to rear – rearing to vary – various important – importance to differ – different to marry – marriage | responsible – responsibility child – childless relation – relationship high – highly |
21. Find the opposites in the text:
death end inside single low | bad weakness to hate to rest | similar danger adult to go out |
Match the synonyms.
1) to vary 2) to tolerate 3) to found 4) rearing 5) at present 6) to educate 7) purpose 8) support 9) grown-up | a) nowadays b) adult c) aim d) help e) to teach f) upbringing g) to establish h) to accept i) to differ |
Match the types of families with their definitions.
1) a nuclear family | a) a family with no children |
2) a stepparent family | b) a family that is headed by one person |
3) a single-parent family | c) a type of family that comprises a father, mother, and children |
4) a childless family | d) a family with a person who joins it by marrying a mother or a father |
24. Find the English equivalents in the text:
· семья как общественный институт
· структура семьи постоянно меняется
· разные типы семьи
· жить вместе с детьми
· присматривать за детьми
· изменить отношение людей к роли мужчины и женщины в обществе
· количество разводов
· большинство разведенных людей
· не желать брать ответственность за воспитание детей
· принимать различные типы семей
· любовь и хорошее взаимоотношение берут свое начало в семье
25. Agree or disagree. Use phrases:
Agreement | Disagreement |
I agree with you You are quite right there | I don’t agree with you I disagree with you |
1. Family as an institution was founded in 300 B. C., but its structure stays the same.
2. Types of families vary from country to country.
3. A traditional family is known as “a nuclear family”.
4. Today the most common type of a traditional family is one where the father goes out and works, while the mother stays at home and looks after their children.
5. The number of single-parent families is very low.
6. Society doesn’t accept unmarried couples and single parents.
7. Nowadays people have lost their interest in marriage.
8. The majority of divorced people do not want to marry again.
9. The only function of family is giving birth to a child.
Fill in the prepositions.
1. He belongs _ a famous Italian family.
2. The relationships between a man and a woman are changing _ the times.
3. People’s attitude to the family varies _ country _ country.
4. She stays _ home and looks _ her little children.
5. People changed their attitude _ a traditional family.
6. My family is headed _ my mother-in-law.
7. My friend divorced 2 years ago. Now he wants to take responsibility _ a second family.
Use articles.
1. There are _many different types of families.
2. _ traditional family is one in which both parents live together with their children.
3. In _ course of time we changed our attitude towards _ traditional family.
4. Today _ most common type of a traditional family is one in which both parents work outside the home.
5. There are families which are headed by _ woman.
6. _ majority of divorced people marry again.
7. People all over _ world respect each other’s choices.
8. Family gives us _ sense of tradition.
9. _ love, _ respect and _good relationships have _ their beginnings in the family.
28. Make the sentences interrogative and negative:
1. He has a family of his own.
2. Family as an institution was founded many years ago.
3. She worked hard to earn money to support her children.
Use the correct form of the verb in the Indefinite Tenses.
1. Every country (to pay) much attention to the family.
2. The family (to get) together in joys and sorrows.
3. Many years ago a man (to earn) money to support his family while a woman (to be) responsible for child rearing.
4. When their child (to be) born they (to name) him John.
5. As soon as Helen and Alex (to get married) they (to move) into a new flat.
6. The number of single-parent families (to be) rather high now.
7. The majority of divorced people (to marry) again.
8. When he (to be) a little boy his parents (to divorce).
30. Find information in the text that proves the statements:
1. There are many different types of families.
2. The structure of the nuclear family is always changing with the times.
3. Marriage and family are always popular.
4. There are reasons that some families have no children.
5. Family is very important as a social institution.
31. Answer the questions:
1. What types of families do you know? What type of family have you?
2. What is a nuclear family? Do people accept different types of families?
3. Does the structure of a traditional family vary with the times?
4. What is a single-parent family?
5. Why have some people no children?
6. What functions does a family serve?
7. Do you agree that love, communication, respect and good relationships have their beginnings in the family?
Topic 2 Appearance
Topical vocabulary
attractive – привлекательный average – средний, обычный bald – лысый beard – борода beauty is the eye of the beholder – у каждого свое представление о красоте body – тело build – телосложение charming – очаровательный cheek – щека cheekbone – скула chest – грудная клетка chin – подбородок complexion – цвет лица curly – кучерявый dark – темный distinguishing feature – отличительная черта to dye – красить expressive – выразительный eyelash – ресница fair- светлый fat – толстый finger – палец (руки) florid – цветущий forehead – лоб freсkle – веснушка good-looking – привлекательный grey – седой handsome – красивый (мужчина) height – рост to be like – быть похожим | lip – губа make-up – косметика mate – супруг, супруга mole – родинка moustache – усы mouth – рот neck – шея nose – нос overweight – полный pale – бледный plain- простой, обыкновенный plump – полный pretty – хорошенький to resemble – быть похожим round – круглый scar – шрам to shave – брить short – короткий shoulder – плечо skin – кожа slim – стройный square – квадратный straight – прямой tall – высокий tanned – загорелый tiny – крошечный thin – тонкий, редкий ugly – безобразный wavy- волнистый to wear – носить wrinkle – морщина |
1. Place the words under the correct heading:
Charming, tall, old, slim, blue, fair, thin, straight, overweight, dark, muscular, tiny, in his early forties, attractive, middle-aged, handsome, short, beautiful, grey, wavy, clean-shaven, curly, well-built, elderly, fat, of medium height, ugly, black, pale, over fifty, dyed, above medium height, broad-shouldered, pretty, square.
hair | eyes | build | height | age | general appearance | face |
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 240.