Say if the sentences are true or false.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой



Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения, специальность «Психология».

Цель пособия – научить студентов читать и понимать англоязычные тексты, привить им навыки устного общения на иностранном языке, помочь овладеть навыками перевода, письменной английской речи.

Структура пособия

Глава 1 Лексические темы

Глава 2 Контрольные работы

Глава 3 Грамматические упражнения


Глава 1 состоит из 6 разделов. Каждый раздел включает тематический словарь, комплекс коммуникативных упражнений, базовый текст, послетекстовые упражнения. Учебный материал следующий: «Семья», «Внешность», «Характер», «Образование», «Высшее учебное заведение», «Профессии».

Глава 2 включает контрольные работы, содержащие комплекс грамматических упражнений, текст и серию упражнений на понимание содержания прочитанного текста.

Глава 3 представляет собой комплекс упражнений по грамматическим темам 1 года обучения: артикль, имя существительное, местоимение, имя числительное, предлог, предложение и его структура, глагол.

К пособию прилагается список неправильных глаголов.



Лексические темы

Курс 1 семестр

Topic 1. The Family

Topical vocabulary

marriage – брак mother-in-law – теща, свекровь native – родной nephew – племянник nickname – кличка niece – племянница nuclear family – традиционная семья orphan – сирота second cousin – троюродный брат single-parent family – неполная семья single – холостой, незамужняя spinster – старая дева spouse – супруг stepfather – отчим stepmother – мачеха surname – фамилия twin – близнец uncle – дядя wife – жена widow – вдова widower – вдовец unmarried – незамужний, adult – взрослый aunt – тетя bachelor – холостяк bride – невеста close relative – близкий родственник couple – пара daughter-in-law – невестка distant relative – дальний родственник divorce – развод elderly – пожилой to be engaged – обручиться female – женщина fiancé – жених fiancee – невеста foreign – иностранный grandchildren – внуки groom – жених grown-up – взрослый husband – муж maiden name – девичья фамилия male – мужчина marital status – семейное положение

1.In each column find the word with the more general meaning.

1) mother parent daughter relative 4) sex man gentleman woman 2) first name full name surname name 5) old young age elderly 3) nuclear family family type single-parent family stepparent family 6) divorced married single marital status

2. Group the words into two categories:

Aunt, mother-in-law, son, brother, twins, parents, spouse, grandchildren, stepmother, father-in-law, husband, niece, cousin, daughter, wife, stepsister, sister-in-law, nephew, uncle, grandson, son-in-law, grandfather, daughter-in-law, grandmother, stepbrother, granddaughter, stepfather.


relations by birth relations by marriage


3. Complete the table with the missing words:

female male
- husband
niece -
fiancee -
- widower
cousin -
- bachelor
- uncle
bride -
lady -

4. Match the opposites:

A) adult, foreign, distant, to be single, male, to be born;

B) native, to be married, female, child, to be dead, close.

5. Match the synonyms:

A) first name, female, bride, single, grown up, family name, fiance, man, wife or husband;

B) adult, unmarried, spouse, male, surname, fiancee, groom, woman, name.

6. Match the words with their definitions:

1) your parents’ parents 2) your father’s brother 3) your aunt’s children 4) the mother of your spouse 5) the brother of your spouse 6) the man whose wife died 7) your mother’s second spouse 8) your brother’s son 9) your sister’s daughter 10) your sister’s husband 11) your son’s wife a) mother-in-law b) brother-in-law c) niece d) widower e) uncle f)stepfather g) grandparents h) daughter-in-law i) cousins j) brother-in-law k) nephew

Say if the sentences are true or false.

1. Mr. Smith is single, his wife’s name is Ann.

2. My nephew is a very nice girl.

3. Mike lives with his parents, he has no family of his own.

4. Kate has an elder sister, they are twins.

5. They got married. They are spouses.

6. Bob and Mary are a newly married couple, his parents are her grandparents now.

7. John’s sister has two children: a son and a daughter, they are John’s cousins.

8. Look at the family tree and complete the sentences below.

Albert & Mary Dodds

John = Susan Jill = Paul (died 1995) Barry = Sheila
Eve Ana Timothy Tom


1. John is Jill’s_. 2. Timothy is Jill’s_. 3. Eve and Ana are Timothy’s_. 4. Eve is Sheila’s_. 5. Albert Dodds is Tom’s_. 6. Barry is Eve’s_. 7. Susan is Timothy’s_. 8. As Paul died in 1995, Jill is a_. 9. Tom is Mary’s_. 10.The only two people who are not related are_ and_.

Mix and match.

1. Nick’s parents don’t live together. a. He is a bachelor and lives with his parents.
2. Ann has no parents. b. But after the marriage her surname became Dickson.
3. He is not married yet. c. They are pensioners already.
4. Her maiden name was Smith. d. She is an orphan.
5. My grandparents don’t work. e. So he is a widower.
6. My uncle’s wife died 2 months ago. f. They divorced two years ago.

Read the text.


