Higher Education in the Republic of Belarus
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

The Belarusian government considers education a major means of social progress. A national higher school system plays an important role in the development of our country. Training of highly qualified specialists, capable to solve complicated problems of our society, is the prime concern of the universities, institutes and colleges in Belarus. Knowledge, science and culture open great opportunities into the future.

All citizens in our country have equal opportunities to get education.

There are many institutions of higher education in Belarus. They provide higher education in all fields of science. To be admitted to a university students pass the entrance exams. Once admitted, students are given stipends and are guaranteed jobs upon graduation.

At present Belarus is a country with a high educational level. There are 38 state higher educational institutions and the Academy of Sciences.

There is a wide range of non-state institutes of higher education in the Republic. Tuition in non-state institutes is not free of charge. But everybody knows that money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

Higher education is available for everyone according to his abilities. People can get their higher education through the full-time, evening and correspondence courses.

The academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each term students have their examination period. They pass a number of exams and credits in the subjects they studied during the terms. All examinations and tests demonstrate students’ progress in learning.

Sport plays an essential role in the students’ life and they are free to choose any sports they like.

The teaching staff of a university or institute is divided into departments. Each department is headed by a dean, or a chairman.

Upon the completion of higher educational establishment the fifth-year students work on the project under the supervision of a senior lecturer and defend their research to get a diploma.

The higher school today does not only check the students’ knowledge but develops their abilities to think creatively and to work efficiently.

Read the words, state the part of speech and the type of word-formation.

to graduate – graduation to admit – admission tutor – tuition to complete – completion to train – training to enter – entrance to correspond – correspondence establish – establishment


17. Find the opposites in the text:

different easy to fail to exclude final private to finish to unite national high

Match the synonyms.

1. supervision a) to show
2. equal b) control
3. to spend in vain c) personnel
4. to check d) the same
5. creative e) to receive
6. opportunity f) to demand
7. to demonstrate g) to waste
8. stipend h) to examine
9. to require i) scholarship
10. to get j) inventive
11. staff k) chance


19. Find the English equivalents in the text:

· национальная система высшего образования

· основное средство социального прогресса

· обучение высоко-квалифицированных специалистов

· решать сложные проблемы общества

· открывать огромные возможности

· иметь одинаковые права на образование

· быть принятым в университет

· сдавать вступительные экзамены

· государственные высшие учебные заведения

· бесплатное образование

· показать успех студентов в обучении

· преподавательский состав

· защищать дипломную работу


20. Agree or disagree with the statements. Use phrases:

Agreement Disagreement
I should say so Certainly I agree with you I think so too You are quite right there Exactly Quite so That’s just what I think   I don’t agree with you I disagree with you I am afraid I can’t agree I think you are mistaken there Not at all Nothing of the kind On the contrary Rubbish Nonsense That’s ridiculous

1. The Belarusian government considers education a main means of social progress.

2. Knowledge, science and culture are not necessary in future.

3. All people in our country have the same opportunities to get education.

4. To be admitted to a university students pass the final exams.

5. Young people have got an opportunity to continue their studies in non-state institutes of higher education.

6. Tuition in non-state institutes is free of charge.

7. Only very gifted and talented people get higher education in Belarus.

8. At the end of each term students have their holidays.

9. Upon the completion of higher educational establishment the fifth-year students defend their research work to get a diploma.


Match the words with their definitions.

1. university a. a society of scientists.
2. college b. information gained through experience or education
3. subject c. an educational establishment providing specialized secondary education
4. dean d. an educational institution where students study for a degree and where academic research is done.
5. tutor e. the head of a university department.
6. knowledge f. a branch of knowledge studied in a system of education.
7. Academy g. a university or college teacher.


Fill in the prepositions.

1. Education plays an important role _ the development of our country.

2. People in our country have a great opportunity to get education _ all fields of science.

3. Students are admitted _ universities on the basis of examinations.

4. Belarus is a country _ well-developed system of education.

5. To be a student of non-state higher educational establishment is not free _ charge.

6. Education is available _ everyone according _ his abilities.

7. Money spend _ the brain is never spend _ vain.

8. The course of studies in higher school is divided _ two terms.

9. _ the end _ the academic year students have their summer holiday.


23. Make the sentences interrogative and negative:

1. The department of Education controls all higher educational establishments in Belarus.

2. Most students receive scholarship from the government.

3. Before the revolution the level of illiterate people was very high.


24. Add question-tags to the sentences:

1.Higher schools in Belarus admit foreign students.

2. Belarus is expanding its contacts with other countries at the moment.

3. The Communist party played a dominant role in setting educational institutions.


Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 301.