2. Форма организации занятия:практическое.
3. Значение темы: контрольное занятие в конце первого семестра. Студент имеет возможность проверить свои знания и умения, полученные в течение первого семестра.
4. Цели обучения:
общая: обучающийся должен обладать способностью и готовностью к применению русского и иностранного языков, как средства профессионального общения (ОК-14).
учебная: знать основную психологическую лексику и терминологию на иностранном языке, грамматический материал, уметь использовать знания на практике, владеть навыками письменного перевода.
5. План изучения темы:
Контроль исходного уровня знаний.
1. Сообщение по теме «Careers in Psychology».
2. Перевод текста
Основные понятия и положения темы.
Занятия целиком посвящено повторению и контролю пройденного материала за первый семестр. Студентам предлагается лексико-грамматический тест, проводится контроль сообщения по теме, а также проверка практических навыков (письменный перевод текста со словарем).
5.3. Самостоятельная работа по теме:
1. письменный перевод со словарем (полный), 900 п. знаков (тексты прилагаются)
Тексты для письменного перевода.
Текст № 1
The Brain.
The brain is the core of the nervous system. Virtually all information from the senses and internal receptors flow to the brain, and all bodily activities depend on instruction from it. The brain has three main parts: the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brainstem. The outer and most massive area, the cerebrum, is composed of two cerebral hemispheres, each of which is covered with a thin layer, the cerebral cortex. The cerebral hemispheres are divided into four lobes specialized for specific processes: the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital. Visual processing, for example, takes place in the occipital lobe. The cerebral hemispheres are kept in constant communication by the corpus callosum, a large bundle of nerve fibres.
In the lower portion of hemispheres is the limbic system, which is important to emotion, memory, and homeostasis. The cerebellum is concerned with balance and muscular coordination. The remaining part of the brain is the brainstem. In addition to connecting the brain and spinal cord, it contains structures that regulate important internal functions such as breathing and heart rate. Cerebrospinal fluid surrounds the brain and fills interior brain spaces called ventricles. Its cushioning effect provides protection from injury.
Текст № 2
Much research has been carried out in recent years into sleep. We know a great deal about the mechanics of sleep and we are beginning to know about the biochemical changes involved. However, we are still a long way from finding out answers to such questions as how much sleep a person needs. While the physiological basis of sleep remains very much a matter for conjecture (догадка) we do nevertheless have considerable evidence (данные) on how much sleep people obtain. Despite this we need to know more about the kinds of effect that sleep deprivation (лишение) causes.
In spite of considerable effort devoted to investigations why we sleep, there is still disagreement in this area. The fact that sleep deprivation causes numerous harmful (вредный) effects suggests that the body requires sleep to restore itself. However, more research is needed to determine whether this is so or whether sleep is the result of adaptation to the environment. There is also the possibility that these two alternatives may not be incompatible (несовместимый).
2. Лексико-грамматический тест. Вариант №1
Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. I didn’t … he was at home.
A to think B thinks C think D thought
2. ... a hole in my sock.
A There’s B There C Its D Is
3. There … nobody in the dean.
A is B are C isn’t D am
4. They are young …
A to get married B to gets married C married D got married
5. Most …like traveling
A of people B of the people C people D peoples
6. Ann and Peter phone… every day
A them B themselves C themselves D each other
7. It’s … weather.
A terrible B a terrible C the terrible D more terrible
8. This is…winter for 20 years.
A the more bad B worse C the worse D the worst
9. She’s much taller…me.
A than B as C that D so as
10. He lives in the same street…me
A that B like C as D than
11. Her eyes… very blue.
A are B have C has D had
12.)…help me?
A can you to B do you can C can you D you can
13. You…worry about it.
A not must B don’t must C must not D do must
14.) It… again. It… all the time here in the winter.
A raining, rains B rains, raining C rain, raining D ‘s raining, rains
15. I…she…you
A think, likes B am thinking, is liking C think, is liking D am thinking, likes
16. Who…the window?
A open B opened C did open D has open
17. Why?
A those men are laughing
B are laughing those men
C are those men laughing
D has laughing
18. What…?
A does she want B does she wants C she wants D has want
19. She’s … university teacher
A a B an C the D one
20. I like… small animals.
A the B (=nothing) C every D all
21. Is this coat…?
A yours B your C the yours D you
22. Is Diana..?
A a friend of yours B a your friend C your friend D you friend
23. Who are…people over there?
A that B the C these D those
24. … is your phone number?