Belonging to a family is the relationship everyone in the world shares. Family as an institution was founded many years ago but its structure is always changing with the times.

There are many different types of families, and they vary from country to country.

A traditional family is one in which both parents live together with their children. It is “the nuclear family”. The father goes out and works, while the mother stays at home and looks after their children. But in the course of time we changed our attitude towards a traditional family. Progress and various social movements changed people’s attitude towards different roles men and women have in society and in their relationships with each other. Today the most common type of a traditional family is one in which both parents work outside the home.

There are families which are headed by one parent, usually a woman. The number of these single-parent families is high because of the high rate of divorces. Society is now tolerant of unmarried people, unmarried couples and single parents.

Nevertheless, marriage and family are still popular. The majority of divorced people marry again. At present, these stepparent- families are quite common in many countries.

There are also families which have no children. Some childless couples don’t want to take the responsibility of child-rearing, others are not physically able to have children.

People all over the world accept these different types of families.

As a social institution family is very important. Family serves many functions. It gives a sense of tradition, strength and purpose. Family helps to educate its members, parents teach their children values, daily skills, common practices and customs. Family gives emotional support and security. Love, communication, respect and good relationships have their beginnings in the family.

Match the synonyms.

1) to vary 2) to tolerate 3) to found 4) rearing 5) at present 6) to educate 7) purpose 8) support 9) grown-up a) nowadays b) adult c) aim d) help e) to teach f) upbringing g) to establish h) to accept i) to differ


Fill in the prepositions.

1. He belongs _ a famous Italian family.

2. The relationships between a man and a woman are changing _ the times.

3. People’s attitude to the family varies _ country _ country.

4. She stays _ home and looks _ her little children.

5. People changed their attitude _ a traditional family.

6. My family is headed _ my mother-in-law.

7. My friend divorced 2 years ago. Now he wants to take responsibility _ a second family.

Use articles.

1. There are _many different types of families.

2. _ traditional family is one in which both parents live together with their children.

3. In _ course of time we changed our attitude towards _ traditional family.

4. Today _ most common type of a traditional family is one in which both parents work outside the home.

5. There are families which are headed by _ woman.

6. _ majority of divorced people marry again.

7. People all over _ world respect each other’s choices.

8. Family gives us _ sense of tradition.

9. _ love, _ respect and _good relationships have _ their beginnings in the family.

28. Make the sentences interrogative and negative:

1. He has a family of his own.

2. Family as an institution was founded many years ago.

3. She worked hard to earn money to support her children.


Topic 2 Appearance

Topical vocabulary


attractive – привлекательный average – средний, обычный bald – лысый beard – борода beauty is the eye of the beholder – у каждого свое представление о красоте body – тело build – телосложение charming – очаровательный cheek – щека cheekbone – скула chest – грудная клетка chin – подбородок complexion – цвет лица curly – кучерявый dark – темный distinguishing feature – отличительная черта to dye – красить expressive – выразительный eyelash – ресница fair- светлый fat – толстый finger – палец (руки) florid – цветущий forehead – лоб freсkle – веснушка good-looking – привлекательный grey – седой handsome – красивый (мужчина) height – рост to be like – быть похожим lip – губа make-up – косметика mate – супруг, супруга mole – родинка moustache – усы mouth – рот neck – шея nose – нос overweight – полный pale – бледный plain- простой, обыкновенный plump – полный pretty – хорошенький to resemble – быть похожим round – круглый scar – шрам to shave – брить short – короткий shoulder – плечо skin – кожа slim стройный square – квадратный straight – прямой tall – высокий tanned – загорелый tiny – крошечный thin – тонкий, редкий ugly – безобразный wavy- волнистый to wear – носить wrinkle – морщина  

1. Place the words under the correct heading:

Charming, tall, old, slim, blue, fair, thin, straight, overweight, dark, muscular, tiny, in his early forties, attractive, middle-aged, handsome, short, beautiful, grey, wavy, clean-shaven, curly, well-built, elderly, fat, of medium height, ugly, black, pale, over fifty, dyed, above medium height, broad-shouldered, pretty, square.


hair eyes build height age general appearance face


Mix and match.


1. She is not so slim as she used to be. a) She looks young her age.
2. His hair is not so thick as it was in his youth. b) She has many wrinkles, her hair is getting grey.
3. My mother doesn’t look her age. 4. She is not so beautiful as she was when a young girl. 5. There is little hair left on his head. 6. She looks the very picture of health. 7. I didn’t recognize Jane when I met her in the street. c) Her cheeks are rosy and fair in the colour. d) She is overweight now. e) She looked pale and thin. f) He is getting bald. g) His hair is thinning.


Fill in the blanks.

1. She has got blonde _.

2. He has got a very pale _.

3. They have both got curly_.

4. I would say he was medium _.

5. Her brother has got very broad _.

6. She doesn’t like men with hairy _.

7. Last time I saw him he had grown a _.

8. If I want to ask about somebody’s appearance, I ask “_?”

9. If I want to ask about somebody’s height, I ask “_?”

10. If you are like your mother, you may say “I _ my mother”.

12. Change the sentences according to the example:

Example: I am fond of music. – I am interested in music.

