Everyone wants to be good-looking, but beautiful people are not always the happiest people in the world. To be a really beautiful woman sometimes is a problem, because some men are more interested in looking at pretty girls rather than talking to them. They think of women as pictures and they don’t take into consideration their personalities.
There are also some people who think that women who are pretty and men who are handsome are stupid. Such people believe that only unattractive people can be intelligent. On the other hand, no one wants to be ugly or plain.
But what is beauty? The ancient Greeks thought that a beautiful face could be divided into three equal parts, hairline to eyebrows, eyebrows to mouth and mouth to chin.
In ancient Egypt men and women of the aristocracy shaved their hair off and wore wigs. Cleopatra was really bald! Historians say that Egyptians dyed their fingers, palms and feet with henna. They outlined their eyes and highlighted the veins on their temples. Men used as much make-up as women!
The Victorians believed that a beautiful face possessed the average features of all other faces. However, a recent research found that the most attractive faces have higher cheekbones, a thinner jaw and larger eyes relative to an average face.
The truth is that when it comes to choosing a mate, beauty is still very much in the eye of the beholder. Some of us make the oddest choices.
Nevertheless, we should remember that being attractive is like being rich: it can help a person to find happiness, but it doesn’t always make people happy. So, the best thing is try to be an interesting person, for interesting people have interesting faces and interesting faces are always attractive.
22. Find the opposites in the text:
old high thick beautiful sad stupid to forget to combine | lie clever small hairy poor female never modern |
Match the synonyms .
1) spouse | a) strange |
2) ordinary | b) intelligent |
3) problem | c) to colour |
4) different | d) beautiful |
5) odd | e) to split |
6) clever | f) difficulty |
7) attractive | g) plain |
8) to dye | h) mate |
9) to divide | i) various |
24. Find the English equivalents in the text:
§ принимать во внимание личностные характеристики
§ красивые женщины
§ красивые мужчины
§ брить волосы и носить парик
§ красить пальцы, ладони и ступни хной
§ подчеркивать вены на висках
§ обводить глаза
§ у каждого свое представление о красоте
§ красота, как и богатство, не всегда делает человека счастливым
§ у интересных людей всегда интересные лица
§ интересные лица всегда привлекательны
25. Agree or disagree. Use phrases:
Agreement | Disagreement |
Certainly I quite agree with you I think so too You are quite right there | I don’t agree with you there I disagree with you I am afraid I can’t agree with you I think you are mistaken |
1. Everyone wants to be attractive because attractive people are the happiest people in the world.
2. To be a really beautiful woman sometimes is a problem.
3. A man is more interested in the personality of a woman rather than her appearance.
4. As a rule people think that beatiful people are very intelligent.
5. No one wants to be ugly or have an easily forgotten face.
6. In ancient Egypt only men of the aristocracy shaved their hair off and wore wigs.
7. Cleopatra was really blond!
8. Historians say that Egyptians dyed their teeth, faces and hair with henna.
9. The Victorians believed that an ideal face possessed the average features of all other faces.
10. A recent research found that the most attractive faces have low cheekbones, a square chin, large eyes.
11. Being attractive can help a person to find happiness.
Fill in the prepositions.
1. Beautiful people are not the happiest people _ the world.
2. Some men are more interested _ looking _ pretty girls rather than talking _ them.
3. Men think _ women as pictures and they don’t take _ consideration their personalities.
4. _ the other hand, no one wants to be really ugly.
5. The ancient Greeks thought that a beautiful face was one that could be divided _ three equal parts.
6. _ ancient Egypt both men and women of the aristocracy shaved their hair _ and wore _ wigs.
7. Egyptians dyed their fingers, palms and feet _henna.
8. Egyptians highlighted the veins _their temples.
9. A recent research found that the most attractive faces have higher cheekbones, a thinner jaw and larger eyes relative _ the size of the face than an average one.
Use the articles.
1. Everyone wants to be _ good-looking.
2. Ann is _ good-looking person.
3. _ beautiful people are not always _ happiest people in _ world.
4. To be _ really beautiful woman sometimes is _ problem.
5. _ some men are more interested in looking at _ pretty girls rather than talking to them.
6. Such _ people believe that only unattractive women can be _ intelligent.
7. On _ other hand, no one wants to be ugly, and have _ face that _ nobody wishes to look at.
8. What exactly is _ beauty?
9. _ ancient Greeks thought that _ beautiful face could be divided into _ three equal parts.
10. _ Cleopatra was really bald!
11. _ most attractive faces have higher cheekbones, _ thinner jaw relative to _ size of _ face than _ average one.
12. _ truth is that when it comes to choosing _ mate, _ beauty is still very much in _ eye of _ beholder.
13. Some of us make _ oddest choices.
14. Appearance can help _ person to find _ happiness.
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 237.