A Which B what C how D -
25. Did you … in the hostel?
A live B lived C is living D lives
26. I … to the doctor yesterday.
A went B go C gone D was going
It was two days before Christmas and I’d been given some news. I had to decide whether to tell people straightaway or to wait a few days. I was sitting with my fiancé Andy in his parents’ house when someone said:”Say cheese!”
Andy moved his hand on to my knee and I put my arm around his mum, Doreen. We all grinned as the flash went off. As that happy moment was immortalized in a photo, I made my decision. I decided to keep quiet. I wanted everyone to enjoy Christmas.
And an enjoyable time it was, with presents and a big lunch. But all too soon, Christmas and Boxing Day had passed and Andy and I returned home. The time had come for me to divulge my information.
I sat Andy down and said: “I need to tell you something”. “Oh?” he said.
“Before Christmas “, I continued, “I went to the doctor and she found a lump in my breast”.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he said. “I didn’t want to ruin Christmas,” I replied.
Andy shifted closer to me on the sofa and put his arm around my shoulder. “What happens now?” he asked. “I’ve got to have a biopsy”, I told him.
Days later it went ahead. Then Andy and I traveled to the hospital for the results. There, a surgeon broke the news to us. He said: “Kate, I’m afraid you have breast cancer. It’s aggressive and we need to operate”.
27. Определите тему текста и закончите предложение
The text describes how….
A) A family celebrated Christmas
B) Kate wanted to spend her holidays alone
C) Andy was surprised with the present
D) The girl went to the doctor and she found a lump in her breast
28. В тексте слово lump означает
A) tumor
B) heart attack
C) wedding
D) operation
29. Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста.
A) The surgeon broke the bad news to the young people.
B) She wanted to ruin Christmas.
C) After Christmas the young people didn’t return home.
D) The doctor didn’t want to operate the girl.
30. Выберите предложение не соответствующее, содержанию текста.
A) The family wanted to know about the girl’s problem.
B) She had been given some news two days before Christmas.
C) They had enjoyable time with presents and a big lunch.
D) They went to the hospital for the results.
31. Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос.
What did Andy find out after Christmas?
A) The photo was very nice.
B) He will go to the doctor.
C) His girlfriend has breast cancer.
D) His parents were lucky to meet Kate.
32. Закончите предложение словом, соответствующим содержанию текста.
The girl was…
A) seriously ill
B) nervous
C) talented
D) quick-witted
33. Закончите предложение словом, соответствующим содержанию текста.
The diagnose was….
A) cancer
B) heart disease
C) brain tumor
D) nothing serious
Лексико-грамматический тест. Вариант №2
Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. I arrived in Paris _________.
1) for 3 days ago
2) 3 days
3) 3 days ago
4) ago 3 days
2. Your room looks very different. Yes, I know it.
1) has been painted
2) is painted
3) is painting
4) is been painted
3. We _________use mobile phones at school.
1) aren’t allowed
2) don’t allowed
3) don’t allowed to
4) aren’t allowed to
4. Hamlet _________ William Shakespeare.
1) is written by
2) wrote by
3) was written by
4) has written by
5. _________ it rained we went for a walk.
1) if
2) but
3) although
4) otherwise
6. She … with psychologist yesterday.
1) talked
2) talks
3) talk
4) will talk
7. Do you draw or sing? _________.
1) I’m drawing and singing.
2) I do draw and singing.
3) I draw and sing.
4) I drawing and singing.
8. What ________ contemporary ethical standards for clinical psychology?
2) were
3) is
4) was
9. What _________on Saturday?
1) does John usually do
2) usually does John
3) John usually does
4) does John usually
10. He _________ a computer.
1) haven’t got
2) haven’t
3) not has
4) hasn’t got
11. The magazine is _________ the floor.
1) in
2) on
3) at
4) down
12. My friend _________ice cream.
1) like
2) he likes
3) do like
4) likes
13. When_________ go to school?
1) do you
2) are you
3) you
4) you going
14. What’s he doing now? _________ the TV.
1) He watch
2) He watching
3) He is watching
4) He is watch
15. Can she speak German? No, _________ .
1) she not
2) she can’t
3) cannot
4) she is not
16. _________ has he got?