1. Roger is fond of fishing. 2. Are you fond of gardening? 3. Mike isn’t fond of chess. 4. Jack is fond of history. 5. Is your daughter fond of reading? 6. My father isn’t fond of travelling. 7. Are you fond of collecting coins?

13. Change the sentences according to the example:

Example: Ann has short curly hair. – Ann’s hair is short and curly.

1. She has ordinary appearance. 2. He has got a straight long nose. 3. Jill has got blue eyes. 4. Kate has got a square chin. 5. Nick has got a fair complexion. 6. Ann has rosy cheeks. 7. Donna has full lips. 8. He has got a good figure.

Read the text.

Match the synonyms .

1) spouse a) strange
2) ordinary b) intelligent
3) problem c) to colour
4) different d) beautiful
5) odd e) to split
6) clever f) difficulty
7) attractive g) plain
8) to dye h) mate
9) to divide i) various


24. Find the English equivalents in the text:

§ принимать во внимание личностные характеристики

§ красивые женщины

§ красивые мужчины

§ брить волосы и носить парик

§ красить пальцы, ладони и ступни хной

§ подчеркивать вены на висках

§ обводить глаза

§ у каждого свое представление о красоте

§ красота, как и богатство, не всегда делает человека счастливым

§ у интересных людей всегда интересные лица

§ интересные лица всегда привлекательны

25. Agree or disagree. Use phrases:

Agreement Disagreement
Certainly I quite agree with you I think so too You are quite right there I don’t agree with you there I disagree with you I am afraid I can’t agree with you I think you are mistaken

1. Everyone wants to be attractive because attractive people are the happiest people in the world.

2. To be a really beautiful woman sometimes is a problem.

3. A man is more interested in the personality of a woman rather than her appearance.

4. As a rule people think that beatiful people are very intelligent.

5. No one wants to be ugly or have an easily forgotten face.

6. In ancient Egypt only men of the aristocracy shaved their hair off and wore wigs.

7. Cleopatra was really blond!

8. Historians say that Egyptians dyed their teeth, faces and hair with henna.

9. The Victorians believed that an ideal face possessed the average features of all other faces.

10. A recent research found that the most attractive faces have low cheekbones, a square chin, large eyes.

11. Being attractive can help a person to find happiness.


Fill in the prepositions.

1. Beautiful people are not the happiest people _ the world.

2. Some men are more interested _ looking _ pretty girls rather than talking _ them.

3. Men think _ women as pictures and they don’t take _ consideration their personalities.

4. _ the other hand, no one wants to be really ugly.

5. The ancient Greeks thought that a beautiful face was one that could be divided _ three equal parts.

6. _ ancient Egypt both men and women of the aristocracy shaved their hair _ and wore _ wigs.

7. Egyptians dyed their fingers, palms and feet _henna.

8. Egyptians highlighted the veins _their temples.

9. A recent research found that the most attractive faces have higher cheekbones, a thinner jaw and larger eyes relative _ the size of the face than an average one.

Use the articles.

1. Everyone wants to be _ good-looking.

2. Ann is _ good-looking person.

3. _ beautiful people are not always _ happiest people in _ world.

4. To be _ really beautiful woman sometimes is _ problem.

5. _ some men are more interested in looking at _ pretty girls rather than talking to them.

6. Such _ people believe that only unattractive women can be _ intelligent.

7. On _ other hand, no one wants to be ugly, and have _ face that _ nobody wishes to look at.

8. What exactly is _ beauty?

9. _ ancient Greeks thought that _ beautiful face could be divided into _ three equal parts.

10. _ Cleopatra was really bald!

11. _ most attractive faces have higher cheekbones, _ thinner jaw relative to _ size of _ face than _ average one.

12. _ truth is that when it comes to choosing _ mate, _ beauty is still very much in _ eye of _ beholder.

