следующие грамматические конструкции.

Corn is…

Corn belongs to…

The corn stem is made of…

The corn stem has…

The height of this plant is…








Unit 7

Cereals. Rice.


Фонетические упражнения

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на ударение:

supplement, significant, accumulate, contribute, suppressed, sustain, subhumid, subtropics, periodic, dominate, shallow, input, legumes, supply, wetland, area, fertilizers, account, volcanic.


  1. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на правила чтения - ed:

1)-ed [id]: depleted, deposited, dominated, unbunded, irrigated, transplanted, accumulated,

              combinated, provided;

2) -ed [d]: waterlogged, sustained, considered, watered, assured;

3) -ed [t]: suppressed, produced, developed.



  1. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов:

to consider, to contribute, to transplant, to dominate, to accumulate, to suppress, to combine.


  1. Подберите однокоренные слова к следующим существительным:

irrigation, humidity, depth, production, tropics, importance, cultivation.


  1. Переведите без словаря следующие слова и определите, к каким частям речи они относятся:

problem, subtropics, dominate, combination, reserves, season, banana, global, periodic.


Лексико-грамматические упражнения

6. Прочитайте новые слова и выражения:


1) accumulate - накапливать, собирать

2) annually -ежегодно

3) bund -1.дамба, плотина 2. защищать берег реки дамбой                               

4) contribute-способствовать  

5) deplete -исчерпывать запас 

6) deposit -1. местонахождение 2.давать осадок

7) dominate- преобладать

8) drought- засуха

9) ecosystem- экосистема

10) flood – 1.паводок 2.прилив, подъём воды 3.орошать

11) input -вход, впуск, ввод

12) legumes- бобовые

13) major -основной, главный

14) monsoon -муссон, сезон дождей

15) puddle - обкладывать смесью глины и гравия

16) rainfall -количество осадков

17) run-off - сток

18) shallow -мелкий, поверхностный

19) significant - значительный

20) supplement -дополнение

21) suppress-подавлять

22) sustain- поддерживать

23) transport -пересаживать

24) volcanic- вулканический

25) waterlogged-заболоченный

Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык, обращая внимание на слова и выражения из упражнения № 6.


       About 90% of the world rice production is in the tropical areas of South and South-East Asia. Rice is the only major crop that grows well under waterlogged condition. It is often transplanted but can also be seeded on the surface onto a wet soil. Many rice-growing areas have tropical environments with monsoon rains and long periods of drought. The soils in such environments are rapidly depleted of nutrients. However major rice-growing areas are flood plains and newly deposited volcanic soils, which have considerable reserves of nutrients. There are various rice ecosystems.

        Irrigated rice accounts for 53% of the global rice area and contributes 75% of the production. It grows in shallow water in puddle fields with assured irrigation for one or more crops a year. Irrigation water may be used as a supplement to rainfall during the wet season. It may be the main water source in the dry season. Most of the irrigated rice land is sown to fertilizers.

        About 24% of the world's total rice land is rainfed lowland, providing 17% of global rice supply. It grows in bunded fields that are flooded for at least part of the cropping season and depend on rain and periodic run-off to supply water. It dominates the subhumid subtropics and large parts of the humid tropics. One rice crop annually is common but in some areas rice is followed by a post rice crop (legumes, wheat, maize, vegetables).                                           

       Upland rice is grown in 11% of the global rice area, mostly in Latin America and West America. But it produces only 4% of world production. It is grown at low input levels in unbunded fields where surface water does not accumulate for any significant time during the growing season. Upland rice crops are planted alone or in combination with other crops such as maize, beans, banana. Yields are low and weeds are a major problem, as they are more suppressed under flooded than under dryland condition. Flood-prone rice is grown where the sustained water depth exceeds 50 cm, and also on coastal wetland fields. It provides only 4% of global rice production.

8.Найдите в тексте словосочетания со словами season, condition, tropical. Составьте предложения с этими выражениями.

Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 640.