Make the sentences interrogative and negative.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. She looks much prettier with long hair than with short hair.

2. She had got an amusing face with a little tilted nose, a wide mouth and green eyes.

3. My friend is an elderly man, rather short and stout.


29. Add question-tags to the sentences:

1. Michael doesn’t care much what he looks like.

2. Ben was a small stocky man in his early thirties.

3. He took after his father’s side of the family.

Use the correct tense-form of the verbs in brackets.

1. When my father married my mother he (to be) forty.

2. My friend (to have) got lovely dark hair and (to look) like a teenager.

3. In ancient Egypt men (to use) make-up.

4. She (to go) always to the hairdresser’s and (to have) fantastic hairstyles!

5. If I (to decide) to change my nose, I (to go) to the plastic surgeon.

6. Nick (to have) short, dark, curly hair and a small beard.

7. When my grandfather was a young man he (to wear) a thin moustache.

8. My aunt (to be) a beautiful woman and she (not to look) her age.

9. My brother’s hair (to be) grey and thin.


31. Find information in the text that proves the statements:

1. To be a pretty woman sometimes is a problem.

2. Beauty is the eye of the beholder.

3. The idea of beauty changed with the times.

32. Answer the questions:

1. Are beautiful people always the happiest ones?

2. What problems may a pretty woman face?

3. What generalizations do people make about attractive people?

4. What was the ideal of beauty in ancient Greece?

5. What did people in ancient Egypt do to look attractive?

6. What was the Victorians’ idea of a beautiful face?

7. What makes us beautiful?

Topic 3. Character

Topical vocabulary

absent-minded – рассеянный affectionate – любящий, нежный ambitious – честолюбивый boastful – хвастливый boring – надоедливый brave – храбрый calm – спокойный careless – беспечный cheerful –веселый cowardly – трусливый cruel – жестокий cunning – хитрый curious – любопытный dangerous – опасный disciplined – дисциплинированный envious – завистливый even-tempered – уравновешенный fair – честный, справедливый fearless – бесстрашный generous – щедрый, благородный gifted – одаренный good-natured – добродушный good-tempered – уравновешенный greedy – жадный hard-working – трудолюбивый honest – честный hostile – враждебный ill-mannered – невоспитанный indecisive – нерешительный independent – независимый indifferent – равнодушный industrious – трудолюбивый inquisitive – пытливый, любознательный irresponsible – безответственный irritable – раздражительный jealous – ревнивый just – справедливый lazy – ленивый mean – хитрый, коварный, подлый modest – скромный obstinate – упрямый open-handed – щедрый particular – особенный patient – терпеливый polite – вежливый proud – гордый punctual – пунктуальный quick-tempered – вспыльчивый quiet – спокойный reliable – надежный reserved – скрытный, сдержанный rude – грубый selfish – эгоистичный self-confident – самоуверенный self-consciousness –самосознание self-discipline – самодисциплина selfless – бескорыстный self-possessed – хладнокровный sensible – разумный, благоразумный sensitive – чувствительный shy – застенчивый silly – глупый sincere – искренний sociable – общительный strong-willed – волевой stubborn – упорный sympathetic – сочувственный tense – напряженный thick-skinned – толстокожий tolerant – терпимый trustful – доверчивый two-faced – двуличный weak-willed – слабовольный well-bred – благовоспитанный wise – мудрый

Match the words to form compound adjectives.

1) kind a) faced
2) hard b) skinned
3) open c) possessed
4) good d) natured
5) thick e) tempered
6) well f) working
7) quick g) handed
8) two h) willed
9) strong i) hearted
10) self j) bred

2. Match the opposites :

A) optimistic, silly, kind, brave, selfish, calm, polite, friendly, mean, sympathetic, generous, hard-working, shy;

B) greedy, cruel, selfless, rude, hostile, lazy, cowardly, indifferent, fair, nervous, sociable, pessimistic, clever.

3. Match the synonyms :

A) active, stupid, polite, quiet, sadistic, intelligent, brave, just, shy, mean, generous, hard-working;

B) industrious, calm, fearless, fair, energetic, cruel, modest, well-bred, cunning, silly, open-handed, clever.

4. Match the words with their meanings.

1) tense a) telling the truth to others
2) sociable b) being able to stay calm and not get annoyed
3) reserved c) enjoying others’ company
4) patient d) taking pleasure in others’ pain
5) envious e) looking on the black side of things
6) sensitive f) allowing other people to say and do what they think is right even if one doesn’t agree with it
7) sadistic g) unhappy if others have what one does not have oneself
8) pessimistic h) feeling things very intensively
9) honest i) showing no feelings and emotions
10) tolerant j) not calm with regard to attitude to life

Group the words under the correct heading.

Absent-minded, polite, tolerant, irresponsible, patient, generous, sincere, even-tempered,

ambitious, boring, cunning, cheerful, indecisive, kind, independent, jealous, reliable, selfish,

wise, greedy, sociable, sensitive, indifferent, two-faced, thick-skinned.

bad characteristics good characteristics


Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 236.