13. Some of us make _ oddest choices.

14. Appearance can help _ person to find _ happiness.

Topic 3. Character

Topical vocabulary

absent-minded – рассеянный affectionate – любящий, нежный ambitious – честолюбивый boastful – хвастливый boring – надоедливый brave – храбрый calm – спокойный careless – беспечный cheerful –веселый cowardly – трусливый cruel – жестокий cunning – хитрый curious – любопытный dangerous – опасный disciplined – дисциплинированный envious – завистливый even-tempered – уравновешенный fair – честный, справедливый fearless – бесстрашный generous – щедрый, благородный gifted – одаренный good-natured – добродушный good-tempered – уравновешенный greedy – жадный hard-working – трудолюбивый honest – честный hostile – враждебный ill-mannered – невоспитанный indecisive – нерешительный independent – независимый indifferent – равнодушный industrious – трудолюбивый inquisitive – пытливый, любознательный irresponsible – безответственный irritable – раздражительный jealous – ревнивый just – справедливый lazy – ленивый mean – хитрый, коварный, подлый modest – скромный obstinate – упрямый open-handed – щедрый particular – особенный patient – терпеливый polite – вежливый proud – гордый punctual – пунктуальный quick-tempered – вспыльчивый quiet – спокойный reliable – надежный reserved – скрытный, сдержанный rude – грубый selfish – эгоистичный self-confident – самоуверенный self-consciousness –самосознание self-discipline – самодисциплина selfless – бескорыстный self-possessed – хладнокровный sensible – разумный, благоразумный sensitive – чувствительный shy – застенчивый silly – глупый sincere – искренний sociable – общительный strong-willed – волевой stubborn – упорный sympathetic – сочувственный tense – напряженный thick-skinned – толстокожий tolerant – терпимый trustful – доверчивый two-faced – двуличный weak-willed – слабовольный well-bred – благовоспитанный wise – мудрый

Mix and match.

1. I think I am the greatest and the best at everything. 2. She was unable to control her jealousy, 3. I always forget the names of the people I deal with. 4. I am late again, 5. You must be more patient   6. Pat is boring indeed,   7. I am shy with other people and indecisive a) I fall asleep when she talks   b) I can’t stand criticism of myself. c) My problem is lack of self-confidence.   d) I am absent-minded and forgetful. e) it is like me. I always keep people waiting. f) when you deal with stubborn or quick-tempered people. g) and her friends sometimes called her an Othelo in spite of her sex.


The National Character

Every culture has its own set of values. Cultural differences are closely connected with the food people eat, the clothing people wear, the way people behave in different situations and interconnect with each other. Some scientists believe that the natural and climatic conditions influence a lot the formation of a national character.

So, people differ from country to country and every nation has a fixed set of ideas about what a particular nationality is like. These generalizations are known as stereotypes.

For example, one of the most striking features of English character is the self-discipline and politeness to the people of all classes. They don’t shout loudly and push each other in the streets and don’t like noisy and loud disputing people as well.

The English are very well-bred and quite reserved nation. They never display their emotions even in dangerous and tragic situations and usually remain good-tempered and cheerful under difficulties.

English people are very modest and they don’t like any boasting or showing off manners, dress or speech.

The English are a nation of stay-at-home. An Englishman’s home is his castle. English people are very fond of gardening. It is a typical hobby of every Englishman.

The English are also famous for their humour which is kind and tolerant. They have a great ability to laugh at themselves, their own mistakes and weaknesses.

Speaking about Americans we can tell that they are an open and friendly people. They are not reserved, informal in their public and private lives. It is very typical of Americans to talk loudly, joke and smile in public. The most distinctive feature of an American character is individualism. Americans want to do things on their own and to be self-reliant. They are very pragmatic people and prefer to do only what is practical.

As for the Belarusian, they are trustful, optimistic and hard-working people. Belarusians are famous for their quietness, modesty and rather conservative and stable way of life.


Match the opposites.

1) national a) to whisper
2) loud b) safe
3) reserved c) foreign
4) dangerous d) agreement
5) dispute e) clean
6) weakness f) quiet
7) sad g) outgoing
8) to shout h) cruel
9) kind i) cheerful
10) dirty j) strength


26. Find the English equivalents in the text:

· собственная система ценностей

· культурные различия тесно связаны с поведением людей

· влиять на формирование национального характера

· самодисциплина и вежливость

· проявлять свои эмоции в опасной ситуации

· увлекаться садоводством

· быть известным своим чувством юмора

· смеяться над собой, своими ошибками и своими слабостями

· быть типичным для американцев


27. Agree or disagree with the statements. Use phrases:

Agreement Disagreement
Certainly I agree with you I think so too You are quite right there Right you are I don’t agree there I disagree with you I am afraid I can’t agree with you there I think you are mistaken Nothing of the kind


1. Every culture shares its set of values with other nationalities.

2. Cultural differences are closely connected with the way people act in various situations.

3. Some scientists think that the weather conditions influence a lot the formation of a national character.

4. People are the same in different countries and all nations have a similar idea about each other.

5. Stereotypes are generalizations people make about different nationalities.

6. English people are hot-tempered, very noisy and loud people.

7. English people like to make jokes about their own weak points.

8. The English are a nation of going-out.

9. Americans are reserved and hostile people.

10. It is very typical of Americans to talk loudly, joke and smile.

11. The Belarusian are reliable, optimistic and industrious people.

Fill in the prepositions.

1. It was typical _ him to be so rude.

2. Some scientists connect people’s personalities _ their behaviour _ different situations.

3. What were the factors that influenced _ you to make such a judgement of his character?

4. The style and way of life differs _ country _ country.

5. France is famous _ its fine food and wine.

6. She laughs _ the idea of danger.

7. She has many faults, but we’re all very fond _ her.

8. She remains well-balanced and doesn’t lose her temper _ difficulties.

9. He is a very fashionable young man and never misses the opportunity to show _ .


Use the articles.

