polite – politeness weak – weakness quiet – quietness to connect –connection to recognize – recognition | humour – humorous danger – dangerous modest – modesty friend – friendship nation – nationality |
24. Find the synonyms to the words in the text:
to show method distinctive civilization to act to affect standardized image to link | to dress in trait free time to be keen on definite shy habitual pragmatic |
Match the opposites.
1) national | a) to whisper |
2) loud | b) safe |
3) reserved | c) foreign |
4) dangerous | d) agreement |
5) dispute | e) clean |
6) weakness | f) quiet |
7) sad | g) outgoing |
8) to shout | h) cruel |
9) kind | i) cheerful |
10) dirty | j) strength |
26. Find the English equivalents in the text:
· собственная система ценностей
· культурные различия тесно связаны с поведением людей
· влиять на формирование национального характера
· самодисциплина и вежливость
· проявлять свои эмоции в опасной ситуации
· увлекаться садоводством
· быть известным своим чувством юмора
· смеяться над собой, своими ошибками и своими слабостями
· быть типичным для американцев
27. Agree or disagree with the statements. Use phrases:
Agreement | Disagreement |
Certainly I agree with you I think so too You are quite right there Right you are | I don’t agree there I disagree with you I am afraid I can’t agree with you there I think you are mistaken Nothing of the kind |
1. Every culture shares its set of values with other nationalities.
2. Cultural differences are closely connected with the way people act in various situations.
3. Some scientists think that the weather conditions influence a lot the formation of a national character.
4. People are the same in different countries and all nations have a similar idea about each other.
5. Stereotypes are generalizations people make about different nationalities.
6. English people are hot-tempered, very noisy and loud people.
7. English people like to make jokes about their own weak points.
8. The English are a nation of going-out.
9. Americans are reserved and hostile people.
10. It is very typical of Americans to talk loudly, joke and smile.
11. The Belarusian are reliable, optimistic and industrious people.
Fill in the prepositions.
1. It was typical _ him to be so rude.
2. Some scientists connect people’s personalities _ their behaviour _ different situations.
3. What were the factors that influenced _ you to make such a judgement of his character?
4. The style and way of life differs _ country _ country.
5. France is famous _ its fine food and wine.
6. She laughs _ the idea of danger.
7. She has many faults, but we’re all very fond _ her.
8. She remains well-balanced and doesn’t lose her temper _ difficulties.
9. He is a very fashionable young man and never misses the opportunity to show _ .
Use the articles.
1. Cultural differences are closely connected with _ food people eat, _ clothing people wear and _ way people behave in _ different situations.
2. They don’t argue loudly and fight in _ streets.
3. _ English are very well-bred and quite reserved nation.
4. _ Gardening is _ typical hobby of every Englishman.
5. _Americans are _ open people.
6. _Americans talk loudly, joke and smile in _ public.
7. _ most distinctive feature of _ American character is individualism.
8. _ Belarusian are famous for their conservative and stable way of _ life.
Make the sentences interrogative and negative.
1. English people relax in many different ways.
2. The Scottish people are very clever and simple.
3. British vanity and arrogance grew as England became the world’s leading trading nation.
31. Add question-tags to the sentences:
1. Many people went to America in search of new opportunities.
2. English people don’t like noisy and loud foreigners.
3. The Italians aren’t even-tempered people.
Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of the Indefinite Tenses.
1. Last year he (to travel) a lot and (to meet) a lot of interesting people.
2. Next Christmas our family (to celebrate) in Scotland.
3. When Ann visited England she (to be) amazed by the British habit of queering.
4. As a rule every Welshman (to wear) his national dress on festive occasions.
5. Generally speaking, the Irish (to be) famous for their music, song and dance.
6. Americans (not, to like) lazy and unsociable people.
33. Find information in the text that proves the statements:
1. A lot influences the formation of a national character.
2. Every nation has its own set of values.
3. People make various generalizations of different nationalities.
34. Answer the questions:
1. What influences the formation of a national character?
2. What do cultural differences depend on?
3. What is a stereotype?
4. What are the English like?
5. What is the English humour like?
6. What stereotype do Americans have?
7. What is the most distinctive feature of an American character?
8. What are the Belarusian like?
Курс 2 семестр
Topic 4 Education
Topical vocabulary
academic year – учебный год to attend – посещать co-educational school (UK) – школа с совместным обучением composition – сочинение comprehensive school (UK) – единая средняя школа compulsory – обязательный correspondence course – заочная форма обучения course – курс dean – декан department – кафедра diploma thesis – дипломная работа entrance exam – вступительный экзамен essay – очерк, эссе establishment – учреждение freshman – первокурсник grade – оценка graduate – выпускник grammar school (UK)– классическая школа higher education – высшее образование ignorance – невежество junior – студент первокурсник kindergarten – детский сад knowledge – знания | mark – оценка to miss – пропускать monitor – староста nursery school – детский сад optional – факультативный to pass exams – сдавать экзамены primary school – начальная школа project – дипломная работа report – доклад research – научное исследование scholarship – стипендия secondary modern school (UK) – средняя современная школа (имеет практическую направленность) secondary school – средняя школа senior – студент старших курсов similar – подобный, похожий stipend – стипендия supervision – контроль, руководство to take notes – вести конспект teaching staff – преподавательский состав term – семестр test paper – контрольная работа thesis – диссертация training – обучение tutor – преподаватель университета или колледжа undergraduate – студент vacation – каникулы |
1. Distribute the words under the correct heading:
High school, outstanding, schoolmaster, examination paper, institute, take an exam, bad, kindergarten, homework, undergraduate, college, pass an exam, educator, write a degree paper, dull, senior high school, tutor, instructor, part-time, thesis, fail an exam, pupil, evening courses, strong, master, get a degree, report, post-graduate school, post-graduate, good, vocational school, notes, seminary, professor, full-time, junior high school, composition, freshman, lecturer, weak, poor, take a course, graduate from a university, university, excellent, monitor, academy, student, essay, schoolteacher, nursery school, test paper, sit an examination.
Place of learning | Teaching staff | Person who studies | Something produced by a student | Activities done by students | Students’ characteristics |
2. Group the words under the correct heading:
Pupil, lecturer, student, freshman, teacher, to finish, diploma, lesson, diary, dean, rector, headmaster, teacher’s office, department, session, stipend, undergraduate, bachelor’s degree, credit card, to graduate, seminar, school certificate.
University | School |
3. Match the opposites:
A) to enter, junior, to attend classes, compulsory, knowledge, state, to pass exams, to expel, final exams, private, illiterate, paid;
B) to admit, entrance exams, public, educated, without charge, ignorance, to fail exams, senior, private, optional, to miss classes, to graduate from.
4. Match the synonyms:
A) nursery school, stipend, primary, mark, to learn, project, to educate, vacation, freshman, diploma, student;
B) certificate, undergraduate, holidays, to train, grade, diploma thesis, first-year student, scholarship, kindergarten, to study, elementary.
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 228.