Wise, relaxed, sociable, rude, sensible, clever, gifted, sensitive, cruel, honest, tense, reliable, jealous, broad-minded, generous, optimistic, stupid, intelligent, inquisitive, greedy, silly.
Intellectual ability | Attitude towards life | Attitude towards other people |
7. Mix and match. Make up simple sentences like the one: “A fox is a cunning animal”
A | B |
fox lion owl snake wolf donkey dog hare elephant tiger reliable cunning stubborn | generous wise ambitious intelligent brave cruel cowardly boastful proud quiet kind industrious curious |
Match a personality type with its characteristic.
1) sanguine | a) irritable, quick-tempered, unstable |
2) phlegmatic | b) depressed, indifferent, unhappy |
3) choleric | c) optimistic, cheerful, energetic |
4) melancholic | d)calm and unemotional, philosophical |
9. Insert the words:
lazy, clever, stupid, greedy, polite, hard-working, selfish, happy, generous
1. He is always interested only in himself. He is _.
2. He dislikes spending money and never buys any ice-cream, sweets or juice. He is _.
3. She is fond of learning and always passes her exams well. She is _ and _.
4. He prefers to spend the whole day in bed watching TV. He is _.
5. Mary will never forget to say “Thank you” and “Please”. She is a very _ girl.
6. He doesn’t want to study, he can’t even write the word “newspaper” correctly. He is _.
7. She always helps people. She is _
10. What would you think of a person who says:
1. I can’t control myself when I should be calm.
2. I am not easily put off if I have made up my mind.
3. Whatever she may say I won’t lose my temper.
4. Darling! I never grudge you anything, be it clothes, money, a car.
5. I always feel sorry for people who are in trouble.
6. I have got used to ten hours’ work every day.
7. I prefer to be in the company of other people.
The words to help you: industrious, sympathetic, quick-tempered, obstinate, self-possessed, hard-working, generous, sociable, emotional, calm, stubborn, reserved, affectionate, open-handed.
11. Guess what people might say when complaining about the things other people do with the help of the words:
Reserved, emotional, unreserved, rude, quick-tempered, selfish, curious, impolite, ill-bred, irritable.
Example: Nick’s mother complains about Nick who cannot take himself in hand.
- Oh, Nick is so emotional and hot-tempered!
1. Ann complains about her husband who never shares his problems with her.
2. The teacher complains about Nick who lacks good-manners.
3. Jane complains about her friend who is quick to get angry.
4. Paul complains of his boss who often looses his temper and shouts.
5. Den complains of Mary who pokes her nose into his business.
6. Angela complains of her sister who thinks only of herself.
12. Define the trait of character of a described person:
1. He never bought me a drink all the time we were together.
2. I have to tell her what to do every minute of the working day. She wouldn’t even open a window without someone’s permission.
3. He often promises to do things but half the time he forgets.
4. She is always here on time.
5. He doesn’t like to do anything but rest.
6. She finds it difficult to meet people and talk to strangers.
7. One of the great things about her is that she is so aware of what other people think or feel.
Match the description of the person with the personality type.
(neurotic, psychotic, extravert, introvert)
1. These people are sociable, like parties, have many friends, but don’t like reading or studying alone. They need excitement, prefer to keep moving and remain active, tend to be aggressive and lose their temper quickly.
2. These people are quiet, reserved and serious, like a well-ordered approach to life, tend to plan
ahead and take precautions. They do not like excitement, seldom behave in an aggressive way,
and do not lose their temper. They keep their feelings under close control and place great value
on ethical standards.
3. These people tend to be anxious, emotionally unstable, easily upset. They are likely to complain of headaches, and experience sleeping and eating difficulties.
4. These people can be described as hysterical, depressed, with a great number of phobias. They suffer very often from schizophrenia.
14. Answer the remarks with the opposite description of the traits of character according to the example:
Example: A: I find Sam’s wife silly.
B: I think you are mistaken, she is intelligent and broad-minded .
1. A: Ann seems to be very sensitive.
B: No, quite the opposite, she is _.
2. A: They say your new boss is even-tempered, friendly and industrious.
B: What! Who told you that? He is _.
3. A: What do you think about Helen’s cousin? I find him honest, selfless and polite.
B: You don’t know him as well as I do. He is rather _.
4. A: So, tell us about his new girl-friend: sincere, sympathetic, kind-hearted?
B: No, I am afraid not; rather _.
5. A: I don’t know why, but I expected her husband to be open-handed.
B: No, on the contrary, he is _.
Mix and match.
1. I think I am the greatest and the best at everything. 2. She was unable to control her jealousy, 3. I always forget the names of the people I deal with. 4. I am late again, 5. You must be more patient 6. Pat is boring indeed, 7. I am shy with other people and indecisive | a) I fall asleep when she talks b) I can’t stand criticism of myself. c) My problem is lack of self-confidence. d) I am absent-minded and forgetful. e) it is like me. I always keep people waiting. f) when you deal with stubborn or quick-tempered people. g) and her friends sometimes called her an Othelo in spite of her sex. |
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 471.