1. Cultural differences are closely connected with _ food people eat, _ clothing people wear and _ way people behave in _ different situations.

2. They don’t argue loudly and fight in _ streets.

3. _ English are very well-bred and quite reserved nation.

4. _ Gardening is _ typical hobby of every Englishman.

5. _Americans are _ open people.

6. _Americans talk loudly, joke and smile in _ public.

7. _ most distinctive feature of _ American character is individualism.

8. _ Belarusian are famous for their conservative and stable way of _ life.


Курс 2 семестр

Topic 4 Education

Topical vocabulary


academic year – учебный год to attend – посещать co-educational school (UK) – школа с совместным обучением composition – сочинение comprehensive school (UK) – единая средняя школа compulsory – обязательный correspondence course – заочная форма обучения course – курс dean – декан department – кафедра diploma thesis – дипломная работа entrance exam – вступительный экзамен essay – очерк, эссе establishment – учреждение freshman – первокурсник grade – оценка graduate – выпускник grammar school (UK)– классическая школа higher education – высшее образование ignorance – невежество junior – студент первокурсник kindergarten – детский сад knowledge – знания   mark – оценка to miss – пропускать monitor – староста nursery school – детский сад optional – факультативный to pass exams – сдавать экзамены primary school – начальная школа project – дипломная работа report – доклад research – научное исследование scholarship – стипендия secondary modern school (UK) – средняя современная школа (имеет практическую направленность) secondary school – средняя школа senior – студент старших курсов similar – подобный, похожий stipend – стипендия supervision – контроль, руководство to take notes – вести конспект teaching staff – преподавательский состав term – семестр test paper – контрольная работа thesis – диссертация training – обучение tutor – преподаватель университета или колледжа undergraduate – студент vacation – каникулы


1. Distribute the words under the correct heading:

High school, outstanding, schoolmaster, examination paper, institute, take an exam, bad, kindergarten, homework, undergraduate, college, pass an exam, educator, write a degree paper, dull, senior high school, tutor, instructor, part-time, thesis, fail an exam, pupil, evening courses, strong, master, get a degree, report, post-graduate school, post-graduate, good, vocational school, notes, seminary, professor, full-time, junior high school, composition, freshman, lecturer, weak, poor, take a course, graduate from a university, university, excellent, monitor, academy, student, essay, schoolteacher, nursery school, test paper, sit an examination.

Place of learning Teaching staff Person who studies Something produced by a student Activities done by students Students’ characteristics

2. Group the words under the correct heading:

Pupil, lecturer, student, freshman, teacher, to finish, diploma, lesson, diary, dean, rector, headmaster, teacher’s office, department, session, stipend, undergraduate, bachelor’s degree, credit card, to graduate, seminar, school certificate.

University School

3. Match the opposites:

A) to enter, junior, to attend classes, compulsory, knowledge, state, to pass exams, to expel, final exams, private, illiterate, paid;

B) to admit, entrance exams, public, educated, without charge, ignorance, to fail exams, senior, private, optional, to miss classes, to graduate from.

4. Match the synonyms:

A) nursery school, stipend, primary, mark, to learn, project, to educate, vacation, freshman, diploma, student;

B) certificate, undergraduate, holidays, to train, grade, diploma thesis, first-year student, scholarship, kindergarten, to study, elementary.

Study the table.

Mix and match.

1. It is never too late to learn. a). Без муки нет науки.
2. No cross, no crown. b). Ум дороже богатства.
3. There is no royal road to learning. c). Много будешь знать–скоро состаришься.
4. Too much knowledge makes the head bald. d). Без труда нет плода.
5. Wit is better than wealth. e). Учиться никогда не поздно.


Read the text.

Match the synonyms.

1. supervision a) to show
2. equal b) control
3. to spend in vain c) personnel
4. to check d) the same
5. creative e) to receive
6. opportunity f) to demand
7. to demonstrate g) to waste
8. stipend h) to examine
9. to require i) scholarship
10. to get j) inventive
11. staff k) chance


19. Find the English equivalents in the text:

· национальная система высшего образования

· основное средство социального прогресса

· обучение высоко-квалифицированных специалистов

· решать сложные проблемы общества

· открывать огромные возможности

· иметь одинаковые права на образование

· быть принятым в университет

· сдавать вступительные экзамены

· государственные высшие учебные заведения

· бесплатное образование

· показать успех студентов в обучении

· преподавательский состав

· защищать дипломную работу


20. Agree or disagree with the statements. Use phrases:

Agreement Disagreement
I should say so Certainly I agree with you I think so too You are quite right there Exactly Quite so That’s just what I think   I don’t agree with you I disagree with you I am afraid I can’t agree I think you are mistaken there Not at all Nothing of the kind On the contrary Rubbish Nonsense That’s ridiculous

1. The Belarusian government considers education a main means of social progress.

2. Knowledge, science and culture are not necessary in future.

3. All people in our country have the same opportunities to get education.

4. To be admitted to a university students pass the final exams.

5. Young people have got an opportunity to continue their studies in non-state institutes of higher education.

6. Tuition in non-state institutes is free of charge.

7. Only very gifted and talented people get higher education in Belarus.

8. At the end of each term students have their holidays.

9. Upon the completion of higher educational establishment the fifth-year students defend their research work to get a diploma.


