1) accumulate -накапливать
2 ) additional - добавочный
3) constituent - составляющий элемент
4) canopy - навес
5) decline - спадать, уменьшаться
6) derive -происходить, вести начало
7) grain - зерно
8) indispensable-необходимый
9) interception - преграждение
10) internal- внутренний
11) maintenance-поддержка
12) maturity - зрелость
13) micronutrient - микроэлемент
14) originate-происходить, возникать
15) relocate-перемещаться
16) ripe- созревать
17) seed- семя
18) senescent- стареющий
19) sunlight - солнечный свет
20) temperate climate- умеренный климат
21) trace element - микроэлемент
22) trace quantity - незначительное количество
23) transfer-перемещение
24) tuber - клубень
25) uniform-однородный
Прочитайте и переведите текст, обращая внимание на слова из упражнения № 7.
Plant Nutrient Demand
All feed for animals and food for humans originates from plants. Fourteen elements
derived from the soil, called plant nutrients, are indispensable for plant growth. There are also additional four or five elements which are beneficial for the proper development of some
plants. Plants form their complex organic matter from carbon dioxide taken from the air, energy received from sunlight, water and inorganic nutrients taken from the soil.
Plants nutrients are divided into three subgroups: 1. macro or primary nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K); 2. major or secondary nutrients: calcium (Ca), magnesium(Mg), sulphur (S); 3. micronutrients, also referred to as trace elements: chlorine (CI), iron (Fe), manganese(Mn), boron (B), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni). Some crops also benefit from other elements, such as sodium (Na) for sugarbeet and some tropical crops, silicon (Si) for maize, grasses and particularly for rice. The primary and secondary nutrients are required in the largest amounts, although there are large variations between crops. They are constituents of many plant components including proteins, nucleic acids and chlorophyll. They are essential (important) for processes such as energy transfer, maintenance of internal pressure and enzyme function. The micronutrients are required in small or trace quantities. Plant growth rate is not uniform. It starts slowly, then accelerates as leaf area increases until the canopy closes, i.e. the soil is shadowed by the crop. Thereafter the crop cannot further increase sunlight interception. The growth remains stable until maturity and senescence. During this period the crop passes through a series of development stages. Nutrient uptake differs between these stages. Cereals have a fast nutrient uptake in the early growth stages when 60-80% of the total need is accumulated. Thereafter the uptake rate stays constant or declines until ripening. Nutrients are relocated during maturation from other plant parts to the grain, seed or tuber. The maximum nutrient uptake rates vary with crop species, climate and soil condition. Crops in warmer climates grow more quickly than crops in temperate regions and have even higher maximum uptake rates of nutrients.
9.Подберите английские эквиваленты из правого столбика к словам и выражениям из левого столбика:
1) микроэлементы a) warm climate
2) тропические культуры b) plant growth
3) увеличивать c) organic matter
4) рост растений d) sugar beet
5) свекла e) accelerate
6) теплый климат f) tropical crops
7) стадии развития g) micronutrients
8) органическое вещество h) development stages
9) ускорять i) increase
1 0. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на значение выделенных слов.
1. These elements are beneficial for the proper development of some plants.
2. Some crops also benefit from other elements such as sodium (Na) for sugar beet and some tropical crops.
3. Crops grow more quickly in warmer climates than crops in temperate regions.
4. Plant growth rate isn’t uniform.
5. Crops grown in warm climate usually give high yields.
6. Nutrients are relocated during maturation from other plant parts to the grain, seed or tuber.
7. The growth remains stable until maturity and senescence.
11. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя следующие слова:
constituents, plants, plant growth, primary nutrients, micronutrients, organic matter,
1. The primary and secondary nutrients are … of many plant components including proteins, nucleic acids and chlorophyll.
2. Food for humans originates from ….
3. Plant nutrients are indispensable for …
4. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are …
5. Plant nutrients are divided into three …
6. Chorine, iron, manganese, boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum and nickel are …
7. Plants form their complex … from carbon dioxide taken from the air.
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 595.