1) How many pens
2) How much pens
3) How many pen
4) Many pens
17. I‘ve got a _________.
1) small, black car
2) small and black car
3) a small car black
4) a car small and black
18. He _________ read L.S. Vygotsky’ thesis.
1) want
2) want to
3) wants
4) wants to
19. Is that your book? No, it’s _________ .
1) him
2) he’s
3) his
4) he
20. Look at _________ beautiful girl.
1) those
2) that
3) these
4) they
21. John _________.
1) likes very much swimming
2) likes swimming very much
3) is liking very much swimming
4) likes to swimming very much
22. You _________ in the college.
1) must not smoke
2) must not to smoke
3) must not smoking
4) must smoke not
23. You want to improve your English, _________.
1) does you?
2) want you?
3) don’t you?
4) you do?
24. In the college we _________ lunch at one o’clock.
1) having
2) have
3) doing
4) has
25. The waiter looked at it and … of the room.
1) ran out
2) rans out
3) run out
4) has run
Text 5
A Frenchman was travelling in England. He couldn't speak English at all. He knew only a few English words and it was difficult for him to make himself understood. One day he came to a country inn. He felt hungry and decided to have lunch there. He wanted to order some mushrooms which he liked very much. So he called the waiter and spoke to him in French. The waiter could not understand a single word.
What was the Frenchman to do?
At last he had a good idea. "If I show him a picture of a mushroom, he will understand what I want," he said to himself.
So he took a piece of paper and a pencil and drew a picture of a mushroom. The waiter looked at it and ran out of the room. A few minutes later the waiter returned with an umbrella, for this was how he had understood the picture.
26. Определите тему текста и закончите предложение.
The text describes....
1) the difficulties of a Frenchman travelling in England
2) the difficulties of a traveller, who did not know French
3) the way the traveller discussed the problems with the waiter
4) the way of cooking mushrooms in a country inn
27. В тексте слово "waiter" означает
1) хозяин
2) хозяйка
3) слуга
4) официант
28. Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста.
1) The Frenchman wanted to draw a picture of an inn.
2) The Frenchman tried to make the waiter speak French.
3) The waiter understood what the Frenchman wanted.
4) The Frenchman wanted to have a lunch in an inn.
29. Закончите предложение в соответствии с содержанием текста:
А ... Frenchman decided to order some mushrooms.
1) tired
2) thirsty
3) hungry
4) cheerful
30. Закончите предложение в соответствии с содержанием текста
The Frenchman had difficulties with....
1) mushroom for lunch
2) an umbrella
3) a pen and paper
4) the English language
31. Выберите предложение не соответствующее содержанию текста.
1) The Frenchman was hungry and came to an inn.
2) He wanted to eat his favourite mushrooms.
3) The Frenchman showed a picture of a mushroom to the waiter.
4) The waiter ran to prepare lunch for the Frenchman.
32. Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос:
What did the waiter bring?
1) He brought apiece of paper and a pen.
2) He brought a picture of a mushroom.
3) He brought a plate of mushrooms.
4) He brought an umbrella.
33. Выберите наиболее удачный заголовок.
1) A Frenchman in English.
2) Misunderstanding.
3) A Lunch in an Inn.
4) A Talk in an Inn
6. Домашнее задание для уяснения темы занятия.
Подготовиться к собеседованию по пройденным темам в 1 семестре.
1. Medical university
2. The nervous system
3. Early years in psychology
4. Careers in Psychology
Рекомендации по выполнению НИРС, в том числе список тем, предлагаемых кафедрой.
Counseling psychologists
Perspectives and History
8. Рекомендуемая литература по теме занятия:
основная: тексты для письменного перевода, лексико-грамматический тест печатный и электронный вариант.
дополнительная: англо-русские словари.
электронные ресурсы: мультимедийная лаборатория программа по грамматике Internet English grammar Lessons.
1 курс 2 семестр
Занятие №1
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 340.