Fill in the prepositions.

1. Education plays an important role _ the development of our country.

2. People in our country have a great opportunity to get education _ all fields of science.

3. Students are admitted _ universities on the basis of examinations.

4. Belarus is a country _ well-developed system of education.

5. To be a student of non-state higher educational establishment is not free _ charge.

6. Education is available _ everyone according _ his abilities.

7. Money spend _ the brain is never spend _ vain.

8. The course of studies in higher school is divided _ two terms.

9. _ the end _ the academic year students have their summer holiday.


23. Make the sentences interrogative and negative:

1. The department of Education controls all higher educational establishments in Belarus.

2. Most students receive scholarship from the government.

3. Before the revolution the level of illiterate people was very high.


24. Add question-tags to the sentences:

1.Higher schools in Belarus admit foreign students.

2. Belarus is expanding its contacts with other countries at the moment.

3. The Communist party played a dominant role in setting educational institutions.


Topic 5 Institute Life

Topical vocabulary

to attend classes (lectures) – посещать занятия (лекции) to be good at – иметь способности к to be strong in a subject – быть сильным по предмету to be weak in a subject – быть слабым в чем-либо class in – урок по credit – зачет to enter an Institute – поступить в институт facilities – условия, удобства faculty – факультет to fail at an exam – провалиться на экзамене to fail in a subject – провалиться по предмету to fall behind the group – отстать от группы part-time student – студент заочного отделения to read up for an exam – готовиться к экзамену seminar on – семинар по to take an exam – сдавать экзамен to take notes at a lecture – делать записи, записывать лекцию to train – готовить, обучать to work by fits and starts – работать урывками to work regularly – работать регулярно to last – длиться lecture on – лекция по to pass an exam – сдать экзамен full-time student – студент очного отделения

1. Insert prepositions in the blanks:

A. in, to, up, for, past, of, after, on, at, into, during.

Sarah gets up _ 7 o’clock. She puts her dressing-gown and slippers and goes _ the bathroom. She cleans her teeth, has a shower and goes back _ her room. Then she wakes _ her room-mates and leaves _ the University. Her classes start _ 8. 30 but she usually leaves the hostel _ half _ 7 to drop _ the cafeteria _ breakfast. She usually has a cup _ coffee tea and some sandwiches. She is _ her first year and according _ her timetable she has 3 or 4 classes a day. She always works hard _ her classes and she is very tired _ them.

B. at, on, by, behind, in, up for, up with,of

1. The students _ our group are very good _ English. They work hard _ their pronunciation. 2. When Kate fell _ the group _ Polish everybody was ready to help her. It took her a week to catch _ the group. Now she is very strong _ Polish. 3. Peter makes many mistakes _ his speech. That’s because he works _ fits and starts. 4. Lectures _ Psychology are very popular _ our students. 5. Yesterday we had a lecture _ History, a seminar _ Philosophy and a class _ English. 6. _ the end _ the first term we’ll have three exams. 7. If I pass my exam _ English I’ll be very happy. 8. It’s high time to start reading _ your exams. 9. Don’t miss classes, otherwise you may fail _ English. 10. What subject are you weak _ ?

Mix and match.

1. Late at night Jack feels tired and sleepy. Nevertheless he always reads one of his favourite books in bed. a). It usually takes them 10 minutes to get there on foot.
2. Nick goes in for swimming, he has his trainings four days a week. b). You’ll often meet her in the language laboratory listening to different tapes or in the reading-hall working with foreign papers and magazines.
3. All she can do on Sundays is to sleep till 11 o’clock, watch TV, listen to music and read something in English. c). Before starting to do his homework for the next day he takes a cold shower.
4. Mary is especially interested in learning languages. d) It isn’t necessary for him to do his everyday morning exercises.
5. Max returns home very tired after his classes. e) Reading is his hobby.
6. The hostel isn’t far from their University. f) By the end of the week she gets very tired. Her only wish is to have a rest.

Translate into English.

1. В этом году я поступила в институт. Курс обучения длится 5 лет. 2. Кате хорошо даются иностранные языки. Она самая лучшая студентка в нашей группе. Она регулярно посещает занятия и очень много работает. 3. Какие новые предметы мы будем изучать на втором курсе? 4. Я не помню номера аудитории. Давай посмотрим расписание. 5. Зимой мы сдали четыре экзамена. 6. Он был болен и отстал от группы. 7. Завтра мы сдаем последний зачет. Я думаю, никто не провалится, хотя предмет очень трудный. 8. Мы постоянно конспектируем лекции по психологии. 9. Ты использовал Интернет при подготовке доклада?

Mix and match.

