Match the words to form compound adjectives.
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1) good 2) broad 3) narrow 4) long 5) strongly 6) well 7) blue 8) straight 9) thin 10) pale   a) skinned b) faced c) haired d) eyed e) developed f) built g) legged h) hipped i) shouldered j) looking


3. Match adjectives on the right with their descriptions:

1) a person with curly hair a) a right handed person
2) a girl with long legs b) dark-skinned
3) a child with rosy cheeks c) a slim-hipped model
4) a model with slim hips d) a blue-eyed boy
5) a cowboy with broad shoulders e) a round-faced woman
6) a boy with blue eyes f) a broad-shouldered cowboy
7) a woman with round face g) a rosy cheeked child
8) a man with thin lips h) a long-legged girl
9) somebody with dark skin 10) a person who writes with his right hand i) a curly haired person j) a thin lipped man

4. Match the opposites:

A) short, overweight, pale, fair, straight, broad, attractive, thin, strong, long;

B) weak, florid, curly, dark, narrow, short, fat, ugly, slim, tall.

5. Match the synonyms:

A) plain, average, fat, the colour of the skin, to be like, thin, handsome, very short;

B) slim, complexion, tiny, attractive, resemble, overweight, medium, ordinary.

6. Answer the remarks with the opposite description according to the example:

Example: A: I thought you said he was the short, plump one.

B: No, quite the opposite, he is tall and slim.

1. A: Was that his brother the dark-skinned, wavy- haired one?

B: No, quite the opposite, his brother is _.

2. A: She is always quite well-dressed, so I have heard.

B: What! Who told you that? Every time I see her she is _.

3. A: So, Kate is that rather plump fair-haired woman, isn’t she?

B: No, you are looking at the wrong one. Kate is _.

4. A: So, tell us about the new boss: good-looking?

B: No, I am afraid not; rather _.

5. A: I don’t know why, but I expected the tour guide to be middle-aged or elderly.

B: No, on the contrary, she is only _.


Match the words with their definitions.

1) nose a) either side of the face below the eye
2) moustache b) the organ of sight
3) beard c) a slight line in the skin
4) cheek d) the part of the face below the mouth
5) eye e) the part of the face, used in breathing and smelling
6) wrinkle f) the hair on a man’s upper lip
7) chin g)the hair on a man’s face below the mouth
8) forehead h) the physical structure of a person or animal
9) neck i) the part of the face above the eyes and below the hair
10) body j) the part of the body that connects the head and the shoulders
11) face k) the front of the head

8. Insert the words in the blanks:

1 nose, hair, teeth, large, cheeks, brown, age, mouth.

Kate is 12. She is tall for her _. Her _ is long and wavy. Her eyes are _ and _. Her _ are rosy. She has a small _ and pretty white _. But she has a turned-up _ and she isn’t fond of it.

2 complexion, eyebrows, slim, curly, height, a regular beauty, nose, fair.

My cousin is 16. She is neither tall nor short, she is of medium _. Her hair is _ and _. She has dark eyes and _. She resembles our grandmother with her straight _ and fair _ . My cousin is _ and stylish. She is a good-looking girl, though she is not _.

Mix and match.


1. She is not so slim as she used to be. a) She looks young her age.
2. His hair is not so thick as it was in his youth. b) She has many wrinkles, her hair is getting grey.
3. My mother doesn’t look her age. 4. She is not so beautiful as she was when a young girl. 5. There is little hair left on his head. 6. She looks the very picture of health. 7. I didn’t recognize Jane when I met her in the street. c) Her cheeks are rosy and fair in the colour. d) She is overweight now. e) She looked pale and thin. f) He is getting bald. g) His hair is thinning.


Give the English equivalents.

1. He was handsome with thin features and (черными вьющимися волосами).

2. She was a year younger than he, still (стройная и привлекательная).

3. Johnny was tall, (широкоплечий) with (светлыми волосами) and blue eyes.

4. I have never seen such a beautiful (цвет лица).

5. He was a man of (среднего роста) with big hands and feet.

6. Ann’s daughter is tall, (очень стройная) with blue eyes, (темными бровями и ресницами). She doesn’t use (косметику).

7. My neighbour was an (пожилой) man, rather short. His hair was grey, he had a (крупный нос и тонкие губы).

8. Last time I saw him he had (густые усы и бороду).


Fill in the blanks.

1. She has got blonde _.

2. He has got a very pale _.

3. They have both got curly_.

4. I would say he was medium _.

5. Her brother has got very broad _.

6. She doesn’t like men with hairy _.

7. Last time I saw him he had grown a _.

8. If I want to ask about somebody’s appearance, I ask “_?”

9. If I want to ask about somebody’s height, I ask “_?”

10. If you are like your mother, you may say “I _ my mother”.

12. Change the sentences according to the example:

Example: I am fond of music. – I am interested in music.

1. Roger is fond of fishing. 2. Are you fond of gardening? 3. Mike isn’t fond of chess. 4. Jack is fond of history. 5. Is your daughter fond of reading? 6. My father isn’t fond of travelling. 7. Are you fond of collecting coins?

13. Change the sentences according to the example:

Example: Ann has short curly hair. – Ann’s hair is short and curly.

1. She has ordinary appearance. 2. He has got a straight long nose. 3. Jill has got blue eyes. 4. Kate has got a square chin. 5. Nick has got a fair complexion. 6. Ann has rosy cheeks. 7. Donna has full lips. 8. He has got a good figure.

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 297.