1. Live and learn. a). Знания на плечи не давят.
2. No man is born wise or learned. b). Повторение – мать учения.
3. To know everything is to know nothing. c). Мудрецом и ученым не рождаются.
4. Knowledge is no burden. d). Век живи, век учись.
5. Repetition is the mother of learning. e). Знать все – значит ничего не знать.

Read the text.

My Institute

I am a student of the Belarusian Institute of Law. It is one of the best higher educational institutions among the non-state ones. It was founded in 1991. The Institute trains lawyers, economists, psychologists, accountants, politologists within the national system of higher education. Thousands of students took the course of education and got the diplomas of state pattern. Many of the graduates from the Belarusian Institute of Law joined the state bodies of ministries and government departments, public prosecutors’ offices, law and order enforcement agencies. A wide range of specialities is available for everyone through the full-time and part-time courses. The institute trains specialists in such branches as law, international law, accounting and audit, psychology and politology.

The institute consists of five faculties, they are: the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of International Law, the External Law Faculty, the Faculty of Economics and Law, and the Polish Higher Humanitarian School.

The department of the Polish Higher Humanitarian School was opened in 2001 and operates successfully within the range of faculties and departments of the institute. It is situated in Partizanski Avenue. The dean of the Polish Higher Humanitarian School is Benkovski Ch. V. The Polish Higher Humanitarian School trains specialists in psychology and foreign languages.

I study at the department of the Polish Higher Humanitarian School. I am a first year part-time student and in future I am going to be a psychologist. The course of study at this department lasts five years. Our academic year begins in autumn. Our classes last from morning till evening. We attend lectures and seminars regularly. We study psychology, history, law, philosophy, English and some other subjects. We take notes at the lectures and prepare for our seminars at home. At our seminars we discuss different questions concerning psychology and law. Our institute is large and we have several buildings. There is a great variety of facilities in our institute. The students work much in the institute laboratories and libraries, computer classes, where they can use modern means of communication such as the Internet. As we want to become good specialists we must pay attention to modern psychological literature. We read many special works in psychology in the Russian and foreign languages. This helps us to gain more experience and to increase our knowledge in the field of psychology. It is not easy to be a part-time student, but we do our best. Twice a year we take our exams and pass credits in different aspects of psychology and other subjects. We should prepare for our exams carefully, as “A good beginning makes a good ending”.


Translate into English.

1. The Belarusian Institute of Law (был основан) in 1991.

2. Thousands of students (получили образование) and got the diplomas of state pattern.

3. A wide range of specialities is available for everyone through the (очное и заочное) courses.

4. The Institute (готовит специалистов) in such branches as law, psychology and politology.

5. The book (состоит из) five chapters.

6. (курс обучения) lasts five years.

7. Our classes last (с утра до вечера).

8. We (посещаем) lectures and seminars regularly.

9. We (конспектируем лекции) and prepare for our seminars at home.

Use the articles.

1. I am_student of_Belarusian Institute of_ Law.

2. _ Institute was founded by_ Stephen F. Sokol,_Professor and_ Doctor of_ Law.

3. _wide range of specialities is available for _everyone through _full-time and part-time courses.

4. _ Institute consists of_5 faculties.

5. _department of _Polish Higher Humanitarian School is situated in _Partizanski Avenue.

6. I am _first year part-time student and in _future I am going to be _psychologist.

7. We take _notes at _lectures and prepare for our seminars at _home.

8. “_good beginning makes _ good ending”.

Fill in the prepositions.

1. My Institute was founded _1991.

2. The department is headed _the dean.

3. Every year thousands of students graduate _ the Belarusian Institute of Law.

4. This project consists _ four parts.

5. The national library is situated _the centre _ the city.

6. I study _the department of the Polish Higher Humanitarian School.

7. We have our holidays _summer.

8. He is very busy. He works _morning _evening.

9. Most students prepare _ their seminars _home.

10. We must pay attention _modern psychological literature.

31. Answer the questions:

1. When was the Belarusian Institute of Law founded?

2. Who is the head of the institute?

3. How many faculties does the Belarusian Institute of Law consist of? What are they?

4. What faculty do you study at?

5. What foreign languages do you study?

6. What year student are you?

7. How many lectures do you have weekly?

8. Do you attend lectures regularly?

9. What is your favourite subject?

10. How many exams do you have in winter? In what subjects do you have your exams? How many credits do you usually pass during your session?

11. Who is the dean of your faculty?


Topical vocabulary

advertisement – реклама application – заявление artist – художник baker – пекарь barber – парикмахер (мужской) bricklayer – каменщик butcher – мясник carpenter – плотник chef – шеф-повар customer – покупатель, клиент to earn – зарабатывать editor – редактор employment – занятость experience – опыт hairdresser – парикмахер (женский) job – занятие, работа lifeguard – спасатель на водах make an appointment – назаначить встречу manual labour – физический труд nurse – медицинская сестра occupation – занятие part-time – неполный рабочий день plumber – водопроводчик postman – почтальон reference – рекомендация sailor – моряк salary – заработная плата scientist – ученый shop assistant – продавец skilled – квалифицированный trade – ремесло turner – токарь typist – машинистка wages –зарплата waiter – официант well –paid – хорошо оплачиваемый

1. Make up nouns which mean profession according to the model:

Model: She teaches English. – She is a teacher.

1. He drives buses. 2. She cleans rooms. 3. He bakes bread. 4. He dances on the stage. 5. She travels a lot. 6. We paint pictures. 7. He composes music.


2. Match the words with their definitions.

1. architect a. controls the financial situation of people and companies
2. lawyer b. helps people with health problems
3. accountant c. does the hair
4. university lecturer d. translates from one language into another
5. doctor e. writes essays, articles for a newspaper
6. hairdresser f. designs buildings
7. shop assistant g. paints pictures
8. interpreter h. delivers lectures at a university
9. journalist i. sells goods
10. artist j. helps people with legal problems

Mix and match.

1. Business before pleasure. a). Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда.
2. Business is the salt of life. b). Работать спустя рукава.
3. The best fish swim near the bottom. c). Делу время, потехе час.
4. Well begun is half done. d). Без дела жить – только небо коптить.
5. To work with the left hand. e). Хорошо начатое наполовину сделано.

Read the text.

My Future Profession

There are many interesting and useful professions and it is really not an easy task to choose the right one. While choosing a job many factors should be taken into consideration: wages, job satisfaction, variety of opportunities, social importance. For me the most important criterion is job satisfaction. I also think about the employment opportunities in my future occupation. I want to be a psychologist. It is still difficult to find a well-paid job in psychology. Most people still don’t realize the importance of psychology and hire psychologists just because it is a fashion. But I believe that a good specialist in psychology is in great demand.

I was brought up in the family of psychologists and this influenced a lot my way of thinking and my interests. I have always been interested in people, their characters and interactions in social groups. That is why I decided to get a basic education in the field of psychology. I understand that university education gives very good background knowledge of subject. But this knowledge is too general. Most graduates are only theoretically prepared for work. Experience comes with practice.

Psychology is a very specific and responsible occupation. I believe psychology to be a very valuable and challenging profession that requires dedication, lots of enthusiasm, love and deep knowledge of the subject. A good psychologist must love people and have a kind heart, he must give all his knowledge, all his abilities, all his talent, and all his time to people. Psychologists deal with many personal problems such as marriage, relationship, stress at work, difficult children, slimming problems, phobias, financial worries, alcohol and drug problems.

Future psychologists must remember that to help people is a great art but not an ordinary trade. It is one of the professions that require a real calling for it.

There is nothing better for me than hearing that I have helped someone to change his life for the better.

19. Read the words of the same root, state the part of speech and translate these words.

to use – useful to interest – interesting to employ – employment psychology – psychologist to think – thinking to response – responsible to value – valuable to challenge – challenging to slim – slimming

20. Form the nouns denoting people in occupation:

work – worker business – businessman economy – economist
drive - police - psychology -
paint - post - journal -
farm - sport - biology -
manage - sale - philology -


21. Find the opposites in the text:

easy past bad   shallow specific leisure   angry divorce to hate wrong

22. Find the synonyms in the text:

sphere fear slender possibility profession to realize gift usual infant to get ready

Fill in the prepositions.

1. My parents were satisfied _my decision to become a psychologist.

2. While choosing a career you should take _consideration a lot of factors.

3. I want to be a good specialist _psychology.

4. Experienced psychologists are _great demand.

5. I was brought _ in the family of doctors.

6. My sister graduated _the Belarusian Institute of Law.

7. I have always been interested _ sociology.

8. Psychology deals _behaviour and mind.

9. My parents influenced _my choice.

10. Who is responsible _collecting information?

24. Find the English equivalents in the text:

· опыт приходит с практикой

· повлияли на образ мышления

· многие факторы следует принять во внимание

· требует настоящего призвания

· трудно найти хорошо оплачиваемую работу

· получить образование в области психологии

· проблемы лишнего веса

· проблемы алкоголизма и наркомании

· обычное ремесло

· на хороших психологов всегда большой спрос


Translate into English.

1. There are many (полезных и интересных) professions nowadays.

2. It is still difficult to find a (хорошо оплачиваемую) job in psychology.

3. I was brought up in the family of psychologists and this (повлияло на) a lot my (образ мышления) and my interests.

4. I have always been interested in people, their characters and (взаимодействие) in social groups.

5. I understand that university gives very good background (знание предмета).

6. Psychologists deal with many personal problems such as (брак, отношения), stress at work, difficult children, (проблемы лишнего веса), phobias.

7. It is one of the professions which require a (настоящего призвания) for it.

8. There is nothing better for me than hearing that I have helped someone (изменить жизнь к лучшему).

27. Agree or disagree. Use phrases:

Agreement Disagreement
I should say so Certainly I quite agree with you I think so too You are (quite) right there Exactly Quite so That’s just what I think   <

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 294.